Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 847: Lightning and thunder, eternal things

This side of the stagnant water has changed, and no one dares to be careless, especially in the current situation. If you set foot rashly, there must be only one dead end.

Everyone stood in the safest area, and their eyes stayed on the ancient battlefield. This place has undergone earth-shattering changes, and it must be opened.

"It seems that this side of the stagnant water is about to open. We must find a suitable opportunity to enter the stagnant water later. Otherwise, the situation will definitely become more and more critical."

"In this situation, you really can't be careless. If you are careless, you may lose your life here."

"I have already made inquiries. There are regulations in this stagnant stagnant, and only 100 people are allowed to enter. If they do not enter in advance, there may be no quota."

"There are only 100 places. Is this news reliable? If you talk nonsense, then your end may be miserable."

"Naturally, this is not nonsense. I am telling the truth. If you don't believe in this matter, you can ask Yaosheng."

"Ask Yaosheng, do you mean Yaosheng also appeared?"

"How could Yaosheng appear here? It is said that he has long since fallen. If Yaosheng is still alive, then why has there been no trace of me and him."

"Yaosheng, that's a big man who won the world and good fortune. How could he die if he said that he died, all of this is fake..."

The monks who were watching began to discuss this matter, and seemed to know some secrets.

Yaosheng is indeed an existence that has been created by heaven and earth. He has invincible means and can be called the unparalleled overlord in the world. He can destroy the world at the touch of a finger.

However, he had already disappeared.

If, this time, if Yaosheng is really born, then the world will definitely be in chaos. As for the final outcome, no one knows.

Yan Chengfeng was not very interested in Medicine Saint and his like. The most important thing right now is to deal with everything as soon as possible, and there must be no carelessness. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the problem may become more and more serious. more and more serious.

When such a thing happened, there was nothing he could do.

"Aren't you interested in that Medicine Saint?"

Lian Ruolan, who was next to her, asked, and she felt that this Yan Chengfeng should be interested in Medicine Saint and his like.

However, judging from Yan Chengfeng's performance, it seems that he really didn't take Medicine Saints to heart.

These ignorant ants are indeed quite a headache, but she is just curious and doesn't have too many opinions.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Why should I be interested in him, he is not a famous beauty in the world, even if I really want to be interested, it is also interested in a beautiful woman."

"For example, Sister Ruolan, you are quite good. But, I know you are definitely not my type."

"For someone like me, Big Sister Ruolan estimates that she can meet ten or eight a day!"

Lian Ruolan was speechless, this Yan Chengfeng was talking too much nonsense. However, she didn't bother to care, everything was just a small problem, and she didn't need to take it too seriously at all.

As for other situations, she didn't bother to think about it too much. Everything was just a mirror image. If you care too much, it will become a person's obsession.

"There is a secret hidden in Yaosheng's body. If he really appears, then try every means to suppress it and seize his good fortune."

Lian Ruolan reminded and said solemnly, "Anyway, things in this arena are all killing and killing, so you don't have to have any burdens in your heart."

She was also worried that Yan Chengfeng did not approve of such an approach, but there were many problems that could be explained in a few words.

So, in any case, you must be extra cautious.

Anyway, this is a world where the weak eat the strong, and the weak do not deserve everything.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I have never cared about killing people. Anyway, everyone will eventually die."

"I killed them, just to allow them to enter the reincarnation earlier, maybe, they can cast a good tire in the next life."

Yan Chengfeng had never cared about those things, anyway, those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.

For those ants who want to provoke him, he will never show mercy, everyone will die, and no one can be an exception.

"You just understand."

Lian Ruolan only mentioned it casually. Anyway, whether Yan Chengfeng is willing to do it or not, those are not important anymore. As for what will become in the end, there is no need to worry too much.

This ancient and modern Chinese and foreign affairs is just a flick of a finger.

"By the way, they are all talking, this stagnant water can only enter a hundred people, is this true, or is it just bragging?"

Yan Chengfeng asked, and he had already heard the questions that the monks were discussing just now.

Only 100 people are allowed to enter. Whether this is true or false, he is not very clear.

Lian Ruolan shrugged and said helplessly, "Just listen to what those people say, most of them are fake."

"You think they are really powerful! They know everything. These invincibles have never heard of things. How would they know about a group of fledgling ants."

Lian Ruolan never believed it, and didn't take those ignorant ants seriously.

The most important thing now is not to care about the backwater.

But how to handle all this well, no one knows what the situation is now.

So, this time, you must be extra cautious and careful.

Otherwise, if something really went wrong, that would be bad.


Yan Chengfeng nodded in response, the current situation is indeed quite complicated, but no matter what, since he has come this far, he must not make any mistakes.


With the voices of everyone talking, there was finally a passage in the stagnant water. The passage looked very strange and very strange.

There is a terrifying aura inside, which is constantly pouring out, and the coercion seems to be very terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

Everyone is staring at the dead water outlet. The passage that appears here is really weird. If something goes wrong, then they may miss the chance encounter.

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