Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 843: Goodbye Bixia, come forward to mediate

Chu Huang is such a person, even if she is not used to many things and many people, she will never say it, she will only keep it in her heart.

"Sister Chu, if you say that, you don't think of me as one of your own. Wait a minute, if there is really any good fortune unearthed here, feel free to speak, and I will help you get whatever you want."

Shen Bijun said with a smile: "You and I are closer than relatives, of course I will help my sister."

Hearing Shen Bijun's words, Chu Huang felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. This woman was really full of tea, which made her really unbearable.

However, she also looked at what to say, anyway, all this is no longer important.

She didn't say a word of nonsense, she just stood by silently.

At this time, Yan Chengfeng and Lian Ruolan also rushed over from a distance.

Even if Yan Chengfeng couldn't come to a place like Dead Shuikou, Lian Ruolan would still come.

There must be something she wants in this place, so she will come here no matter what. As for other issues, she never takes it to heart.

Everyone saw Yan Chengfeng's figure, and they were a little frightened. After all, Yan Chengfeng was very famous recently. He held the archery bow in his hand, and he also learned the thirteen arrows of Yuanfu.

In this way, he can already be invincible. If ordinary people provoke Yan Chengfeng, then there is only one way out.

Therefore, no one dared to offend Yan Chengfeng.

"Yan Chengfeng, long time no see!"

At this time, a voice sounded.

Hearing the other party's tone, he seemed quite excited.

Yan Chengfeng followed the prestige, and saw a woman walking in the air, wearing a long pink dress, and she was very beautiful.

She is Fairy Mochou, Duan Bixia.

Yan Chengfeng was also quite surprised to see Duan Bixia here. He thought that it would be difficult to see this Fairy Mochou.

I didn't expect that I would finally be able to meet here.

Seeing another beautiful woman greeting Yan Chengfeng, Lian Ruolan also frowned slightly, and said, "I really can't tell, you are very romantic, and people are looking for you everywhere."

No one knew what Lian Ruolan was thinking.

Yan Chengfeng smiled indifferently and said solemnly: "I can't talk about romance, it's just that I keep my promises and keep my promises, and I happen to have a little strength, so it's not too much to have three or two confidantes by my side!"

Hearing Yan Chengfeng's words, Lian Ruolan felt a little nauseous, this guy was obviously pretending.

"Fairy Mochou, it's been a long time."

Yan Chengfeng said hello and said, "Since the last time we encountered a dangerous separation in the strange sea, we seem to have never seen each other again."

"By the way, I don't know, what have you been doing recently?"

He was still quite curious about Fairy Mochou.

Fairy Mochou smiled indifferently and said, "I have nothing to do except eat, drink and lasa, I must miss you."

"However, if you talk about that strange sea area, then I have indeed detected something."

"The wormhole we encountered one day, and the behemoth, I have found their origin."

Hearing Fairy Mochou's words, Yan Chengfeng was also very curious. To be honest, he has been investigating this matter all the time, but he has never found any clues.

Now, with new clues, we must pay close attention, and we must not be sloppy.

"That black hole is the door of the alien space, which connects the two worlds. It is rumored that the creatures who come out of the door of the alien space have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, and can cover the sky with a flick of a finger."

Duan Bixia didn't hide anything, and told him: "As for that behemoth, it's not the demon of the undead guarding the gate of the illusory ancestor, and its origin is also related to the alien space."

"It is said that it is the Black Demon God that existed in ancient times, and the origin of all darkness. It has a lot to do with the existence that created darkness in that legend."

"That's all I know so far. By the way, have you found anything useful?"

The above is what Duan Bixia currently knows. She doesn't know too much about the alien space.

Yan Chengfeng shook his head and said helplessly: "I didn't find anything, those things are really too mysterious, I guess there are not many people who know the ins and outs!"

Few people really know about the things that happened so long ago.

For these issues, Yan Chengfeng didn't bother to think too much, what should come will come after all, there is absolutely no need to find out.

"An ant, you dare to show up."

At this time, Marquis Shen Yuan moved. He stood in the air, with dazzling radiance flowing all over his body. The fierceness surging out of his body was very terrifying, like a fierce beast, with a breath that penetrated the sky and the earth, and no one could compete against it. live.

The target he aimed at was naturally Duan Bixia.

Seeing that Heaven's Favorite was angry, Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly and asked in confusion, "How did you offend this person?"

Duan Bixia shrugged helplessly, and said solemnly: "This person is Shen Yuanhou of the Shen family in the Central Plains. When I was in the Central Plains, I first liked one thing, and finally the green tea beside him also liked."

"They just wanted to rob me, but I got caught, and then you'll understand."

"This self-righteous arrogant man feels that he is aloof and treats others like a mustard."

"The thing I dislike most is this kind of person. If you become like them in the future, I will be too lazy to pay attention to you."

Hearing Duan Bixia's words, Yan Chengfeng probably understood the cause and effect of the whole thing.

These ignorant ants are indeed a bit rampant.

"I understand the grievances between you."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Since it's a matter between women, why don't they let the women solve it themselves."

"Let her fight with your green tea. If she wins, the matter will be written off. If your green tea wins, then I will hand her over to you."

"Of course, you can also choose not to talk about martial arts and bully a female class, but I will never let you do it."

Yan Chengfeng knew very well that if Shen Bijun took the shot, he would definitely not take care of it.

But if this Marquis Shen Yuan wanted to embarrass Duan Bixia, then don't blame him for being cruel.

If you want to bully Duan Bixia, you have to see if he is willing.

This is a battle between women, so let the women solve it by themselves. She also believes that Duan Bixia will definitely be able to suppress that Shen Bijun.

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