Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 831: The situation is against the sky, and all sentient beings are worried

Such peerless ferocity is truly terrifying, and no one can stop it.

Yan Chengfeng and Long Yuefeng both became more and more brave the more they fought, and all sentient beings could hardly see clearly.

For such a situation, all living beings expressed great helplessness.

"This Long Yuefeng's method seems a little weird. I think if this continues, Yan Chengfeng will definitely lose."

"If you don't say it, I really haven't found out that this Long Yuefeng's method is indeed getting more and more weird."

"His movement speed is very strange. It doesn't seem to be like the movement of a human cultivator. It is somewhat similar to the practice movement of the ancient demon gods."

"This can't be said nonsense! You must know that Long Mo is the number one qi cultivator in the world. He has an irreversible fate with the creatures of the ancient demon gods."

"This Long Yuefeng, as the younger brother of Long Mo, should not do such a thing. If he really sold his soul to the devil, then his strength is not the only one."

"Yeah! If you sell your soul to the devil, you can be invincible in the world. However, the current Long Yuefeng is still a long way from being invincible in the world."

"He shouldn't go to hook up with the ancient demon gods. After all, Long Mo's strength is not simple. If he asks Long Mo for advice, he should be able to advance very quickly."

"Perhaps, this method was just created by Long Mo..."

There were many monks watching, and everyone was talking in a low voice. They were very curious about Long Yuefeng's strange movement and felt very strange.

However, after all, they are not very experienced cultivators, and there are many situations that they cannot understand.

Especially in the current situation, you must not be careless, you must be extra careful, otherwise, you will definitely die.

The fighting strength of Long Yuefeng and Yan Chengfeng is really terrifying. With a single gesture, they can destroy everything and shatter the heavens and stars.

"Mother Chu, this Long Yuefeng's method seems to be somewhat similar to the inner demon of the ancient demon god! He probably won't hook up with the ancient demon god!"

Chu Huang frowned slightly, and her heart was full of doubts. To be honest, she didn't quite believe that Long Yuefeng had colluded with the ancient demon god.

After all, Long Yuefeng was born in a famous family and has a background of terrifying and unparalleled. There is really no need for him to collude with those ancient demon gods.

However, in the situation in front of him, Chong color is also somewhat unclear, and it is really difficult to understand Long Yuefeng's movement.

Grandma Chu raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows lightly. Of course she knew the seriousness of this matter, but she didn't need to worry about it at all.

After all, Yan Chengfeng was from Lian Ruolan's side. If something really happened, then Lian Ruolan would definitely not let it go.

Now, she doesn't need to think too much.

As long as Yan Chengfeng is seriously injured, she can **** the archery bow. As for other things, it is not within her scope of consideration.

Anyway, she never cared about Yan Chengfeng's life or death.

It's a pity, her Yuan Fu thirteen arrows.

Not to mention, this Yan Chengfeng's talent is quite tyrannical, and he was able to copy her Yuan Fu Thirteen Arrows.

She has not met such a talented monk for many years.


The sound of beating drums in the sky resounded in bursts, and there was a terrifying aura that swept the mountains and rivers. The stars on this side were about to collapse, the heaven and the earth cracked, and the sun and the moon were forever silent.

The conquest of Yan Chengfeng and Long Yuefeng became more and more terrifying. The terrifying aftermath spread, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were about to be destroyed, and no one could stop them.

Even Long Yuefeng and Yan Chengfeng, who were in the center of the storm, were scarred, and both of them had been severely injured.

This attack is indeed quite terrifying.

There is absolutely no one who can stop it. Those monks who want to resist must have only one end, and that is death.


Both of them were spitting out blood, and their conquests had become very terrifying. Such killing methods were unparalleled in the world, and even a martial arts expert could not help but admire them.

Long Yuefeng manipulated the Chaos Bafang Ding. He stood in the air with his hair disheveled and looked a little embarrassed.

He stared at Yan Chengfeng indifferently, the anger in his heart had grown stronger and stronger, his mind had been devoured, and now he only had one thought, and that was to kill Yan Chengfeng completely.

In any case, he would not let Yan Chengfeng go, and he must make him pay a painful price.

He is nothing but an ignorant clown who dares to provoke him. He will never show mercy.


For a time, the screams of killing shook the heavens and the earth, and everyone was retreating. It was the call of the ancient demon gods, and it was the sound of blood washing the world, which could deceive people.

"Yan Xiaoer, you've already come this far, you should kneel down and be slaughtered by your neck!"

His eyes were clear, and now he just wanted to slaughter Yan Chengfeng thoroughly.

Long Yuefeng knew very well that if Yan Chengfeng could not be beheaded, then he would definitely die.

Those cultivators who are eyeing them will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Everyone is retreating quickly, and the fear in their hearts is difficult to add. This time, it must be a life-and-death conquest.

"This time, Long Yuefeng feels that he has lost his wife and lost his army! He really doesn't need to target Yan Chengfeng like this."

"Yeah! There are still so many monks. If he goes all out to target Yan Chengfeng, he will end up injuring a thousand enemies and eight hundred himself."

"The creatures who are eyeing here are not afraid of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land. Once Long Yuefeng is injured, they will definitely not show mercy."

"After all, this is the only chance to kill Long Yuefeng..."

All sentient beings are very helpless. This time, they feel that Yan Chengfeng and Long Yuefeng are bound to die.

Even if Long Yuefeng really has the means to penetrate the sky, it is still very difficult to survive in such a situation.

Yan Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless, he had already used the thirteen arrows of Yuan Fu during the expedition just now.

With his thirteen arrows of Yuan Fu, only the last arrow is left.

If, with the last arrow, there is no way to suppress Long Yuefeng, then he will definitely die, and there will never be a chance to survive.

The terrifying rhyme burst out in bursts, and the killings in this territory are still going on. There are dilapidated scenes everywhere. Such scenes are very against the sky, and no one dares to be careless.

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