Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 829: Is it a secret technique? It's really scary

Long Yuefeng swore in his heart that he would never let Yan Chengfeng go. This ignorant ant had a wishful thinking and wanted to take him as a slave, how could he let Yan Chengfeng go.

When everyone heard Long Yuefeng's words, they were a little frightened for a while, because they all knew that this time the expedition would definitely become more and more terrifying.

Long Yuefeng is not the kind of person who can talk nonsense. He dares to release such rhetoric, that is, he must still have a terrifying hole card, and he has not displayed it.

In such a situation, no one dared to be careless. Some monks with weak Taoism retreated to the distance as soon as possible at this time. They all knew that if they continued to stay in the center of the storm, they would be affected.

"Old man, stop talking nonsense, if you have any terrifying means, just use it, and I will follow."

Yan Chengfeng was very calm, he was never afraid at all, an ignorant dying person had nothing to worry about.

"This Yan Chengfeng is really arrogant! Just wait and see! This time, he will definitely die, and no one can save him."

"Do you really think that if you have the Sun-shooting bow, you can compete with Long Yuefeng? He is too naive."

"Yeah! Long Yuefeng still has invincible means that he hasn't used yet. He provokes Long Yuefeng so much, it will only make Long Yuefeng completely angry."

"It's not good for him to anger Long Yuefeng."

"He will surely die, no one can keep him..."

All the monks watching the battle saw Yan Chengfeng being so arrogant, and they all directly gave Yan Chengfeng a death verdict.

In this expedition, Yan Chengfeng will definitely die.

Annoying Long Yuefeng, who still has an invincible hole card, would not do any good for Yan Chengfeng.

All sentient beings also firmly believed that this time, Yan Chengfeng would definitely die, and no one could save him.

No one would be pitiful and sympathetic to Yan Chengfeng, because they felt that Yan Chengfeng brought it up on his own.

Long Yuefeng of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land is an invincible powerhouse with the cultivation of a ten-star Martial Saint.

This kind of cultivation realm is already considered very sky-defying. At least, in this half-level world where ten-star martial arts are everywhere, his overall combat power is still not weak.

Ordinary creatures who want to compete with such invincibles are simply seeking their own death, and no one can escape.

"Ignorance child, to be able to force this seat to such a level, I have to say that you are really powerful, and from now on, you will be enough to rest your eyes."

Long Yuefeng stood in the air, his expression was indifferent, the anger in his heart had already been ignited, and no one could resist him.

He will never give this group of people any chance to survive. If you want to compete with him, there is only one way to die.


Long Yuefeng was surrounded by flaming starlight, and the wisps of fierceness surged out, as if to tear apart the entire star battle.

He is very powerful, especially his domineering aura, which is simply not something that ordinary people can contend with.

Everyone could clearly see that Long Yuefeng's eyes turned red, and those eyes were like pools of blood, giving people a shuddering feeling that shocked everyone.

When faced with such a situation, all living beings are quite helpless.

In this territory, the rhythmic ferocity has become more and more terrifying, as if it can tear the entire galaxy apart. Such peerless ferocity can destroy everything in an instant.

For such a situation, no one dared to be careless.

The brilliance on Long Yuefeng's body also turned black.

He was very angry. This time, he was not ready to show mercy. He wanted to go all out to kill all these ignorant ants.

No one can stop him, and if you want to clamor with him, you are courting death.

"What's the situation? Why do I feel that although Long Yuefeng's cultivation realm has not improved in any way, his overall strength seems to have improved several levels."

"Yeah! Especially the fierceness surging in his body, it's really terrible. If it wasn't for his cultivation realm and he was still a ten-star Martial Saint, tell me, this is a Martial God, I believe it."

"This change is too exaggerated! Is his trump card some kind of secret technique? It doesn't look like it!"

"This is not very clear, but no matter what, since he has used such an invincible method, he will definitely not let Yan Chengfeng go."

"This time, Yan Chengfeng is really dead. It's not good for him to offend anyone, and he has to provoke the powerhouses of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land."

"The powerhouse of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. It's not even a cat or a dog that can offend. Yan Chengfeng's end today is all because of him..."

There were many monks watching, and everyone was very surprised at the changes in Long Yuefeng. They never thought that Long Yuefeng still had such a terrifying secret technique.

This time, they all thought that even if Yan Chengfeng had the means to penetrate the sky, it would be difficult to block Long Yuefeng.

After all, Long Yuefeng's combat power seemed to be terrifying.

Such an invincible person is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

"Is that really a secret technique?"

Chu Huang's pupils shrank slightly, and Liu Mei frowned slightly. She knew very well that the means used by Long Yuefeng should not be a secret technique.

But if it wasn't a secret technique, then what was it.

Such a question seemed so profound that she couldn't understand it.

She was very helpless in this situation.

The current battlefield situation seems to have long since deviated from what they have seen and heard. No one knows what kind of secrets are hidden in this Undead Mountain.

In the current situation, we can only wait and see how things change, and we must not be careless.

Otherwise, the whole thing could get worse.


The sound of drums in the sky is endless, there is a terrifying scene, and it is evolving frantically. Such a scene is really terrifying, as if it can destroy everything, and no one can stop it.

The crowd retreated in waves, not daring to stay in the center of the storm. Such a scene was really too dangerous, and it was not something they could contend against.

In such a situation, we can only retreat as soon as possible, otherwise, once it is affected, it is estimated that there is only a dead end.

They don't want to be affected by the fierceness here. In such a critical situation, they still have to be cautious.

This Long Yuefeng's method is really terrifying and terrifying.

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