Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 821: Break the seal, shoot the sun bow

Ghost Axe took the lead to destroy the seal of this place. In the eyes of everyone, this is already a lost opportunity. Next, if he wants to take away the inheritance and creation from this place, it is very difficult.

After all, there are many powerhouses here, and Ghost Axe has already lost the opportunity. It is obviously very difficult to **** the inheritance and creation of this place with other powerhouses, and it is not easy to do at all.

There are Long Yuefeng in the Holy Land of the Dragon Emperor, Granny Chu and Huang Chu of the Immortal Dao Lineage, and Lian Ruolan of the Corpse Refining Sect...

There are other loose cultivators, and they are not fuel-efficient lamps. Offending such an invincible person is not a wise thing at all.

When you encounter these supreme overlords, the only thing you can do is to be as careful as possible. Once you encounter trouble, there is only a dead end.

People are also very helpless about this, but they can't manage such a wide range of things.


The Ghost Axe's attack was very terrifying. He manipulated the cauldron of all things, and fiercely attacked the seal. Every attack fell, the entire boundless Star Dou was trembling, and this territory was about to collapse.

Ferocious cracks can be seen everywhere, and the cracks are very terrifying and ferocious, and there is a terrifying aura that presses out, the mountains and rivers are forever silent, the sun and the moon are dull.

The monks standing in the distance watching the battle can clearly feel that the tyrannical aftermath spreads, as if it can tear everything apart, and no one can stop it.

The strength of the ghost axe is indeed quite terrifying. If the average person wants to compete with the ghost axe, it is simply seeking death.


As the ghost axe's attacks fell one after another, the entire boundless Star Dou collapsed, and a vast galaxy fell down.

The terrifying seal was also shattered, and a hideous crack appeared in it. Through that crack, one could clearly see the scene inside.

It is chaotic and hazy inside. Even if you open your eyes as wide as possible, it is difficult to see clearly what kind of peerless creation is inside.

No matter what the current situation is, since they have come to this point, they are not in control at all.

In any case, we must find ways to **** the inheritance and creation here, and we must not let it fall into the hands of others.

At this moment, Yan Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless. He had a 12-point spirit. At this time, he must not be distracted. Otherwise, he would definitely miss the inheritance and creation.

While everyone was gearing up, the ghost axe continued to shoot. His attack method was very terrifying.

Every time an attack falls, the stars on this side will be shattered, and ferocious cracks can be seen everywhere. Such a scene is indeed quite scary.

With the attack of the ghost axe, the inheritance and creation in this side of the star bucket have already appeared some outlines, but it is still not too clear.

However, all sentient beings are very clear.

As each attack of the ghost axe falls, the inheritance and creation here will definitely be revealed.

No one dares to be careless, especially in the current situation.

They were all staring intently at the center of the storm, ready to strike at any moment.


The terrifying attack fell, and that scene finally became clear and clear, and sentient beings could see the situation inside through that scene.

In this seal, there is only one bow and arrow.

The bow and arrow are inserted into the stone, and the whole body is engraved with ancient lines. This is a crossbow.

Seeing the crossbow, everyone was stunned.

However, they then burst into laughter.

With an indelible smile on their faces, they obviously already knew the origin of this crossbow.

When everyone saw such a scene, they were all very frightened. They were all gearing up for it, and they must grab this crossbow into their hands.

"That is the legendary sun-shooting bow. It is said that this object was used by an ancient great god. I didn't expect that this legend turned out to be true. Such an artifact must not be missed."

"Yeah! That's the legendary sun-shooting bow. It was used by the ancient gods. Such a peerless bow and arrow must be taken as his own, and it must not fall into the hands of others."

"It is rumored that this divine bow of shooting the sun is a peerless artifact used by the great **** Hou Yi to prevent the world from destroying the world. It has once saved the common people, and it is already spiritual."

"Yeah! If you can get this Sun-shooting bow, it must be pretty good. No matter what, since you have already encountered it, you must go all out to **** it."

"I didn't expect it! It turned out to be the legendary sun-shooting bow. This time, our luck seems to be quite good..."

Everyone was very excited, and they were all talking about it. They didn't expect that the legendary sun-shooting bow was hidden here, and they saw such an artifact.

Their eyes are already straight, no matter what the price is, they must get this thing, and there must be no mistakes.

"Is that really the legendary sun-shooting bow?"

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank. If that crossbow is really the legendary sun-shooting bow, then this is definitely an artifact.

Even if you do your best, you have to find ways to grab it.

Lian Ruolan nodded and said solemnly, "That should be the legendary Sun-shooting bow. It can't be wrong. I heard that you learned Grandma Chu's Yuan Fu Thirteen Arrows."

"If you cooperate with the archery bow, you won't need to back down when you face Long Yuefeng in the future."

The archery bow is very terrifying, and Yan Chengfeng will also cast thirteen arrows of Yuanfu.

With the cooperation of the Sun Shooting God Bow, then Yan Chengfeng wanted to suppress Long Yuefeng, which was a very easy thing, and there was no need to worry too much.

Therefore, this time, no matter what, we must **** the Sun Archer Bow, and we must not let it fall into the hands of others.

Of course, Yan Chengfeng wasn't the only one who was moved when he saw such a supreme artifact as the Sun-shooting bow.

Chu Huang is also very moved. Although she already has a bow and arrow, it is still a little different from the archery bow.

Therefore, in any case, we must **** this Sun-shooting bow.

For this archery bow, she must go all out to take action, and she must not let the archery bow fall into the hands of others.

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