Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 817: Mutation escapes and promises to cooperate

In such a situation, if we act rashly, the ending will definitely be miserable.

Everyone doesn't want to run into trouble, and Yan Chengfeng is no exception.


At this time, the stone coffin began to vibrate, and the roaring sound rang out again and again, and there was a terrifying aura that was overwhelming, and the entire star was about to be destroyed.

It is constantly vibrating, causing this territory to collapse, there are hideous cracks everywhere, and no one dares to be careless.

Those monks have already left one after another, because they are very clear that staying here is not a wise decision at all.

The most important thing now is to get out of here as soon as possible.


Suddenly, the stone coffin moved directly towards the depths of the earth, leaving a huge pit in this vast territory.

That deep pit was so deep that no one knew what was going on inside.

However, it can be explained that the stone coffin escaped.

Seeing the stone coffin escaping, Yan Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless, he took Tang Haoyue and left the place immediately.

If you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave later.

After all, after that Long Yuefeng came back to his senses, there would definitely be trouble.

Such a situation is not what he wants to see, so at this moment, he should be cautious.

Long Yuefeng naturally found out about Yan Chengfeng and Tang Haoyue, but he had been entangled with the ghost axe just now, so he didn't have any extra time to deal with them.

Now, when he was free, when he went to search for Yan Chengfeng and Tang Haoyue, he couldn't find anything.

"These two ants are running really fast. However, I would like to know how long you can hide."

Long Yuefeng's heart was full of anger, no matter what Yan Chengfeng and Tang Haoyue talked about, he would find it out.

Yan Chengfeng and Tang Haoyue must be smashed into tens of thousands of pieces, and their bones will be thrown into ashes.

No one could escape his pursuit.


The terrifying fierceness has not yet dispersed, this place is still full of terrifying coercion, and ordinary people will not step into this place at all.

Because it's too dangerous here.

If you set foot indifferently, it is estimated that the death will be very miserable!

Everyone also left one after another, and few people cared about this little episode.

The mountains are majestic and the ancient trees are majestic.

In this endless mountain, there are strange voices coming from everywhere, the forest people don't know, the bright moon will come to take pictures.

Yan Chengfeng and Tang Haoyue had already left that territory and came to an unmanned area.

After arriving here, before taking a few steps, there was a problem.

Tang Haoyue fell to the ground without warning, which made Yan Chengfeng very puzzled. After all, he had seen a lot of big scenes.

Seeing Tang Haoyue suddenly fell to the ground, he didn't feel at all, and he didn't panic, so he calmly walked over to check.

Suddenly, he discovered that there were two very small teeth mark wounds on Tang Haoyue's neck.

Seeing these two tooth marks wounds, Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and his heart was full of doubts.

The reason why Tang Haoyue fell into a coma for no reason was definitely caused by these two tooth mark wounds.

"Yo, isn't this Yan Chengfeng?"

At this time, Lian Ruolan appeared without warning, and she smiled when she saw Yan Chengfeng.

When Yan Chengfeng saw Lian Ruolan, his eyes sank, and he said, "I was still wondering just now, just who is it, who could make Tang Haoyue hurt without knowing it, so it's you, a beautiful woman! "

When he saw Lian Ruolan appear, he had already figured out everything.

This method of refining Ruolan is indeed very terrifying.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was not malicious, it is estimated that he didn't even know how he died in the end!

Lian Ruolan smiled and said, "It seems that you are a smart person. You already know that this is my method. Yes, your guess is correct. This is indeed my handwriting."

"I don't have any malice towards you, but I just want to make a deal with you."

She felt that Yan Chengfeng was quite spiritual, and if she cooperated with Yan Chengfeng, there should be no accidents.

Moreover, Yan Chengfeng's strength is not too tyrannical and can be controlled.

"Want to make a deal with me."

Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly, and said doubtfully, "I don't quite understand, what is there for you to care about. Besides, I am weak in Taoism. If there is something you can't do, then there is nothing I can do."

"Since you don't have any malicious intent, then quickly remove the poison from Tang Haoyue's body!"

He also didn't want to be an enemy of Lian Ruolan. After all, Lian Ruolan's methods were terrifying, and it was definitely not something that ordinary people could compete with.

Offending Lian Ruolan was not a wise move.

"It's really interesting what you said."

Lian Ruolan looked calm and said calmly, "Some things really do need your help. As long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will definitely help Tang Haoyue."

"If you don't want to, then there's nothing I can do. Besides, I think so! You'd better choose to cooperate with me."

"Because, if you cooperate with me, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. You should be very clear that you have offended the people of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land now."

"As long as I tell Long Yuefeng your whereabouts, you will surely die. Now you can't stop the powerhouses of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land at all."

"If you cooperate with me, then you will no longer need to be afraid of the people from the Dragon Emperor Holy Land, because I will protect you."

"Think about it carefully, did you take all the cheapness?"

As for Yan Chengfeng, Lian Ruolan can be said to have done his best.

If Yan Chengfeng didn't agree, then she would never show mercy.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, according to what Lian Ruolan said, it is true that he has all the benefits.

However, he didn't believe it.

If Lian Ruolan chooses to cooperate with him, there will be no benefit at all.

There is no downvote at all.

However, those are no longer important.

Now one day I can hold my thighs, which is pretty good.

As for other issues, you don't need to worry too much at all.

Anyway, he was also a lonely man, and there was nothing that Lian Ruolan could covet.

"Since you talked about cooperation, then I promise you."

After thinking about it seriously, Yan Chengfeng finally decided to agree to Lian Ruolan. After all, judging from the current situation.

If Lian Ruolan did not agree, the situation would only become more and more complicated, and for him, it would not benefit him at all.

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