Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 801: Furious, unmatched

The monks in the Dragon Emperor Holy Land suffered heavy casualties, and Long Yuefeng was ready to take action. Letting an ignorant ant scream here, that was not what he wanted to see.

In any case, Tang Haoyue should be beheaded and then take away that thing.

"Yi, you have indeed angered this seat. Today, you will surely die miserably."

Long Yuefeng's face was gloomy, and the killing light in his eyes was fierce. He didn't want to wait any longer, and he must be killed as soon as possible.

No one should try to stop him. Those who are his enemies must die, and no one will be an exception.


Long Yuefeng manipulated the Chaos Bafang Cauldron. That big cauldron was very terrifying. The whole body had a bright rhythm of the galaxy, and there was a burst of chaotic energy. The entire heavens and stars seemed to be crushed.

That energy rhyme is very terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary creatures can contend with. Everyone is retreating, and the fear in their hearts is difficult to add.

The conquest of these creatures is too terrifying. If it is affected, it will fall in an instant. No one wants to be affected. They have not lived enough, and how can they like death.

Those terrifying conquests came out, and the entire boundless background was about to collapse. There were strange scenes happening everywhere.


One after another attack is rampant, this territory is about to collapse, no one dares to be careless, the supreme attack here is indeed quite terrifying, if it is affected, then their end will be very miserable.

"An ant, kill this seat!"

Long Yuefeng held the Chaos Bafang Cauldron, and when he raised his hands, he had a burst of combat power that penetrated the sky and the earth. Such an attack was really too fierce.

Endless attacks have fallen, and the endless territory of this side is collapsing, and the years are not traced.

Facing such a scene, all sentient beings are also frightened, and they are very surprised for a while, and they do not dare to approach this place at all.

In the face of such danger, all sentient beings can only retreat at the fastest speed. They dare not stay in the center of the storm. Once it is affected, there will be only a dead end.


Long Yuefeng's attack was invincible in the world. Those attacks were so terrifying that Tang Haoyue couldn't compete.

She was directly thrown out by Zhenfei, a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth, her face was as pale as paper, and her heart was full of fear. Facing such a situation, she knew very well that it was difficult to resist.

In any case, since this step has been reached, the only thing that can be done is to step back as soon as possible, and there must be no accidents.

Her eyes were sharp, and facing the powerhouses of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land, she would eventually hate the Northwest.

She was very unwilling, but the matter had come to this point, and she had no choice.

No matter what happens next, since we have come this far, we must go all out to make a move, and we must not make the slightest mistake.


Those terrifying conquests were rampant, and the entire heavens and stars were moving. No one dared to approach, for fear of being affected.

"I didn't expect that Long Yuefeng's methods were so terrifying. With the Chaos Bafang Cauldron, he is already invincible in the world."

"Yeah! His combat power is indeed very terrifying. If ordinary people want to clamor with him, they are simply digging their own graves."

"This time, Tang Haoyue is dead. She brought it on herself. She knows she can't do it, isn't it stupid..."

The cultivators who were watching were talking in a low voice. They strongly disapproved of Tang Haoyue's actions, and they would not take it to heart at all.

The death of an ignorant ant has nothing to do with them either.

"An ant, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, there is only one way to go."

Long Yuefeng was already angry, and now he has only one idea, and that is to kill Tang Haoyue completely. He will never show mercy to such an ignorant bug.

An ant who delusionally challenged the authority of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land, of course he wanted to kill it soon.

"Old man, your nonsense is too much. If you have any means, just use it!"

Tang Haoyue of course knew very well that there was no way to escape this conquest.

Especially in the current situation, she is probably doomed.

But in any case, since she has come this far, she will never take a half step back, even if she will die in the next second, she will die standing up.


"When death is imminent, you dare to speak madly."

Long Yuefeng's expression was indifferent, and the anger in his heart had been completely ignited. In any case, he had to get rid of this ignorant reptile.

Delusions to compete with him will pay a heavy price.


Long Yuefeng showed no mercy. This time, he had to kill Tang Haoyue.

Seeing this scene, everyone was quite helpless.

Long Yuefeng's methods are piercing through the sky, and he has the most powerful Chaos Bafang Cauldron in his hands. His overall combat power has soared in a straight line. Such an invincible existence is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

No matter what the final outcome is, since we have come this far, we can only do our best and obey the destiny.


Even after this step, Tang Haoyue still didn't give up, she would never be a piece of meat on the chopping block, to be slaughtered by others.

If anyone wants to be her enemy, she will never show mercy.


However, the reality is bleak.

She couldn't stop the fierceness of Chaos Bafang Ding at all. That fierceness was so terrifying that it was simply not something that ordinary people could contend with.

Such invincible combat power can be called unparalleled in the world. With such a sky-high combat power, how can she match it?

She was coughing up blood, her face was as pale as paper, and her heart was full of helplessness, but it was also helpless.

There are many problems that can't be explained clearly in a few words, but no matter what, since we've come this far, we can only accept our fate.

She knew very well that there was no way she could escape this catastrophe.

"I didn't expect it! Such a future genius will eventually fall."

"It's no wonder anyone, who made her so stubborn, and if she has to choose to compete with the powerhouses of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land, she is simply asking for her own death."

"It doesn't matter if she is dead, after all! I have already heard that there is a supreme inheritance of good fortune unearthed in the Undying Mountain."

"After she has fallen, we can explore the creation as soon as possible! It also saves wasting time here..."

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