Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 797: Half World, Pond and Bamboo Forest

Yan Chengfeng was calm and calm, and it was normal for Granny Chu to have doubts.

However, none of this matters anymore.

As long as Grandma Chu believed him, everything else was a small problem.

"I guarantee with my personality that I never lied. This tenth wordless monument is in the hands of my daughter-in-law. When I see her, I will ask her to give it to you."

This time, Yan Chengfeng really didn't lie.

Grandma Chu's pupils shrank and said indifferently: "This time, I will trust you for the time being, but before that, you must stay in the Immortal Dao Lineage."

"Every moment, you can't get out of my sight, understand?"

It doesn't matter to Yan Chengfeng, he doesn't want to leave for the time being anyway.

At present, it is best to stay in the Immortal Dao Lineage.

"Young Master, you stay here to understand the secrets on this wordless tablet, I'll go back to rest first."

After grandma Chu said a word, she left.

Yan Chengfeng naturally didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly followed up with Grandma Chu.

He can also see that the person who has the most right to speak in the entire immortal line of Taoism is Grandma Chu.

Chu Huang didn't say much, maybe it's okay to keep Yan Chengfeng.

The immortal Taoism is very large, and the place where Grandma Chu lives is also the most elegant. There are bamboo forests everywhere, and there is a small attic in the bamboo forest, and the scenery is unparalleled.

"You stay in the courtyard, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. If I come back and find that you are not here, then you should wait to be divided by five horses!"

Grandma Chu said a word and left the place immediately.

Yan Chengfeng didn't know what Granny Chu was doing when she left, and he didn't say much.

Being in the courtyard was a little boring, and he wanted to walk around.

The bamboo forest here is indeed very elegant, and in the depths of the bamboo forest, there is a green pond.

In the pond, there is an unparalleled woman who is swimming.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at it and knew it was bad.

He didn't dare to stay here, and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

After all, it was Grandma Chu who was bathing in the pond!

If found, it is really dead.

He hurriedly retreated to the other side, and after returning to the courtyard, he also had some lingering fears.

However, recalling the startling glance just now, he was also a little surprised.

"Who is this grandma Chu? I heard that she is the guardian of Chu Huang, but aren't these guardians all old women or old men?"

Yan Chengfeng's heart was full of doubts, and he said: "The woman's skin is like snow, which can be broken by blowing a bullet. She is not an elderly woman at all, she looks like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old chick."

"Forget it, what do I want to do, she must not find out, I peeked at her, otherwise, I will suffer."

He was still a little worried, after all, this mother-in-law Chu was not as easy to deal with as Chu Huang.

Yan Chengfeng was a little bored in the courtyard, so he entered the attic, maybe he was too tired! He fell asleep directly on the bed.

After Grandma Chu washed her clothes, she put on her clothes and came to the courtyard. When she entered the attic, she saw Yan Chengfeng sleeping on the bed.

She rubbed her eyebrows lightly with a headache, but in the end she didn't bother Yan Chengfeng, and walked to another attic on her own.

Time passed minute by minute.

Until the middle of the night, Yan Chengfeng slowly woke up.

He saw that the light in Granny Chu's room was still lit, and he was also a little curious. He opened the door and walked over.

Grandma Chu was reading at night with the lamp on. When she saw Yan Chengfeng coming out, she immediately put away the books. Yan Chengfeng didn't know what books she was reading.

"It's so late, what are you doing here if you don't sleep?"

Granny Chu stared at Yan Chengfeng with a straight face.

Yan Chengfeng didn't care either, came to sit down and said, "I've slept enough, by the way, what place are you here!"

"I think the cultivation base of many people seems to be quite powerful."

Yan Chengfeng is still very curious about this world.

Granny Chu looked calm and said calmly, "You and that Emperor Xun shouldn't be from this world!"

Yan Chengfeng nodded and said, "The girl is really a cynic, we are indeed not from this world."

"We came from the Great Thousand World. We took the boat of nothingness. When we sailed in the strange sea, we encountered the vision of wormholes and the demon of the undead guarding the gate of the illusory ancestors."

"Afterwards, he accidentally entered the realm of nothingness, was attacked by that tornado, and fell into the hands of the girl."

Hearing Yan Chengfeng's explanation, Granny Chu's eyes sank, and she said indifferently, "This place is higher than Daqian World, it is a half-level era, and there are countless sects and sects side by side."

"Although you have Martial Saint cultivation, but here, you are only a stronger monk, not a genius."

"As long as you are obedient, you are safe in this immortal line. However, when I get the tenth wordless tablet, you can leave."

Hearing this, Yan Chengfeng also suddenly realized.

"By the way, I often hear them talk about this list of gods. What exactly is this, is it very authoritative?"

Yan Chengfeng asked very curiously, and was very interested in these things.

Grandma Chu didn't hide it either, and told her: "This list of gods is indeed very authoritative. Those who can be famous on the list are all invincible characters with great potential."

"With your current strength, you are not qualified to be on the list. If you pass the list of gods, you will be on the list of gods."

"Above the list of the heavens, there is another list, but that list has not been born for many years, and there are very few people in this world who are qualified to be on the list."

Hearing these secrets, Yan Chengfeng's eyes narrowed, this is indeed the world of the Dao of cultivation, and the most authoritative world of heaven and earth.

"Today, you have been to the Bamboo Forest Pond."

Suddenly, Granny Chu spoke indifferently.

This made Yan Chengfeng a little worried, subconsciously swallowed saliva, and hurriedly said: "I don't have it, don't spit it out, I'm upright, how could I do something like peeking at her bathing."


Granny Chu snorted coldly and said, "This is the only time, if a similar situation occurs again, don't blame me for being cruel."

This guy doesn't make a fool of himself.

I have never been to the Bamboo Forest Reservoir, how do I know that she is taking a bath.

She discovered Yan Chengfeng at the time, but she didn't care too much.

Because that guy still had self-knowledge, he left in an instant.

If Yan Chengfeng kept hiding and peeking, she would never show mercy.

"Go back and rest! I'm tired too."

Grandma Chu waved her hand helplessly, she was really tired.

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