Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 794: Was caught, oil and salt do not enter

At this moment, he was in an unfamiliar environment and was being targeted inexplicably. Yan Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless. He couldn't expose his situation to the public eye.

He is extra cautious, and is moving forward cautiously, concentrating on exploring the secrets of this world.

He can already be sure that this ancient jungle should be a primitive jungle.

As for why they came here from that ancient sea, he didn't know.

This is a mystery, and it takes a lot of time to search for clues to finally solve it.

Yan Chengfeng is not anxious, because he has enough means to save his life and enough patience to search for clues about all this.

He is very curious about those supreme secrets. Facing the exploration of unknown creatures and unknown worlds, he feels very excited and exciting.


The stars are like the sea.

In this ancient jungle, a dull and thunderous sound resounded, and the thunderous sound, which was suddenly near and far, seemed to be venting boundless anger.

It seems to be fear, fear, and rage. In this endless jungle, countless birds and beasts are rushing to flee, they seem to be very afraid and afraid.

Yan Chengfeng also stopped, he could clearly feel that the world was trembling, the mountains were trembling, the ancient trees were trembling, and everything was trembling.

The spiritual energy between this world is also constantly surging, the endless star battles, the sea area will burst open, and there are strange scenes appearing everywhere.

Yan Chengfeng looked up, and he saw a huge tornado on the horizon, madly sweeping towards this territory.

That tornado was very terrifying, mixed with destruction and endless noise. If ordinary people were touched by it, they would turn into powder in an instant.

That is not something that ordinary people can contend against. Even Yan Chengfeng, whose cultivation base is so terrifying, is a little frightened at this moment.

That is natural coercion, a natural and man-made disaster, and it is not something that ordinary people can speculate about.

Such a sight is really terrifying.

If there are sentient beings here at this moment, it is estimated that they will be scared to death!

This is one of the natural disasters in the realm of nothingness. Seeing such a natural disaster, even if Daluo Jinxian descends to the world, he has to shy away from it. If he approaches rashly, there is only one dead end.

Everyone dare not be careless. After all, the evolution of the scene here is really crazy and weird.


Yan Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless, especially in the current situation, if he didn't leave as soon as possible, he would probably be destroyed by that tornado.

Di Xun is running away.

Yan Chengfeng was also fleeing.

Even though they all have the means to penetrate the sky, but before the natural disaster, they can only retreat and avoid its edge.

If you fight against it rashly, the ending will definitely be miserable, and it is not something that just one person can handle.

At this point, the only thing that can be done is to retreat.

Yan Chengfeng fled in a hurry, but the tornado seemed to be getting faster and faster, and he was struggling.

After all, at this moment, he was rejected by this ancient world, and he was not very clear about the reason.

However, in any case, you can't be careless, you must be extra cautious.


That tornado was raging, and it soon shrouded this territory, carrying the ferocity of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and the endless mountains and rivers were collapsing.

Yan Chengfeng did not escape in the end, he was caught in the tornado, and of course, Di Xun was also the same.

Are the two of them sympathetic?

Being caught in the tornado, they stumbled, and both of them fainted under that violent ferocity.

Time passed minute by minute.

After an unknown amount of time, Yan Chengfeng finally opened his eyes leisurely.

The dazzling sun made him frown and stretch out his hand, trying to block the dazzling sunlight.

However, his hand did not lift up, as if it was bound by something.



The creaking noises rang out, wobbly.

At this time, Yan Chengfeng also regained some consciousness. He was locked in a cage with chains on his hands and feet.

Also accompanied by Di Xun.

The two are also sympathetic to each other.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, he didn't understand what happened during the period of coma.

These people who **** him don't seem to be too powerful.

He didn't even know where these little characters came from.

After all, he was still in that ancient jungle a second ago. Who would have imagined that in the blink of an eye, he had already reached this point.

It is really a tiger falling in Pingyang!

He wanted to break free of the iron chain, but he also found out that the iron chain did not know what kind of material it was made of. It was very scary.

At this time, Di Xun also woke up.

"Who are you, you dare to arrest this seat, and if you release this seat now, you may still have a chance to survive."

Di Xun's face was gloomy, a group of small characters, even dared to shout at him, he would never show mercy to these ignorant ants.

No matter who they are, as long as they offend him, there is only one end, death.

"You ants, haven't you heard what this seat said? This seat is a peerless arrogance of the imperial dynasty, and the background is so big that you can't imagine it."

"If you admit it now, I can think about it and give you a treat. If you are stubborn, don't blame me for being cruel..."

Di Xun was still yelling, but these little characters obviously didn't take Di Xun seriously, and they didn't even bother to say a word.

Yan Chengfeng also had some headaches. The current situation is still very strange. After all, he has no clue where he is now.

If you don't figure out everything as soon as possible, then the solution may be a little uneasy.

He also had some headaches for the current situation. The iron chain in his hand did not seem to be an ordinary thing. If he wanted to break free, he had to outsmart it.

"I want to defecate, people are in three urgency, and some of you will not speak."

Yan Chengfeng spoke at this time, but also no one answered his question.

No one will say more than half a word, but those people have shown it with actions.

No matter what Yan Chengfeng does, it has nothing to do with them.

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