Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 698: In the Emperor Mountain, let nature take its course

After solving the Peacock King in Daming Mountain, Yan Chengfeng did not delay here. He took the Yinyue Empress and quickly left here.

In this ancient territory, there are still many good fortunes waiting for him to explore.

He must not be delayed. There are many problems, and they must be handled with caution, otherwise, one mistake will be an eternal hatred.

By then, it will be too late.

All sentient beings have also left one after another, and they are also going to explore the invincible creation.

Efforts to improve one's own cultivation base, in order to gain a foothold in this world.

The Peacock King of Daming Mountain has fallen. After the news spread, it caused great fluctuations. It was a peerless arrogance from the ancient world and possessed the bloodline inheritance of ancient gods.

Such an invincible person has fallen like this, and all beings are very surprised.

Especially on the Daming Mountain side, many peerless overlords have been completely angry, and the ants from the outside world dare to slaughter the life of Daming Mountain.

This is provoking their majesty. They can't swallow this breath. In any case, let these outsiders know how miserable their end will be if they offend the peerless overlord of Daming Mountain.

It's just a group of ignorant ants, and they want to shout in front of them. Isn't that funny?

For a time, the creatures of Daming Mountain walked out of Daming Mountain one after another. This time, they must let the ignorant ants in the outside world know and offend the fate of Daming Mountain.

They will never show mercy, no matter who the opponent is, they will definitely make them pay a painful price, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.


The high-altitude drums were reverberating incessantly, bursts of violent lightning flashed across the sky, and the black clouds were surging, giving people a very strong sense of oppression.

Those monks with weak Taoism dare not set foot here. The crisis hidden in this territory is too terrifying.

Especially in the current situation, one should not be careless, otherwise, the final outcome will definitely be miserable.

They are all very clear that danger is coming, especially in the recent situation. If you are not careful, you may fall into a situation of doom.

Such a situation is definitely not what they want to see.

Now, sentient beings are helpless, no matter what kind of changes will eventually occur, since they have already reached this stage, there is nothing to say.

You just need to rise to the challenge, no matter what happens in the end, it doesn't matter anymore.


The sound of drums was resonant, and the terrifying aura swept the mountains and rivers. Under this boundless sky, the entire vast universe was about to collapse.

Human Emperor Mountain.

There are all kinds of bizarre and world-shattering scenes evolving here. The waves of violent ferocity rushed out, and the boundless world was about to collapse, and strange scenes could be seen everywhere.

This kind of scene is really scary. There are unparalleled existences standing everywhere. Those invincible creatures stand in the air and stick to the vicinity of Renhuang Mountain.

No one knows whether there is really a supreme creation in this Emperor Mountain.

However, so many peerless beings are waiting here, and no one wants to leave. They all want to get some infinite good fortune from this place.

Nowadays, in the world of Pangu, the peerless creations that appear are very difficult. After all, those supreme creations are all favored by peerless overlords who have the means to reach the sky.

It is not an easy task for these monks who are weak in Taoism to obtain the supreme good fortune.

Especially in the current situation, one can't be careless, and one mistake will become an eternal hatred.

There are many things, and that's no joke.

Especially in the current situation, no matter what happens in the end, since they have come this far, they have no reason to retreat.

They must go all out to deal with it, even if they will die in the next second, they will have no regrets.


The rhythm of the beating drums and the rhythm of the sky, and under the mountains and rivers, there is also a monstrous recovery that is frantically recovering, and the energy rhythm surging out is really terrible.

If a creature with a weak cultivation base enters the center of the storm, it is estimated that it will not even have a chance to speak, and it will be directly destroyed.

This is not a joke, if you are not careful, you will become the dead soul in the hands of others, and the bones under your feet will be withered.

All sentient beings have nothing to do with this scene. The only thing they can do is to be as careful as possible, and they must not be too impulsive. Otherwise, they will definitely suffer in the end.

"What kind of supreme creation is hidden in this Emperor Mountain, and how can it cause so many invincibles to stop and stay?"

"I don't know much about this, but, judging from the vision near Renhuang Mountain, this place is indeed quite flying. Perhaps, there is really a supreme good fortune here!"

"Yeah! If there is no supreme good fortune here, how can it cause so many invincible creatures to come. These creatures want to obtain infinite good fortune, and they will definitely go all out to shoot."

"If these peerless overlords go all out to make a move, then there will be a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. This scene is really a headache..."

There are many living beings watching, and they are all talking in a low voice. They are very helpless about many things that have happened recently, and they have no choice.

No matter what the final outcome is, they don't want to retreat, and they will definitely stay here forever, coexisting with the mountains and rivers in the world.

Live and die together.

If they leave now, in the end, it will be nothing but a dream, nothing more than a mirror.

Such an ending is definitely not what they want to see. Now that the matter has come to this point, they have no choice. No matter what happens in the end, they can only find a way to deal with it first.

No matter what the final outcome is, as long as it comes, let it be.

They will go all out to deal with it, and they never think they will back off.

"There is Human Emperor Mountain."

This time, Yan Chengfeng and others also rushed over.

The strangeness of Renhuang Mountain has already attracted their attention, but they did not expect that there would be so many invincible creatures here.

Those creatures are not weak in combat power. It is definitely not easy to take away the peerless creation in the Emperor Mountain.

No matter what the final outcome is, since we have come this far, there is nothing to say, and there is no escape from what should come.

Everything is destined, and Yan Chengfeng can't do anything, so he can only go with the flow.

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