Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 694: More miserable, move the hand of great sorrow

The endless beings are retreating quickly. They have retreated to the safe area. The scene in the center of the storm is very scary. It is definitely not something they can contend with. They must be careful.

As for the final outcome of Yan Chengfeng, that is not what they can care about.

Especially in the current situation, one must be extra cautious, and absolutely cannot be careless, otherwise, a single mistake will result in eternal hatred.

Everyone stopped in the distance, silently watching the expedition in the center of the storm.

They all wanted to know who Yan Chengfeng and the Peacock King would kill in the end.

The Peacock King of Daming Mountain has the ability to reach the sky, and he can count the creatures that can compete with him with one hand.

This kind of existence is too tyrannical. He directly used Fatianxiangdi to move mountains one after another, obviously wanting to obliterate Yan Chengfeng.

This kind of combat power is really too terrifying, too terrifying.

If ordinary people want to compete with him, it is simply digging their own grave, and no one can stop him.

The Peacock King of Daming Mountain is already invincible.

"Great sad hand!"

Yan Chengfeng's breath is skyrocketing, and his power is also increasing. That power is too domineering, the entire boundless mountains and rivers are collapsing, the vast breath sweeps the entire sky, and the power is unparalleled in the world.

His palm stretched out, and a monstrous ferocity spread. Under the impact of that tyrannical breath, this world was about to be shattered, and no one could match it.


There were still bursts of drumming in the sky, and the ghosts were crying and screaming. All kinds of empty palm prints lie high in the sky, and there is a monstrous force falling down, and this world is about to crack and collapse.

Such a scene is very frightening, and ordinary people simply have no way to fight against it. Offending an invincible like Yan Chengfeng, their methods are also very miserable.

The sentient beings felt the violent pressure and did not dare to approach the center of the storm. The rhythm of this space was too terrifying, and the vast mountains and rivers were shaking, collapsing, and swallowing the mountains and rivers.

"Yan Chengfeng's combat power doesn't seem to be weak! The Peacock King of Daming Mountain, it is estimated that it is not an easy task to suppress Yan Chengfeng."

"It's true. It's really not that easy to compete with Yan Chengfeng. This invincible existence is indeed too terrifying."

"Fa Tianxiangdi! What kind of invincible method is this? It is estimated that it is more difficult for ordinary people to take advantage of it than to ascend to the sky."

"I don't know who will kill these two in the end. Their combat power seems to be similar. This invincible expedition should last a long time..."

There were many creatures watching, and they all felt that this time Yan Chengfeng and the Peacock King's expedition should end in a lose-lose situation.

After all, such an existence does possess a different combat power. If you want to compete with these invincibles, there is only one way to die.


The sound of beating drums resounded in waves, black clouds surging, lightning and thunder, and all kinds of violent auras swept out, destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Such a scene is too violent, the endless sky trembles, as if it can destroy everything, such a force is really domineering, looking at the entire Star Dou, no one can compete.


For a time, the screams of killing in the entire sky shook the sky, and countless tyrannical creatures were fighting. This was an invincible conquest, and there would never be any mistakes.

All beings are roaring and retreating, and they are all very clear that if they continue to stay in the center of the storm, they will definitely die.

They were also quite helpless when they encountered such killings. It was too difficult to survive here.

However, they have already come this far, and they have no choice. No matter what difficulties lie ahead, they will never take a half step back.


The Great Compassionate Hand is very terrifying. The mountains one after another turn to dust in an instant. Yan Chengfeng's combat power is also soaring.

His combat power is unparalleled in the world, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

That kind of invincible rhythm was too terrifying, and the nearby monks felt the threat to their lives, and even some creatures who didn't have time to retreat were directly killed.

They couldn't stop Yan Chengfeng at all, and Yan Chengfeng's combat power was unparalleled in the world, especially the waves of fierceness that rhythm in the space, even more unparalleled in the world.

No one could resist, everyone wanted to retreat, and they all knew very well that if they continued to stay in the center of the storm, they would definitely be killed.

In such a situation, they are quite helpless, but since they have come this far, they have no choice.

Some things are simply beyond their control. When encountering such a problem, the only thing they can do now is to go all out to deal with those trivial matters.


Yan Chengfeng and the Peacock King's expedition continued. Both of them attacked very aggressively, with waves of tyrannical and domineering fierceness, and the entire endless star was about to be destroyed.

The vast mountains and rivers are unharmed, and this world is almost torn apart. Ordinary creatures can't stop it at all. All beings are quite afraid and afraid of such a scene.

They all know that in this situation, more troubles are bound to arise.


Yan Chengfeng's attack is unparalleled in the world. In the face of such an invincible Peacock King, he has never retreated half a step. Although these creatures also have the means to penetrate the sky, he is not afraid at all.

No matter what the final outcome is, since it has come this far, there is nothing to say about it.

Many problems are like this, and what should come can't be escaped after all.

The only thing that can be done now is to go all out and never make any mistakes.


Yan Chengfeng's attack became more and more tyrannical, and he wanted to go all out to get rid of the Peacock King as soon as possible.

If he continued to delay, he was also a little worried about Ye Changmeng.

Especially in the last case, it must not happen. Otherwise, a lot of trouble will be born.


Yan Chengfeng shot hard, and every attack was very domineering, as if the entire boundless sky, mountains and rivers could be shattered and collapsed.

This piece of heaven and earth is about to split, and many recent scenes are like this. There must be no half-point error. Otherwise, the final outcome will only be more miserable.

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