Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 682: To attain Bodhi, a thousand miles away

Cultivators of all sects are very clear that although the nine world bodhi beads are priceless treasures, they must not be careless, especially in the current problem, if they are not careful, they are likely to die.

For such an ending, they have nothing to do. The only thing they can do now is to be as careful as possible, and absolutely not to be careless.

Only by living hard can we see a better tomorrow.

It's just nine world bodhi beads, it's not as important as their lives at all, if they can live, that's the best ending.

It is not necessary to obtain supreme good fortune, peerless treasures are the best.

To live is to have hope.

The mountains and rivers are vast, the sun and the moon are dull.

In this piece of heaven and earth, there is a gray fog circulating, which blocks this place. There are many monks who enter this place, and every creature has the means to penetrate the sky.

Those invincibles stood in the air, and their conquests were unparalleled in the world. This time, they did not hide their clumsiness, because everyone wanted to obtain supreme creation.

After all, if you can get one of the Bodhi Beads in the God World, then entering the world of Pangu this time will be a worthwhile trip.


High in the sky, there was a loud sound of beating drums, and bursts of ferocity erupted, and the boundless mountains and rivers were about to collapse.

If they are affected by the fierce power, they may fall. When they encounter such a scene, everyone is quite helpless, but they are also helpless.

Especially in the current situation, one slip will become eternal hatred.

Everyone did not dare to be careless, and all raised the spirit of twelve points.


The screams of killing came out in bursts, and the entire boundless starry sky was about to crack. In the ferocious cracks, there are all kinds of terrifying scenes evolving, shaking the world, crying ghosts and gods.

Especially those sects, the invincibles among the races, their combat power is unparalleled, and the monks with weak Taoism set foot here, they will be completely destroyed.

No one is careless, they all want to get the World Bodhi Beads.

"You ignorant ants, if you kneel down and lead your necks to be slaughtered, maybe you can die a little more happily. If you fall into the hands of this seat, then you will surely die."

For a time, the killings in the whole sky became more and more terrifying. The five emperors, five emperors, and other invincible creatures were all fighting, turning the world upside down.

Yan Chengfeng did not retreat. Although these creatures also possessed invincible means, he did not shrink either.

Even if these invincible creatures go all out to shoot, they may not be able to stop him. He will never retreat half a point, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.


The waves of violent ferocity rushed out, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were about to collapse.

Especially those monks with weak Taoism, if they set foot rashly, they will be destroyed directly, and no one can save them.


In this territory, you can see thrilling scenes everywhere. The pictures of mountains of corpses and seas of blood and piles of bones are very impactful.

All sentient beings are very frightened when they see such a scene, especially in the current situation.

In such a situation, they have no choice but to retreat.

Because everyone knows very well that in the current situation, if they are too careless, they will fall into a strange situation, and they do not want to die.

In order to survive, they have only one way, and that is to give up the fight for the nine World Bodhi Beads.

Although the nine World Bodhisattva Beads are very terrifying, and they can be regarded as one after another, they are not qualified to compete with those who are truly invincible.

If you offend those invincibles who have the means to reach the sky, then there is only one way to die.

No one will be an exception.


Yan Chengfeng stood in the air, his whole body was full of dazzling brilliance, and the vast law of time came out, the entire boundless rivers and mountains were about to collapse, and the mountains and rivers were forever silent.

His palms were pushed out horizontally, and the stars in the heavens were shifting, and the surging divine might became very terrifying.

No one dared to be the enemy of Yan Chengfeng.

Everyone knows that Yan Chengfeng's methods are sky-high, and if he wants to compete with an invincible like him, he is digging his own grave.

At this point, everyone has nothing to do.

In particular, there is also the army of the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods.

There are scenes of mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere. If a timid cultivator sees such a scene, it is estimated that he will be directly scared to death!


Yan Chengfeng's speed is very fast, he did not fight against those invincibles, his main purpose is the nine world bodhi beads, as for the conquest of the **** horse, this is not within his scope of consideration.

But with a single stick of incense, he has already achieved a supreme creation. That bodhi bead is very terrifying, and the energy contained in it is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

Yan Chengfeng felt that a person could bear at most one of such beads, and if there were more, the end would be very miserable.

Especially in the current situation, there is not so much time for you to refine, and once there is danger, the situation will definitely become more and more strange.


Yan Chengfeng didn't think much about it. After getting a Bodhi Bead, he devoured it directly.

In just an instant, he felt a surge of power. In his body, his limbs kept colliding, and the severe pain caused cold sweat to flow all over his body, and his face paled several degrees.

That feeling was so refreshing, he couldn't bear the pain.


For a time, the monstrous might was rhythmically madly, and the surging fierceness rushed out, the entire boundless world was in ruins, the mountains and rivers were forever silent, and the Divine State was unparalleled.

The power surging out of Yan Chengfeng's body was very terrifying. For a time, the ground was thousands of miles away, the mountains and rivers were ruined, and the nearby monks had not reacted, and they had turned into piles of bones.

Such a force is really terrifying, and it cannot be matched by ordinary creatures at all.

Feeling the pressure of this tyrannical aura, everyone was retreating quickly, and they did not dare to be the enemy of Yan Chengfeng.

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