Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 673: The incarnation of the sky, the two broke up

Time passed slowly, and soon came to the night, the restaurant in the night seemed to be more prosperous.

Finally, Yan Chengfeng saw a very familiar person, the Empress Yinyue.

In addition to the Empress Yinyue, there is also a man with a face like a crown of jade. That man, you don't have to think about it, you should know that he is the so-called young master of the old world.

At this time, Mo Lianjun said: "The man with the face like a crown jade is the young master of the old world, and the same is the present day."

"The incarnation of the sky walks the world, and is also related to the Yinyue Empress. You have to be careful, and don't suffer a big loss in the end."

Regarding the matter of Yan Chengfeng, Mo Lianjun was more concerned, but she was worried that Yan Chengfeng would suffer a big loss.

"The incarnation of heaven."

Yan Chengfeng didn't think too much, just used the means of time to save this memory directly, and then left here immediately.

He is going to confront the Yinyue Empress now. If the Yinyue Empress can't say why, he will be too lazy to stay in the World Destruction Alliance.

At that time, he will definitely not show mercy.

Yinyue Dynasty, in a hall.

The Empress Yinyue was taking a bath. At this time, Yan Chengfeng suddenly came in the bed, causing her eyebrows to frown slightly, and she was inexplicably unhappy.

Even if the two were Taoist companions, Yan Chengfeng was too hateful.

She was a little angry when she challenged her bottom line one after another.

"This is the last time. Next time I dare to intrude, I will not be polite to you."

Empress Yinyue's expression was indifferent, and she said: "You frizzy, what's the matter."

She really had a headache, and when she met a guy like Yan Chengfeng, she couldn't do anything about it.

Many problems can only be dealt with slowly, what should come will come eventually, and absolutely cannot be careless.

Yan Chengfeng was too lazy to talk nonsense, and walked directly to the Yinyue Empress, and said indifferently: "What is this, didn't you tell me, won't you look at other men more? This is just turning around, it violates Did you say it yourself?"

He was really annoyed, but there was nothing he could do now.

The Empress Yinyue glanced at each other indifferently. She rubbed her brows helplessly and said, "You can go. If you don't believe me, I don't need to explain this to you."

"If you want to leave the World Destruction Alliance, then I will do whatever you want. I really don't know if you really like me or if you just want to get me."

"If you really like me, then you certainly won't, and you'll be suspicious of me again and again."

"It seems that you belong to the latter group. I really didn't expect that I would be so attractive and make you miss me."

"Don't come to me in the future, let's just do it."

The Empress Yinyue was lying on the tub, feeling inexplicably aggrieved, and tears fell down her cheeks.

She can't remember how long she hasn't been wronged, how long she hasn't found out, and she will cry too!

Or because of a hateful man, feeling sad here, the longer it gets, the more ridiculous it is.

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay here either, and immediately got up and left.

After Yan Chengfeng left, the Yinyue Empress became more and more sad, and her tears could not stop.

She didn't want to cry, but sometimes the tears just came.

"Miss, why do you need to know someone like him? The old slave has already forgotten how long you haven't cried. It's too cowardly to cry for a man this time."

An old woman appeared out of thin air and said indifferently: "Since he can't understand you, then there is no need for you to shed tears for him. It's okay to be a stranger in the future."

For Yan Chengfeng, she is not optimistic at all.

The Empress Yinyue sobbed and said, "I like him, but he doesn't like me, he just wants to get me."

"I really can't figure out why he thinks that I'm such a woman who thinks things differently."

"When he saw Xiaoxian and the young master of the old world together, he came to ask me, he's blind, he can't see, is there still a gap between Xiaoxian and me?"

She and Xiaoxian are twins. At first glance, they are very similar, but there is also a big gap.

She felt that Yan Chengfeng was blind and didn't like her at all.


The old woman sighed helplessly and said, "Forget it, what's the point of talking about it now? We have to get ready as soon as possible. The world of Pangu will be opened after a while."

The Empress Yinyue didn't say anything more. Since Pangu's world was about to open, she would definitely do it wholeheartedly.

This time, absolutely nothing can go wrong.

After Yan Chengfeng left from the Yinyue Dynasty, he returned directly to Luoxing Mansion.

Back at Luoxing Mansion, he lay directly on the bed, feeling exhausted both physically and mentally.

During this time, he was really tired.

He played that memory on a loop, he watched it carefully, and finally found something different.

His relationship with the Yinyue Empress is also quite good, and he is very clear about many details of the Yinyue Empress.

At first glance, the woman in my memory really looks like the Empress Yinyue, but the gap between the two is quite large.

This woman is not as delicate as the Yinyue Empress, and her figure is not as good as that of the Yinyue Empress, and her skin is not as fair and delicate as that of the Yinyue Empress...


Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and lightly rubbed his eyebrows, and said helplessly: "Isn't it because there is a twin sister, it is necessary to hide and tuck it, even I don't say it?"

He also had a headache thinking of the woman crying all the time.

When she left, the Yinyue Empress was still crying, which was really sad.

"Forget it, let her be alone for a few days. I don't want to go to her during the recent period. I'll talk about it when she recovers."

Yan Chengfeng didn't want to care about too many things. Now, the incarnation of heaven is walking in the world, and he is still the young master of the old world, so that can explain one point.

Today's Tian, ​​the young master of the old world, or in other words, the real Tian, ​​has been imprisoned.

This matter is definitely not a small problem. No matter what the final outcome is, since we have come this far, we must be more careful next.

Recently, cultivators of all sects and sects have been rushing around.

It can also be proved from the side that this matter is definitely not something that ordinary people can handle.

But these are not important anymore. For example, there is an unparalleled conquest brewing in the world today. This matter must be explored with absolute care, and there must be no mistakes.

Once you fall into a situation of doom, then it will be very difficult to get out again...

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