Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 667: God of War's knife, the magic of fairy

The hearts of all sentient beings are filled with an inexplicable fear, and they are all very clear that this matter is definitely not something that can be explained clearly in a few words.

The blood-drinking mad knife used by the Chinese Immortal Emperor is a big killer. Yan Chengfeng is bare-handed. If he wants to compete with the Chinese Immortal Emperor, it is simply wishful thinking.

All beings agreed that this time, Yan Chengfeng would definitely die.

"Little beast, there is a way to heaven and you don't want to go, and there is no way to hell, you come to vote. Today next year will be your sacrificial day. If you still have any last words, please explain it quickly?"

The Chinese Immortal Emperor stood in the air, his breath was very strong, and bursts of shocks came out, and the coercion became more and more terrifying, and the heavens and stars were collapsing and dilapidated.

No one can stop him, this is an invincible creature with unparalleled means, and it is simply wishful thinking to contend with such a hegemon.

The Chinese Immortal Emperor has already made preparations. This time, he will kill Yan Chengfeng no matter what.

He will never allow Yan Chengfeng to live, he must completely destroy Yan Chengfeng and let this ignorant ant die.

In the face of the vicious words of the Chinese Immortal Emperor, Yan Chengfeng acted very calmly, he didn't take it to heart at all, he was just as indifferent as always.

"What ability do you have, just show it off, don't keep talking nonsense anywhere, do you think these words will affect my heart? It's obviously impossible."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Since what you said can't affect my heart, then no matter how much you say, it's just nonsense to me."

He didn't take the Chinese Immortal Emperor in his eyes at all, he was just a powerful ant, so what was there to care about.

Everything is just a flick of a finger, and everything is just passing by.

If you think too much, it will not be good in the end.

All this is just the determination of the heart.

"Ignorant little beast, your arrogance is much stronger than your strength. Since you are desperate for death, this seat will kindly satisfy you and let you know who is the real king in this world. ."

The Chinese Immortal Emperor was completely angry. Since this group of people did not know whether to live or die, he would definitely go all out to kill these ants.

He will never let this ant live, and if he wants to shout in front of him, he must pay a painful price.

All sentient beings felt the tyrannical coercion, and they all knew very well that this expedition would definitely become more and more terrifying, and they had to be extra cautious.

Otherwise, once it is affected, they will definitely die without a whole body.

Such an ending is not what they want to see, especially in the current situation, it is better to be careful.

"God of War Knife."

That Chinese Immortal Emperor didn't talk nonsense anymore. He manipulated the blood-drinking mad knife and slashed towards Yan Chengfeng fiercely.

This attack is very terrifying. The boundless stars are collapsing and shattering, and hideous cracks can be seen everywhere. All beings are a little frightened when they see such a scene.

When you encounter such a problem, you must be extra careful, otherwise, the ending will be very miserable.


God of War knife.

This is definitely the most terrifying attack in history. Such a peerless attack cannot be underestimated.

Everyone felt the pressure of such aura, and their hearts were full of fear and fear.

This attack seems to have been copied from a long time ago. Such an attack is so terrifying that it is unparalleled in the world.

In this sword, there is the will of the God of War, such a killing is unparalleled in the world, the stars and the stars are going to be ruined, and no one can stop it.

That power is very overbearing, the three mountains and five mountains are shattering, and the thick grass and trees are instantly turned into powder.

All sentient beings were also a little frightened by such a scene.

However, now they seem to have no choice.

In any case, you have to be extra careful.

Otherwise, the problem will definitely become more and more serious and dangerous.

"Little beast, this attack from this seat is definitely not something you can resist. Kneel down and be slaughtered immediately. Don't make senseless resistance."

The Chinese Immortal Emperor was very confident, he believed that his attack would definitely be able to solve Yan Chengfeng.

After all, this kind of killing is terrifying, and the peerless power of the past is simply not something that ordinary people can compete with.

However, Yan Chengfeng did not dare to be careless.

I have to say that the attack of this Chinese Immortal Emperor is indeed very domineering. When that killing fell, the heavens are about to collapse, and the boundless mountains and rivers are falling.

This is an endless slaughter, and it is simply wishful thinking to survive such an attack.

No one can stop him, everyone can only choose to retreat, and they are afraid of being affected by the attack of the Chinese Immortal Emperor.

If it is affected, they are likely to have no chance to escape, and they will be directly killed.

"The art of immortal fate in all worlds."

Yan Chengfeng did not flinch, he began to use his magic of immortality, which is an extremely powerful technique of faith, a technique of destiny, and an absolute attack that existed when the world opened up. .

The cultivation of these immortal fate techniques is very difficult. What it needs is not the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but the beliefs of all living beings and the luck of all.

Therefore, Yan Chengfeng generally does not use it easily, and only when he encounters danger will he use such an attack.

His attack is absolutely invincible.

When everyone saw such a scene, they were also a little frightened. They quickly stepped back, and the fear in their hearts was indescribable in words.

They did not expect that Yan Chengfeng actually possessed such a means, which was really unexpected.

However, Yan Chengfeng always seems to be like this, he has all kinds of means, and every means is so unexpected.

Yan Chengfeng is very mysterious, this is someone they have never seen through.

Therefore, if they offend Yan Chengfeng, their fate will be miserable.

Sentient beings are also having a headache now, because they don't want to watch the battle here at all.

They all have an intuition that this place will definitely become a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Whether they can escape the catastrophe is still unknown.

If you want to confront such an invincible person head-on, you are simply digging your own grave.

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