Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 658: The killing sound is shocking, the world destroying alliance

All sentient beings stood in the distance guessing and put forward their own thoughts.

Because in Yan Chengfeng's hands, he has what the World Destruction Alliance wants.

If the senior officials of the World Destruction Alliance wanted to get that thing, they would definitely come to rescue Yan Chengfeng.

As for when those people will come, they don't quite know.

Whether Yan Chengfeng can escape this catastrophe can only continue to wait and see.

They both believe that time will give them the answers they want.

Now, they don't need to do anything, just stand quietly from a distance and watch this invincible conquest, and that's it.

The powerhouses under the throne of the Five Emperors and the Five Emperors are unable to drain the surrounding water. Those invincibles have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. Now they just want to kill Yan Chengfeng as soon as possible.

It's just a clown jumping on the beam, and he dares to provoke the majesty of the five emperors. This is a shame for everyone.

They couldn't take this breath, and in any case, they had to do everything possible to kill Yan Chengfeng, so that this humble ant knew how miserable it was for offending the Five Emperors and Five Emperors.


The expedition in the sky is very terrifying. The terrifying attacks are overwhelming and rushing down frantically. The boundless mountains and rivers are about to crack open.

Everyone is retreating, and they don't dare to stay in the center of the storm. This place is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may fall into a doomed situation.

The fierceness surging in the center of the storm was simply not something they could resist.

The black clouds in the sky are surging, the lightning flashes and thunders, and the fierceness that bursts out is too terrifying.

Seeing such a scene, all sentient beings also have lingering fears.

They all knew very well that if they entered this territory, they would probably be destroyed directly.

Because they simply have no ability to contend with it.

"Little bastard, you are already at the end of the shot. If you kneel down and be slaughtered, you may be able to die a little more happily. If you are stubborn, then there must be endless torture waiting for you, and no one can save you. Got you."

Those invincibles are roaring, their hearts are full of anger, and now there is only one thought, that is to kill Yan Chengfeng thoroughly.

Anyone can live, but Yan Chengfeng can't.

In the face of these ignorant ants, Yan Chengfeng did not retreat, and those who stood in the way were killed without mercy.

No one can stop him, not even if the five emperors are coming.

What's more, these ignorant ants are nothing more than a group of humble bugs.

These people are not qualified enough to shout in front of him.

Even if he will die in the next second, he will never back down. This is the method of the invincible. He has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, and he does not pay attention to ordinary creatures at all.


Those terrifying conquests were swept across the sky, the heavens and the stars were about to collapse, the endless years were ruined, there were hideous cracks everywhere, and a monstrous trend was recovering.

That kind of fierceness is unparalleled in the world, and all beings seem to be used to such scenes for a long time, so they are not surprised at all.

"Yin and Yang Stone Eyes."

Yan Chengfeng's attack was very terrifying, the endless fierceness was spreading, all the heavens and stars were about to collapse, the heaven and earth lost their color, and all things recovered.

He did not retreat half a step, but launched an endless expedition. Every attack was very terrifying. When the power fell, the mountains and rivers were cracked, and strange scenes could be seen everywhere.

Facing such Yan Chengfeng, all living beings are also frightened, and wanting to compete with such an invincible person is simply wishful thinking.

Especially in the current situation, you must not be careless, otherwise, it will definitely be them who will suffer in the end.

There were waves of tyrannical energy fluctuations, and the boundless mountains and rivers trembled. In this territory, there were too many dead creatures, and everywhere you could see the scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, piles of bones.

"Yan Chengfeng's combat power is really not a blow. It is really difficult to kill such an invincible person."

"Indeed, his strength is already invincible. Offending him will definitely be very miserable."

"I'm afraid it's not easy to live in his hands. These creatures are really arrogant. It's not good to offend anyone, and they want to provoke Yan Chengfeng."

"Yan Chengfeng's combat power is sky-high, and to contend with such an existence, there is only one dead end."

"This time, the conquest shouldn't spread for too long..."

Everyone was talking in a low voice, and they were quite helpless about what happened at the moment.

However, this is also the suffering of no way. After all, there are many things that they really cannot decide.

Now that we have come this far, the only thing we can do is to go all out to handle everything well, and what should come will come eventually.

No one can escape. If you want to survive in this troubled world, you must have absolute combat power. Otherwise, it will be destroyed in the snap of your fingers.


A piece of big killer is in the air, and there is a surging fierceness spreading, that force is too overbearing, the entire boundless mountains and rivers are shattering, and all beings seem to lose their lives in an instant.

The monstrous momentum surging here is extremely terrifying. All the stars and stars are about to be wiped out. No one dares to approach the center of the storm.

Such an ending was definitely not what they wanted.

Now they can only go step by step. If there is really danger, then they will definitely choose another.

For such a situation, they have no choice at all, they can only wait and see what happens.

Yan Chengfeng's attack was unparalleled in the world, and every attack fell, the entire mountains and rivers were collapsing, ruined, and the world was about to be completely shattered.

His conquests fell one after another, and all beings were retreating, and they did not dare to stay in the center of the storm. If they were affected, they would become a corpse in the blink of an eye.

That ferocious force burst out, and everyone was retreating. They all knew very well that the situation here is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.


High in the sky, the screams of killing shook the heavens and the earth, and endless power was spreading, and the pressure fell, and the world was about to be shattered.

Everyone dared not be careless. The only thing they can do now is to step back as much as possible, and never stay in the center of the storm.

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