Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 624: The devil is intimidated, all beings are afraid

Whether it is the Seven Immortals Demon God or the Empress Dowager Yinyue, these invincible existences are definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

If you want to fight against such an invincible, you must pay a heavy price.

Looking at the past and present, who can compete with such a peerless overlord?

The army of the demon world led by the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods once pushed across endless mountains and rivers, turning the entire boundless world into a place of domination.

Such a dark rule has lasted for thousands of years.

The rule of half an era has caused the living beings in the world to suffer endless torture.

It was not until the end that all sentient beings slowly recovered their vitality.

For such a scene, all sentient beings do not want to experience it again, they are already afraid, afraid.

"The Seven Immortals and Demon Gods were actually born. I'm afraid this expedition will not end so easily! I don't know when the army of the demon world will come to the world."

"If the army of the demon world really comes to this world, then such an ending will definitely be very miserable."

"We've already come this far, and there's really nothing to say. No matter what kind of rhythm will happen in the end, the final outcome will definitely be a headache."

"These are all small issues. If you think about it too much now, it won't have any effect. After all, the plan can't keep up with the changes."

"Indeed, the plan really can't keep up with the changes, but there is no need to think about these issues. What should come will come eventually, even if you think too much, it won't make any sense..."

All sentient beings have already seen and thought about such a scene.

Regardless of the final outcome, they will choose to embrace it.

Either good or bad.

Now that we've come this far, it doesn't matter what the final outcome is.


A terrifying breath emanated, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were collapsing, and those hideous cracks could be seen everywhere.

Seeing the evolution of such a peerless scene, everyone was worried that the Seven Immortals would choose to take action.

But since they have come this far, they will not care too much, whether it is life or death, everything can only be left to fate.


In the sky, there was still the sound of beating drums resounding, and everyone was waiting for the answer from the Seven Immortals.

Finally, the Seven Immortals and Demon God spoke up.

He glanced at the creatures around him indifferently, and finally said indifferently: "Soon, this seat will lead the army of the demon world again, and step on this world. At that time, all regions will be ruled."

"And those ants who are unwilling to choose to surrender will all die."

After all, the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods left immediately, and the souls of the Yinyue Dynasty did not delay here, they immediately followed.

This time the expedition is definitely not that simple. Everyone sighed helplessly in their hearts. I am afraid that this expedition will be difficult to solve.

No matter what the final outcome is, think about what to do next as soon as possible.

All sentient beings are a little worried, they have nothing to do with the current conquest.

Now that we have come this far, no matter what the final outcome is, we must figure out as soon as possible whether we can live safely in the end.

The creatures of all sects couldn't help frowning. This kind of ending was definitely not what they wanted.

No one thought that in the end, the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods would be attracted.

"This world has been peaceful for countless years, and finally it's going to be chaos again."

The Lord of the Divine Court sighed helplessly, and his heart was full of regret. Some things have become a foregone conclusion, and there is no chance of going against the sky at all.

Nothing can be reversed. The only thing that can be done now is to go all out to deal with it. After all, what should come will come. You must improve your cultivation as soon as possible, and fully grasp all the situations.

Everything is predestined, no one can help it!


The terrifying breath burst out, and all the creatures were retreating. The world here seems to be collapsing. If they continue to stay in this place, their fate will be very miserable.

Everyone was a little frightened by such a scene, but since it came, they were at ease, and they didn't bother to care too much.

"Leave this place first, this side of the mountain and river is about to collapse."

All sentient beings are very clear that the unparalleled fierceness contained in this side of the mountains and rivers comes from that side of the Twilight Drum Bell Tower.

Now, the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods have broken the seal and left, and the Twilight Drum Bell Tower has also been broken, so this side of the mountain and river will naturally collapse.

Sentient beings are still quite surprised by this scene, but since they have already reached this point, they have no choice.

Everything can only be done with human resources, and it is up to the destiny.

No matter what kind of trouble there will be in the end, they have to go all out to deal with it, otherwise, one mistake will turn into eternal hatred.

"This time, is it really going to be a disaster?"

"Perhaps not! Although the Seven Immortal Demon God is terrifying, wasn't it sealed at the beginning? It has been so many years now, and his strength should not be as powerful as before."

"Even if he really kills with the army of the demon world, it shouldn't appear, any crisis will change."

"This time, he will definitely be sealed again, and no one will be an exception, not even him."

"This terrible thing is not so simple! After all, the Seven Immortals are not ordinary people, and there is a Yinyue Dynasty."

"The support of the Yinyue Dynasty will definitely bring the power of the Seven Immortals to a higher level. If you want to take advantage of this expedition, unless the sun hits the west side."

"No matter what it does, it's a blessing or a curse, it can't be avoided, everything is a small problem."

"Anyway, eighteen years later, he's a hero again, so there's no need to be afraid here..."

Everyone is very confident, or it has been broken, and they are too lazy to care about those problems.

Anyway, what should come will come after all, and there is no use in escaping.

They didn't delay here any longer, and they all chose to leave. If they continued to stay, they would just seek their own death.

After all, this place is about to collapse, and all beings are too lazy to delay in this place.

Now, the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods are ready to lead the army of the Demon World to push this side of the mountains and rivers horizontally, the only thing they can do now.

That is to go all out to destroy everything, and there must be no half-care.

Otherwise, the final outcome will definitely be very miserable, and not everyone can bear it.

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