Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 616: Desperados, life and death

Everyone was terrified by the scene in front of them. Yan Chengfeng's combat power was indeed quite terrifying. If ordinary people wanted to compete with him, it would be just wishful thinking.

However, this time, he exaggerated a bit, and at the same time offended these overlords with invincible means, his ending will definitely be miserable.

It is definitely not an easy task to kill these invincible creatures. They felt that Yan Chengfeng could not have such means at all.


The killing in the high sky is very terrifying, one after another terrifying attack, falling overwhelmingly, that fierceness is too domineering, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

For a time, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and the hideous scene could be seen everywhere. There was a monstrous general situation that was recovering frantically.

In this territory, the means of every invincible person are very overbearing.

All their terrifying conquests fell on Yan Chengfeng.

For a time, the expedition in this place became a little chaotic.

After all, there is a Chaos Stone not far away, and his combat power should not be underestimated.

Every time an attack falls, someone will be severely injured. His combat power is unparalleled, and three or two invincibles can't stop him at all.

If time goes on, then these creatures will definitely die, and no one can stop this Chaos Stone.

All sentient beings felt that an endless and ferocious coercion was spreading. If it continued to delay, there would definitely be danger.

They didn't dare to be careless. If they were a little careless, they might fall into a dangerous situation. That kind of ending was not what they wanted to see.

At this time, it is better to be careful, especially in the current situation, you must not be careless.


Yan Chengfeng used the law of time and the yin and yang stone eyes, and his whole person's combat power also soared, becoming very terrifying.

That tyrannical coercion came out, and the mountains and rivers were about to collapse and collapse.

His law of time and yin and yang stone eyes can be regarded as absolute means of killing.

Looking at the entire boundless world, there is almost no existence that can compete with it.

That endless coercion is indeed really terrifying. All beings are retreating at an extreme speed, and they don't dare to stay in the center of the storm. This place is too dangerous.


High in the sky, there is the sound of drumming sounds resounding, and the fierceness that bursts out is also getting more and more terrifying.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is very ferocious. He has no mercy. In any case, he must kill these ignorant creatures as soon as possible. There must be no mistakes.

That tyrannical force fluctuated in waves, and the boundless stars collapsed directly, and a large number of star fragments fell from the sky. Those star fragments were very terrifying, and fell directly on the ground, crushing the entire mountain and river.

Some creatures who didn't have time to retreat became buried with them. They couldn't stop this endless attack at all. Under such unparalleled ferocity, everyone was terrified. That force was really overbearing. Absolutely not to be careless.

In such a situation, they were helpless.


The attack of the Chaos Stone is also quite terrifying. There are countless tyrannical killings falling, sweeping the entire boundless mountains and rivers in an instant. Everyone is also very frightened by such a scene.

That Chaos Stone is very domineering, he has already killed red eyes, and many invincibles have fallen into his hands.


With the expedition of the crowd, this side of the blood spring is also fluctuating violently, and there are bursts of violent aura coercion impacting, that force is really terrible, the mountains and rivers are collapsing and dilapidated.

No one dares to be careless, this place is very dangerous, if you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of doom.


In the blood spring on that side, there was a roar of Yin Feng, and all kinds of deep voices rang out. These voices were creepy, and they were all very frightening and frightening.

They don't know what happened now, but they must be careful. After all, this place is too dangerous.

If they are affected by danger, they will definitely be unstoppable. In an instant, they will completely become dead souls in their hands and withered bones under their feet.

Such an ending is not what they want, and it is better to be cautious.

The tyrannical energy rhythm rushed out, mixed with the violent life essence, took a deep breath, and suddenly felt refreshed.

Everyone was also a little frightened, and they didn't expect that there was such an invincible creation in this blood spring.

This time, those invincibles will definitely kill the red eye.

But these are not important anymore. Everyone wants to intervene in the supreme creation of that party.

However, there are only a few people who can really succeed, right?

Yan Chengfeng was staying on the edge of the blood spring at the moment, he could clearly feel that kind of surging life essence fluctuation, and an endless coercion of destruction, that force is really terrible, everyone It's scary to see such a scene.

They all knew a lot that this time, Yan Chengfeng would definitely be able to rise.

Originally, Yan Chengfeng's combat power was not very bad, and he was staying on the edge of the blood spring. At this moment, the supreme creation in the blood spring was unearthed. Besides him, who else could obtain those supreme creations.

After all, as the saying goes, a building near the water comes first.

In the current situation, no one dares to be careless. No matter who becomes the winner in the end, one must be careful and must not be sloppy.

"Little beast, you are now at the end of the line. If you kneel down and be slaughtered by your neck, maybe you can die a little more happily."

Naturally speaking, it is the creatures of the Thirty-Six Islands. These creatures have invincible means, and they want to get the fortune in the blood spring.

The first thing to do is to get rid of Yan Chengfeng.

As long as Yan Chengfeng is dealt with, the creation in the blood spring will be at their fingertips, and they will not encounter any trouble at all.

This time, stepping into the contract of the powerful blood demons in this territory, those invincible powerhouses have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, and they can destroy everything with just a few gestures. They can definitely be called invincibles.

The creatures from the thirty-six islands and the seventy-two holes have already arrived. These creatures are desperadoes and possess invincible means...

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