Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 606: Withered bones underfoot, living ants

Taiming Vulcan has been completely angry, he is bound to kill Yan Chengfeng completely, and he will never let such ants live.

Yan Chengfeng is also fearless, even if the other party has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, he will never take a half step back, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.


The rhythmic killing in this high sky is very terrifying. Everyone is retreating, and they don't dare to approach this place. Now they can only choose to retreat.

There is a supreme conquest here, and the coercion in the center of the storm is definitely not something they can withstand and contend with.

Continue to stay, there is only one dead end.

They quickly retreated, and they had already retreated to the safe area. They turned their attention to the center of the storm and quietly watched the battle between the invincibles.

Taiyangming Vulcan stood in the air, and his aura had reached its peak. Looking at the entire human world, there were not many who could match him at the moment.

After all, he is an invincible existence from Judgment Mountain. He has survived for a long time. Even a creature like the ancestor of the earth immortal is very tender and comparable to him.

This time, he was really annoyed.

Regardless of the final outcome, there will definitely be some punishment.


The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, lightning flashes and thunder, and the tyrannical breath rushed out, sweeping through hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, and a surging breath rushed out, and the entire mountains and rivers were going to be ruined.

All the creatures couldn't help sighing, and their hearts were full of worry and fear. The scene here is indeed quite terrifying. If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of doom.

When sentient beings see such a scene, they can only choose to take one step at a time.

Because, no one can compete with the invincible of this level, and offend the existence of Taiyangming Vulcan, that is, he is seeking his own death.

Yan Chengfeng's whole body has a vast, surging rhythm of time, and the wisps of fierceness rushed out, and the river of time swept across the sky.

The violent power trembled, and it seemed that it could destroy everything, and no one could match it.

In this territory, there are scenes of mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere. Seeing such a scene, countless creatures are terrified.

The conquest of Yan Chengfeng and Sun Minghuoshen must be the most terrifying.

"Little beast, there is a way to heaven and you don't go, and there is no way to go to hell. Today, since you are bent on dying, this seat will fulfill you."

Sun Minghuoshen's eyes were piercing, and he said indifferently: "Looking at the past countless years, no one has ever dared to clamor with the deity. Your little deeds, I'm afraid that you will be buried here."

He has been completely irritated, this time, no matter what, he will deal with Yan Chengfeng.

A mere ignorant ant wants to yell at him, which is simply wishful thinking.

For these ants who don't know how to live or die, whoever dares to compete with him will be seeking his own death.

He will never let these people go, especially Yan Chengfeng, this ignorant ant, who is sure to die.

Yan Chengfeng never cared about the threat of Sun Minghuoshen. This ignorant clown also wanted to be arrogant in front of him, and was really courting death.

Even in the face of invincible creatures, he would never take a step back.

No one can make him scared, scared.

He is not afraid of death, how could he be afraid of a person.

"Old man, you're talking a lot of nonsense. What ability do you have? Just show it off. Do you think I'll be afraid?"

Yan Chengfeng's expression was indifferent, and he didn't care about this Sun Minghuo God at all.

These ignorant clowns are also delusional to shout at him, that is simply killing them.

He will never be merciful, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.


The bursts of tyrannical breath rushed out, and the entire vast mountains and rivers were going to be ruined. All beings felt the tyrannical energy rhyme, and everyone was retreating, and they did not dare to approach this place at all.

They were all afraid of being affected. After all, that fierce power was so violent that the heavens were about to collapse.

"Little beast, this is your own death. If that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Taiming Vulcan was completely angry, no matter what, he would not let Yan Chengfeng go.

We must let this ant not survive, nor die.


Sun Ming Vulcan showed no mercy. Since this ant wanted to find his own way, he would definitely go all out to kill him thoroughly.

That violent ferocity rushed out, and everyone was retreating, not daring to approach this place at all. They could clearly feel that Yan Chengfeng's killing fell, and the boundless mountains and rivers collapsed in an instant.

If they stay in the center of the storm, they will surely be slaughtered.

"The Law of Time!"

In the face of an invincible such as Taiyangming Vulcan, Yan Chengfeng also did not use other means. He is still the law of the years. The vast energy rhyme is surging, and the endless years are going to smash the entire mountains and rivers.

His combat power is very domineering, and looking at the entire human world, he is considered an invincible creature.

No matter what the final outcome is, since we have come this far, there is nothing to say, we must go all out.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.


The violent ferocity surged in the sky, and countless creatures were amazed, and they could only stand in the distance to watch the battle.

Whether it is Yan Chengfeng or Taiming Vulcan, both have invincible means of reaching the sky, and to be an enemy of such a person is to seek death.

Anyone can offend, but you must not offend such an invincible existence, otherwise, you will definitely die.

The tyrannical aura swept through the entire sky, and the majestic mountain peaks were about to crack apart.

Everyone is still very afraid of such a scene, and they are all backing away very quickly. If they are not careful, they will become the dead souls in the hands of others, and the bones under their feet will be withered.


The attacks of the two are very terrifying, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to match them.

Every attack is too tyrannical and can be called unparalleled in the world.

The bursts of tyrannical breath rushed out, and the monks watching the battle were all retreating. They were very clear that if they continued to stay in the center of the storm, they would be affected.

The most important thing now is to retreat to a safe area.

As for Yan Chengfeng and Taiyangminghuoshen's conquest, they didn't care very much. Whether it was Yanchengfeng or Taiyangminghuoshen, who became the dead bones under their feet had nothing to do with them.

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