Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 602: Meeting Yang Dieyi, this is the imperial edict

Mo Wuxi smiled and didn't say anything more. The current situation is already very dangerous, and we must deal with it carefully.

He stepped forward, observed every vision, and looked for a way to break the formation.

As for Mo Lianjun and Baili Dongjun, they stayed at the back, and the invincibles of the divine court protected them.

After all, Mo Lianjun's identity is special, and there must be no half-point error.

If there is a mistake, the consequences must be unimaginable and must be done with caution.

There is a lot of movement in this territory. Countless peerless overlords are hovering high in the sky. Every invincible person has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, turning the world upside down at the click of a finger.

The tyrannical coercion rushed out, and the Star Dou was about to collapse and collapse.

The fierceness gushing out of the blood spring was terrifying. In the turbulent surge of energy, countless creatures were forced to retreat into the distance. This place was too dangerous to be careless.

If it is affected, it is estimated that the death will be very miserable.

"I didn't expect that after a period of time, the fairyland became so lively."

Yang Dieyi came from the air. She was only a little surprised when she saw such a scene, not too surprised.

No matter what the final outcome is, it has nothing to do with her, and she will not step into the world.

"That Yang Dieyi seems to be quite powerful. Do you know who she is?"

Baili Dongjun's heart was full of doubts, and she was still quite curious about the origin of Yang Dieyi.

What is the origin of this Yang Dieyi, very few creatures know.

Recently, the fairyland has begun to be in chaos again, and those invincible creatures can't sit still.

"Her history?"

Mo Lianjun glanced at Yang Dieyi in the distance. This Yang Dieyi has always been the most special existence. She thought about it seriously and said, "I don't know her true origin."

"However, my dad should know that she and my dad have always been a little unclear. Anyway, I often see her and my dad fiddling with each other."

"As for the relationship between the two, I don't know. Anyway, my father never said a few words about her."

"I've never seen two people quarrel. The relationship between the two should be pretty good!"

"This time, if she came here, it should be just to watch the fun."

She didn't know Yang Dieyi's purpose, because there were many things she didn't know.

No one knows what kind of secret is hidden behind this Yang Dieyi.

Especially in this chaotic world, many problems need to be dealt with cautiously.

"Your father has a good relationship with her, is it unclear?"

Baili Dongjun frowned slightly and said suspiciously: "This woman is a little shameless! It's fine for her to be ambiguous with other men, why should she provoke Yan Chengfeng?"

"I don't think her relationship with Yan Chengfeng looks like an ordinary friend. That Yan Chengfeng is really blind."

"Isn't he able to see if he is played around by others?"

For this man, she has no good feelings at all.

Yan Chengfeng's peerless scourge is really a headache.


The waves of violent ferocity rushed out, the boundless mountains and rivers trembled, and fissures were seen in the entire star bucket.

In the cracks, there was a vast and fierce impact, and the stars in the heavens seemed to fall. Everyone felt the tyrannical and ferocious pressure, and they could only choose to retreat.

If you get close now, the situation may be very dangerous, and you must not be careless.

Yan Chengfeng also saw Yang Dieyi's arrival. He didn't stay in the center of the storm, he immediately left the territory and came to Yang Dieyi's side.

"Why don't you come to my side to explore fortunes over there?"

Yang Dieyi's willow eyebrows frowned slightly, she was a little concerned and didn't want to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

This guy knows at a glance that it is not a good thing.

Yan Chengfeng smiled and said, "Don't be so rude! Our relationship is so deep, yet you are so indifferent to me."

"I'm here to find you, but I have business affairs."

This place is too dangerous, and I don't know what will happen next.

Since they have come this far, there is nothing to say, what should come will come after all.

No matter what the final outcome is, we must deal with it seriously and regard death as a return.

"You still have business to look for me, has the sun come out from the west?"

Yang Dieyi glanced at Yan Chengfeng and complained, "Don't tell me this nonsense, you hurry up! It won't do you any good when the chance is unearthed."

She didn't want to talk nonsense with Yan Chengfeng. This guy is going to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. There must be something looking for her. Otherwise, he wouldn't have run over in such a hurry.

She didn't want to care about Yan Chengfeng's troubles at all, especially in the current situation, she must not be sloppy at all, otherwise, the situation might become more and more dangerous.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and his expression was a little unsightly, and he said, "If you insist on talking like this, then don't blame me for not giving you face."

"I still remember that we made a bet before. If you lose, you have to promise me a condition."

"No matter what excessive demands I make, you can't refuse."

"Now, I want you to keep your promise."

He was really convinced, this woman had to force him to this step.

However, this is actually pretty good.

At least, this time Yang Dieyi has no reason to reject him.


Yang Dieyi helplessly raised her hand and lightly rubbed her eyebrows. She was helpless for a while. When she met such a guy, she could only sigh that life is impermanent!

"You can ask anything you want. I have never seen such a shameless person as you."

Yang Dieyi was a little depressed, but as a gentleman said, it was difficult for a horse to catch up. She was too lazy to talk nonsense, she could ask any kind of request Yan Chengfeng made, those were no longer important.

In the current situation, there are many problems that can never be solved in an instant, and can only be dealt with slowly.

What should come will come eventually, and there is no use in escaping.

"Since you have already opened your mouth, then I will not be polite to you. No matter what I say, you must promise me."

Yan Chengfeng came to Yang Dieyi's side and said solemnly, "After I want you, no matter what, you have to listen to me."

"You can't refuse any of my requests. My words are the imperial edict, and you must obey."

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