Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 594: There are countless strong people, be extra careful

Yan Chengfeng's methods were too powerful, and everyone had a new understanding of him once again, and no one dared to provoke him easily.

In the next time, it became very calm, and no one jumped out to scream.

All the creatures are waiting quietly.

Waiting for that peerless opportunity to be unearthed!

The wait is long and frustrating.

But no matter what, you have to do your best to wait, time will always bring you unexpected surprises.

In this territory, countless monks gathered, and they all came for this good fortune.

Although they still don't know what kind of fortune-telling is about to be unearthed, they can clearly feel an endless energy fluctuation.

That fierce force came out, and the entire galaxy was going to be ruined. The sun and the moon lost their color, and the sky gradually became dark, and the clouds were dense.


The high-altitude drumming sounded resoundingly, and a tyrannical aura radiated out.

The monks with weak Taoism did not dare to set foot here.

"The situation here seems to be getting more and more dangerous, and I don't know what kind of danger is hidden behind it."

"Who knows what good fortune will be unearthed in this territory? I see this situation now, it seems a bit strange!"

"This is really not clear, but since we have come this far, no matter how dangerous it is, we must face it."

"Yeah! It's hard to come to Xiaoyao Tianjing, and naturally you can't leave easily."

"Don't say it, this time, Xiaoyao Tianjing is really not the usual lively! There are too many monks who come to **** the opportunity."

"There are indeed quite a lot of people, but I just don't know what the final outcome will be..."

There are many monks who come here, all for the sake of luck, and no one knows whether they can seize the opportunity in the end.

After all, there are too many peerless overlords here. Those invincible overlords all have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. With their gestures, they can destroy everything, and no one can match them.

The monstrous general situation is recovering frantically, and the energy rhythm it emits is becoming more and more terrifying. Taking a deep breath, I immediately feel refreshed.

It felt really comfortable and refreshing.


Suddenly, this piece of heaven and earth began to turmoil, and waves of fluctuations caused extremely huge movements. Looking at the boundless territory, there were phantoms of dragons and phoenixes evolving, bursting out with unparalleled divine might.

This kind of invincible ferocity is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

Everyone is retreating. It is an eventful time. They don't want to be affected. They must be extra cautious.

As for what the final outcome will be, that is no longer important. It is the best to be able to survive in this chaotic world.

Especially in the current situation, you must not be careless, you must be extra careful and cautious. Otherwise, one slip will turn into eternal hatred.

Yan Chengfeng also looked at the center of the storm, he could clearly feel an endless power, that power was very terrifying, making people feel deeply depressed.

Encountering such a situation, he was also puzzled, but since he had already come this far, there was nothing to doubt.

Even if there is a danger of shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods, we must work hard to go on.

He will never take half a step back, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.


The waves of violent ferocity rushed out, and the divine might of heaven and earth was surging, and the energy rhyme that burst out was really domineering. When everyone saw such a scene, they were terrified for a while.


Everyone is retreating, and they vaguely feel an endless killing intent. If they stay here, they may be suppressed. It is better to be cautious now.

A little careless will be destroyed, especially those monks with weak Taoism, who are greedy for life and fear of death, and will not enter this territory at all.

Everyone also expressed helplessness about this, but since they have come this far, they must try their best to do everything well no matter what.

"Yan Chengfeng, the creation unearthed this time is probably scary!"

Baili Dongjun came to Yan Chengfeng's side, and his heart was full of curiosity.

She felt that it was quite dangerous here, and she would be destroyed if she was not careful.

"It's not clear yet, let's wait and see?"

Yan Chengfeng replied that the current situation was not something he could have expected, so he could only wait for a while, and maybe other things would happen next.

He doesn't need to worry at all, everything is under control, and he doesn't need to care too much at all.

Baili Dongjun didn't say anything more and stayed by Yan Chengfeng's side quietly, they quietly watched the distant scene.

The situation here is a bit more terrifying than other places, and it must not be careless, otherwise, the final outcome will definitely be very miserable.


At this time, there was a terrifying pressure of qi and blood in the distance, and the pressure of energy and rhythm was too terrifying. Between the fluctuations, the mountains and rivers were collapsing, and it seemed that there was a possibility of collapse at any time.

Everyone was helpless about the scene in front of them.

You don't have to look to know that there must be invincible creatures that have set foot in this territory.

"That's the creatures of Lingshan Mountain in Taihu Lake. They came here. It seems that this time, there is really a killing!"

"The people of Lingshan Mountain in Taihu Lake are not scary. What is scary is another force. Didn't you see that the ancient Ming clan also came?"

"It is said that this ancient Ming clan masters countless peerless secret techniques. This time, it is estimated that no one can compete with the ancient Ming clan."

"Indeed, the combat power of the ancient Ming clan is too terrifying. If you want to be an enemy of such an invincible existence, you are looking for a dead end."

"I don't know what invincible forces will come next, it's too scary..."

The monks all around were talking in a low voice. What happened now is very terrifying, especially those invincible sect races. Any invincible person has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

Such existence is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

Such invincible fierceness was suppressed, and the entire galaxy was collapsing, dilapidated, and the sun and the moon lost their luster.

"The invincible powerhouse this time is really not ordinary!"

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter. This matter was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

He must be extra careful, otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

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