Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 586: The ending is hard to change, leave the fairyland

There are too many things that have happened recently, especially the disturbance caused by the armillary sphere. This is definitely not a happy event.

The armillary sphere has energy that penetrates the sky and the earth, and can travel through the past, the present and the future. Those creatures who hear the news are all for the armillary sphere.

This time, they will definitely fight for the armillary sphere.

And the creatures with armillary spheres will definitely become the target of all beings.

Those terrifying energy rhyme fluctuations, the entire mountains and rivers will change, no one dares to approach this place, they can only retreat far away.

At this time, the Tianyi clan's territory has completely become a dead place, and this place is definitely not for ordinary people to set foot on.

I don't know when, Bailiyuan also disappeared, and Yan Chengfeng didn't care too much.

He is determined to obtain this treasure of the Armillary Sphere. Even if Bailiyuan escapes and leaves, he still has a chance.

The long road is long, and everything must be done gradually. Don't be too hasty, otherwise, the whole thing may become more and more serious.

In the current situation, it must not be taken too seriously.

Otherwise, one misstep will become eternal hatred.

"Your father is running really fast. That armillary sphere seems to be difficult to obtain in a short period of time."

Yan Chengfeng looked at Barbarian God and Baili Dongjun and said, "The current situation in the fairy world is more terrifying than we imagined. If you want to leave, you can go back with me."

"Why don't we take advantage of this time period and go to the world to have a child and a half-daughter, what do you think?"

Yan Chengfeng's thoughts were clearly revealed.

The barbarian **** glared at Yan Chengfeng and complained, "I don't care, I want to give birth to you slowly and by yourself. I don't want to have children for you now."

"I still have a lot to deal with, but I'm not as leisurely as you."

"Anyway, judging from the current situation, it's not bad for you to go to the world to avoid the limelight. After this period of time, you can come back!"

She didn't want Yan Chengfeng to stay and take risks. This place was too dangerous. If Yan Chengfeng stayed here, she would definitely encounter danger.

The most important thing now is to leave this place without making any mistakes.

"Then what are your plans?"

Yan Chengfeng glanced at Dongjun Baili next to him. Since the barbarian **** didn't want to leave with him, he wouldn't force it.

Anyway, after leaving Immortal Realm this time, he should not come back.

It's still comfortable to stay in the world, those guys who always think about soaring in the daytime are really not ordinary stupid!

"Go alone! I don't want to go to the world either."

Baili Dongjun finally refused. She and Yan Chengfeng were just allies. Now, everything has been settled, and it is time to say goodbye.

Regardless of the final outcome, those are no longer important.

"I'm leaving."

Yan Chengfeng didn't say anything. He waved his hand and left the place quickly. After leaving this time, maybe he will never see each other again?

However, he didn't take it to heart.

In heaven and on earth, it is nothing but an unwitting encounter.

It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes.

Yan Chengfeng's departure did not cause much disturbance, and Baili Dongjun and Barbarian God also parted ways.

The Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends suffered heavy losses, and their pursuit of Yan Chengfeng had completely relaxed.

Therefore, Yan Chengfeng left the Immortal Realm very easily and did not encounter any obstacles.

three days later.

Guanjiangkou Yang family.

Yan Chengfeng left the immortal world and came to the world, he went directly to the Yang family in Guanjiangkou, and came here to see Yang Dieyi.

Entering the Yang family in Guanjiangkou, he came to the place where Yang Dieyi lived.

Yang Dieyi's days are also quite free and easy, drinking tea alone, watching the flowers bloom and fall in the world, the origin and fate of death, the pride of life must be full of joy, don't let the golden bottle face the moon.

A life like hers is what everyone dreams of!

After a vigorous expedition, I suddenly felt that ordinary things seemed to be pretty good.

When Yang Dieyi saw Yan Chengfeng's arrival, she was not very surprised, it seemed that everything was within her expectations.

This time, she already knew what happened in the fairy world, and she was sweating for Yan Chengfeng.

It is quite good for Yan Chengfeng to be able to turn bad luck into good luck, and to turn disaster into auspiciousness.

As for other issues, there is no need to pay too much attention. The Sun Minghuo God of Judgment Mountain should not join the WTO in a short period of time. Yan Chengfeng has time to improve his cultivation.

Perhaps, when the Sun Minghuo God of Judgment Mountain entered the world, Yan Chengfeng no longer had to be afraid of Judgment Mountain.

"Yang Dieyi, long time no see!"

Yan Chengfeng came to Yang Dieyi's side in an instant and gave Yang Dieyi a big hug.

Yang Dieyi's willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and she wondered: "What's wrong with you today, even if we haven't seen each other for a long time, there is no need to come up and hug me!"

"Before, didn't you kill me because I wasn't pretty, didn't you like it?"

Of course she knew that this guy always thought that her appearance was not very stunning, so he didn't bother to hook up with her.

In fact, her appearance is not very bad, but she is not as stunning as other girls. She belongs to the kind of woman who looks more attractive, and her bones are very beautiful.

"It's really a surprise to be able to come back alive this time!"

Yan Chengfeng let go of Yang Dieyi's clothes, and then said solemnly: "Do you think that this time I can escape the catastrophe, it's luck, or a secret arrangement."

He always felt that this matter was a bit strange. It seemed that all of this was being pushed by a pair of hands behind it.

That invisible and mysterious power still made him curious.

Yang Dieyi shook his head, walked to the side, sat down, and said calmly, "I'm just a spectator in the world, and I'm just a passer-by in your life. This is a matter of fate, how can I know it."

"It's really an unwise choice for you to come to me to explore news."

"Even if I really know something, I can't tell you. After all, the secret cannot be revealed."

"Okay, don't go around in circles with me here, go home and accompany your confidantes!"

"I can't accompany you to relieve fatigue. You don't need to be here, wasting time with me."

Her relationship with Yan Chengfeng is more of a friendship. She doesn't know much about this guy's mind, and she doesn't bother to read it.

In life, everything is random.

She doesn't care about anything, and she's not afraid of anything. Those who should come will come eventually, and those who want to leave will not be able to stay.

For such an ending, Yan Chengfeng really had a headache, but he had no choice.

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