Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 583: The master behind is invincible

Everyone is working in the expedition center, and even if they are involved in this endless killing, they have no choice.

In order to obtain the armillary sphere that can travel through the past, the present and the future, they must go all out to take action, even if they are buried here, they are not afraid.

It is a supreme honor to be able to sacrifice for the ideal in your heart.

The aftershocks rushed out, and many monks with weak Taoism were directly smashed. For a while, blood was flying, and a pungent **** smell could be smelled everywhere.


Bailiyuan's attack was very domineering, and his palms quickly pushed out horizontally.

His opponent is Patriarch Tianyi, even if he faces Patriarch Tianyi alone, he will not be defeated.

The expedition in this territory is extremely terrifying, making it difficult for ordinary creatures to resist, and everyone is forced to retreat, and their hearts are terrified.

Especially in the current situation, we must not be half-careless, otherwise, a single mistake will become an eternal hatred.


The methods of the Tianyi Patriarch were also very domineering. The tyrannical coercion rushed out, almost tearing the sky apart. She never thought about letting this Bailiyuan live.

For a time, there were terrifying killings everywhere, and there were too many dead beings, especially those monks with weak Taoism, who became the dead souls in the hands of others and withered bones under their feet.

Countless cultivators wanted to retreat. After all, the scene at the moment was indeed quite scary. They didn't dare to approach at all, and they would fall into a doomed situation in an instant.


At this time, Yan Chengfeng also took action, and his target was naturally the Tianyi Patriarch.

Since Bailiyuan is his father-in-law, it doesn't matter whether Bailiyuan is a demon or not.

Now, the most important thing is to get rid of the Tianyi Patriarch.

It's just an ignorant ant who wants to scream here, so he must die.

"The law of time."

Yan Chengfeng's shot is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

His palms were pushed out horizontally, the laws of endless years were rhythmically, and the power that burst out was really terrifying.

The vast law of years is slammed out, the entire galaxy is shaking, the endless world is in ruins, and this space has completely lost its color.

Yan Chengfeng seems to be the king of this world, no one can compete with him, his combat power is unparalleled, and he can be called an invincible existence.

"Little beast, you dare to be an enemy of this seat, it seems that you are tired of living."

Patriarch Tianyi's gaze was piercing, she was completely angry, and the current group of ignorant ants are really looking for their own way of death.

She must completely destroy this group of people, and no one can stop her.

"Old man, stop howling, just you ignorant ants, I can destroy them at the click of a finger."

Yan Chengfeng's attack became more and more domineering, and more and more creatures were affected and died during those waves of coercion.

No matter what the final outcome will be, he no longer cares, this group of creatures must die.

No one can stop him, those people's combat power is too overbearing.

However, no one could stop him.


The terrifying aura swept out, and everyone was retreating. They didn't dare to approach this place at all. This place was too dangerous.

A little careless, it will be completely destroyed.


Patriarch Tianyi was vomiting blood frantically, her face was as pale as paper, and she couldn't resist it at all.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is really too tyrannical, and there are sky-high means in every move.

Everyone is retreating, and those who have no time to leave are directly submerged and swallowed by the endless river of time.

"Old woman, your strength is too weak. If you want to be my enemy, you are not qualified."

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is quite terrifying, especially the vast law of time, between fluctuations, the world has lost its color.

Endless years are crumbling, crumbling, and no one can come close.

"Little beast, do you know who is behind this seat? You dare to stop me here."

Patriarch Tianyi's eyes were full of anger, and she wished she could tear Yan Chengfeng's corpse into ten thousand pieces, smashing her bones into ashes.

We must do our best to destroy this group of creatures.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "What kind of background do you have, then tell me and let me know!"

He was very calm, and he didn't take the threat of Tianyi Patriarch to heart at all. Such a threat was of no use to him at all.

He will never be afraid, looking at the whole world, no one can make him feel fear.

"Straight is arrogant."

Tianyi Patriarch felt deep malice, she must kill Yan Chengfeng, no one can die, but Yan Chengfeng must die.

She will never be merciful to this kind of bug that doesn't know how high the sky is. She must destroy this ant and let him know why the flowers are so red.

"Then, you ignorant ant, stand firm for this seat, and then listen carefully to what kind of invincible existence is behind this seat."

Tianyi Patriarch's eyes were piercing, and he said coldly, "Behind this seat is the Sun Minghuo God of Judgment Mountain. You'd better get down on your knees and be slaughtered, otherwise, you will surely die."

She was completely angry, no matter what, she would kill Yan Chengfeng.

A mere human ant also delusionally shouted in front of her, and must make her pay a painful price.

"Sun Minghuo God."

"She's not joking! That person is even older than the ancestors of the Earth Immortals. According to legend, before the reincarnation of the gods like a crucian carp crossing the river, this sun-bright fire **** was also considered a supreme existence. ."

"If this Tianyi Patriarch didn't lie, then looking at the whole world, who else can resist the Sun-Ming Fire God?"

"Although the combat power of Taiyangming Vulcan is terrifying, it is not necessarily true. There is really no way."

"After all, before the reincarnation of the heavens, there were countless gods rising. Those invincible gods were all hidden in the mountains and seas. How could their means be able to compete with ordinary people..."

There are more and more monks watching, and a steady stream of creatures have entered the Tian Clan.

The battle in this place has already attracted the attention of outsiders. Everyone is retreating, and they dare not approach this place at all. They are also very frightened when they see such a scene...

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