Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 580: Waiting for the opportunity, the beginning of the war

The monks around are very worried, especially in the current situation, if you are not careful, you will become one of the corpses.

The patriarch of the Tianyi clan is indeed quite terrifying. With such invincible means, the entire mountain and river seems to be shattered.

"You entered the Tian clan hastily, and it was already a dead end. However, this seat has the virtue of good life, and if you leave now, you may still have a chance to survive."

Tianyi Patriarch looked indifferent and said coldly: "The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, I hope you have self-knowledge."

Of course she will not show mercy to these ignorant ants. Anyone who dares to offend her will have to pay a tragic end.

As for those bed bugs who seek their own way, you don't need to care anymore. Those who should come will come eventually. If you want to clamor with her, you must die.

"Old man, don't intimidate people here. If you have any means, just use them!"

The gaze of the ancestor of the earth immortal was deep, he was very arrogant, and he did not take this old woman in his eyes at all.

The patriarch of the Tian family is simply a joke.

If you want to shout in front of them, that is really a painful price to pay.

After all, they are not easy to provoke existences. If they offend such invincibles, their fate will be very miserable.

Especially in the current situation, no matter what the final outcome is, since it has already happened, it can only be brave enough to go on.

After all, what they want is definitely not that simple and easy.

If they want to get the armillary sphere, they must be the enemy of the creatures of the Tian family. In any case, they must kill these creatures thoroughly.

Only by beheading the creatures of the Tian Clan, they will definitely be able to obtain the Armillary Sphere. At that time, no one will be able to compete with them.

"The ants who don't know whether to live or die, since you want to die, then this seat will fulfill you."

Tianyi Patriarch was also thoroughly irritated. Judging from the current situation, if it is not dealt with as soon as possible, the problem will only become more and more serious.

She is very clear that these creatures are menacing, and their purpose is definitely not that simple.

The only thing that can be done now is to destroy all living beings as soon as possible. Only by killing these creatures can this chaos be quelled.


Patriarch Tianyi's attack was very terrifying. Her palms were pushed out horizontally, all the stars in the sky were shifting, and the tyrannical aura pressure rushed out, and the surrounding mountains were razed to the ground.

There was a terrifying aura everywhere, and the tyrannical qi and blood fluctuations seemed extremely terrifying and tyrannical.

When everyone saw such a scene, they were also frightened, and they didn't dare to stay close.

This place is too dangerous, and their meticulous conduct can't stop this massacre at all.

During the fluctuation of that infinite power, the entire mountain and river was going to be ruined, and everyone was retreating at a very fast speed, and they wanted to withdraw from the center of the storm.


The attack in this space was terrifying. Those monks who had no time to retreat were spitting blood and instantly turned into dead bones.

Under the coercion of these invincibles, they have nothing to do at all, especially in the current situation, once they are destroyed, there will be no chance.

"Old woman, your hand is too long."

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal did not back down either. Since this expedition is doomed, he has no reason to back down. He must deal with this old woman as soon as possible.

In any case, it cannot be given a chance to survive.


For a time, black clouds surging in the sky, lightning flashes and thunder, and all kinds of terrifying scenes evolve. The waves of attacks are too terrifying.

The cultivator standing in the distance watching onlookers was full of grief in their hearts. These creatures are too tyrannical. They all have unparalleled means in the world. The terrifying attacks fell, almost tearing the entire star apart.

No one dared to approach this place, they were all flinching, this place is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.


The expedition of the ancestor of the earth immortal and the patriarch of Tianyi was really exciting. Similarly, their destructive power was also extraordinary. When the terrifying attacks fell, the entire Star Dou was about to crack.

Although there is some gap between the ancestor of the earth immortal and the patriarch of Tianyi, the gap is not too obvious.

During this period of time, the ancestor of the earth immortal has obviously improved again, and his strength is very terrifying, unparalleled in the world.


Suddenly, a figure broke into the center of the battlefield. Seeing that man, Yan Chengfeng was also ecstatic.

He knew that the man who stole the Armillary Sphere had appeared, and this time, he would definitely find an opportunity to capture it thoroughly, and then **** the Armillary Sphere.

That is a treasure that can travel between the past, the present and the future. Since he has come this far, he will definitely not be merciful.

It must be obtained, even if it is a waste product, it must be kept. Perhaps, such an item will have some different uses in the future.

Everyone is quite excited about the sight in front of them, but no matter what, since they have come this far, they must go all out.

"The man has appeared, be careful."

Yan Chengfeng had already been eager to try, no matter what the final outcome was, since he had already reached this point, there was nothing to say, he had to get that armillary sphere.

"Wait a minute."

The barbarian god's eyebrows frowned slightly, and he directly blocked Yan Chengfeng, and said indifferently: "They are already fathers, and they are so frizzy."

"You can't beat this man. Just wait for a while. You can find a suitable opportunity before you shoot, and take advantage of his illness to kill him."

She was also very worried about Yan Chengfeng's safety. After all, this was no joke. If she was not careful, she would probably be buried here.

Since the man who stole the armillary sphere has already appeared, then this time, the armillary sphere will definitely surface, so there is no need to worry too much.

At this time, you must be steady, and you must not be too hasty.


Yan Chengfeng was a little helpless, but he had no choice but to wait and wait for an opportunity later.

If you take action now, the problem will become more serious, and you can't say it is not necessarily.

Everyone didn't act rashly, and they all turned their attention to the sky...

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