Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 574: The past, the present and the future, enter Tianyi

After the barbarian God said a sentence, he didn't say anything more, and left this place directly to explore the traces of the Tian Clan.

Yan Chengfeng didn't force her to stay, and left with Baili Dongjun to go to the Tian Clan.

In this territory, there are many creatures coming. They are all here for the treasure of the Tian Clan. Whether they can get that treasure depends on whether they can find the entrance of the Tian Clan.

After all, the traces of the Tian Clan are not enough for outsiders.

The Tianyi Clan is a mysterious and ancient race. The creatures in this race only exist in ancient legends and books. Outsiders have never seen the creatures of the Tianyi Clan.

However, even if they did see it, who would know that the other party was a creature of the Tian Clan.

The sentient beings are also quite helpless about this scene in front of them, because the depths of the Tianshan Mountains are cold and freezing, and there are flaming stars circulating everywhere in this place, and the scene is very terrifying.

The monks who entered this place can clearly feel that the infinite power, so terrifying and domineering energy fluctuations, also makes countless creatures tremble, and all living beings dare not approach this place.

This place is too dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.

However, in order to find the creatures of the Tian Clan as soon as possible, they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

No matter what dangers you will encounter next, you must go all out to deal with them, and you will be safe when they come.


Coming to the depths of the Tianshan Mountains, in the high sky of this territory, there is a blazing rhythm of brilliance, and in the surging wisps of fierceness, the endless power is shaking frantically, and the world is going to be ruined.

Everyone is retreating, and they dare not approach this place at all. From that vortex, they can clearly feel a kind of power that destroys the sky and destroys the earth.

Everyone is very frightened by the sight in front of them. In this kind of place, we must handle everything carefully.

Otherwise, once they are in danger, they may be buried here directly. This kind of ending is not what they want to see.


The violent aura emanated, and the entire mountains and rivers were collapsing. Ordinary creatures did not dare to approach this place at all, and they were all afraid of death.

There is no one who is not afraid of death, after all, once they die, they don't have a second chance.

In this territory, there are all kinds of terrifying scenes evolving. On the other side, Yan Chengfeng has followed Baili Dongjun to the place where the Tian Clan lives.

This is indeed a paradise, an independent paradise.

If it wasn't for Baili Dongjun to lead the way, he wouldn't be able to find this place at all.

However, whether those people outside can find this place, he is not quite sure.

I heard that this vision of heaven and earth is once every 100,000 years. Maybe those people can really use the vision of heaven and earth to find the way to enter the Tian family.

If you want to enter the Tianyi family, although there is only one way to go. However, even if the Tian Clan can hide, they will eventually be exposed one day.

When Yan Chengfeng and Baili Dongjun came to the Tianyi Clan, the sky here was already dark, and almost all the creatures of the Tianyi Clan had already fallen asleep.

"The creatures of your Tian clan really go to bed early?"

Yan Chengfeng couldn't help but sigh, these people really went to bed early, but these are no longer important.

Most importantly, where is he sleeping tonight?

"That's what this place is like. Don't run around at night. If something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Baili Dongjun glared at Yan Chengfeng, she knew that this guy, what he liked most was to cause trouble, and it was really difficult to control this annoying guy.

However, since she has already brought Yan Chengfeng to the Tian Clan, she will definitely not ignore Yan Chengfeng, and she will definitely take care of his daily life.

Regarding Baili Dongjun's reminder, Yan Chengfeng didn't take it to heart.

Tianyi Clan is so mysterious, perhaps, there should be some unknown secrets hidden behind it.

"Dongjun, doesn't your Tian family have a treasure that can travel between the past, the present and the future? Hurry up and take me to see what it is, it is so magical, I have never seen it before, such a supreme treasure."

Yan Chengfeng began to think about that treasure again. It was possible to travel between the past and the present and the future. Probably no one would think that such a treasure would be a burden.

As long as you get such a treasure, it is estimated that you will wake up laughing from your dreams for the rest of your life.

Baili Dongjun glanced at Yan Chengfeng, she didn't want to pay attention to this guy, she had never seen such a boring guy before.

It's just a treasure that can travel through the past, the present and the future, what's so good about it.

She is too lazy to think too much, anyway, what should come will come after all, since Yan Chengfeng wants to see it, then take him to have a look!

Anyway, that treasure has been stored for a long time, and it has never been used. It is estimated that it is already rusted.

"I'm afraid of you too, let's go!"

Baili Dongjun had no choice but to take Yan Chengfeng to the Treasure Pavilion to take a look at the treasure that can travel between the past, the present and the future.

Yan Chengfeng was also very excited, followed Baili Dongjun, walked forward quickly, and soon came to the Treasure Pavilion.

The Treasure Pavilion of the Tianyi Clan can be described as rich and colorful, and there are all kinds of treasures.

"It's quite unique here, but why haven't I seen that legendary treasure that can travel through the past, present and future, is it really so magical?"

Up to now, Yan Chengfeng is still full of skepticism. Being able to travel between the past and present and the future, such a treasure sounds a bit mysterious.

Baili Dongjun didn't say a lot of nonsense. She only knew what that treasure was like, and there was no need to explain it to Yan Chengfeng.

She walked in front of a stone statue, bit her finger, and dripped a drop of blood on the stone statue. Soon, the stone statue turned immediately, and a secret door appeared.

Behind the secret door is a rusty round object. It is very huge. It is rusted on it, and its original appearance cannot be clearly seen.

It is estimated that such an item has been used for a long time and has never been used, otherwise, it will not be rusted.

"This is a treasure that can travel through the past, the present and the future. It seems a little unreal!"

Yan Chengfeng felt that it was fake, who would throw such a treasure in this place like a waste product.

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