Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 566: The Great General is coming, Fengcheng is trapped

If someone saw the scene of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood in front of them, it is estimated that they would not be able to help but feel sick!

There had been an invincible conquest here, and although it had subsided, one could still feel the violent ferocity that was unparalleled in the world.

The creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends chased here, and after they did not find Yan Chengfeng's figure, they did not give up and continued to chase out.

In any case, they will never let Yan Chengfeng go, and they must let him not survive or die.

The vast stars, the vast expanse.

In this ancient mountain and river, ancient scenes can be seen everywhere, and there are many creatures searching for Yan Chengfeng's traces. They all want to find Yan Chengfeng, and then try their best to kill him.

The existence of Yan Chengfeng has caused troubles to many creatures in the fairy world. They only have one idea now, and that is to kill Yan Chengfeng.

A mere ignorant flea also wanted to yell at them, and they couldn't swallow it. In any case, let him know how miserable it was when he offended them.

Feeling the pressure of the tyrannical aura, everyone was retreating, and they didn't dare to approach at all. The wind was surging here, and the strange scene was unpredictable.

If you set foot here hastily, the situation will probably become more and more dangerous, and you will definitely fall into a doomed place.

This is Fengcheng.

It is also the most developed place in Immortal Realm, and everyone who travels from south to north needs to pass through this place.

Yan Chengfeng and Baili Dongjun have been found by the living beings of the Sifang Dynasty and the Gorefiends. In the hands of these two races, they have invincible means.

It is relatively easy to find Yan Chengfeng and Baili Dongjun, and it doesn't take much trouble at all.

There are many monks standing in this place, and they all know the grievances of Yan Chengfeng and the Sifang Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends.

No one would have thought that the life-and-death conquest would come so quickly, this time, Yan Chengfeng would definitely die, and everyone thought so.

Even if Yan Chengfeng has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, he should not think about competing with the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty. The creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth.

The Southern Immortal Dynasty is among the Sifang Immortal Dynasty, and it can be regarded as a supreme Immortal Dynasty. It has a very terrifying background, ordinary creatures, and it is the enemy of the Southern Immortal Dynasty, that is, it is seeking its own death.

No one can resist the killing of the Southern Immortal Dynasty, even Yan Chengfeng will not be an exception.

"Yan Chengfeng, this time I'm afraid I'm going to suffer."

Baili Dongjun frowned slightly, and she did not expect that the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends would come so quickly.

It is not so easy to contend with these invincible creatures.

In such a situation, she was quite helpless, but had no choice.

Even if she will die in the next second, she will never take a half step back.

Of course Yan Chengfeng knew that this expedition might not end so easily, but since they had already met, he had nothing to say.

No matter what kind of invincible means the other party has, they must do their best to fight against it, and there must be no mistakes. As for the future, let's talk about it later!

"Don't worry! The soldiers will block the water and cover with the soil. Our luck will not be so bad. This time, we should be able to turn a bad luck into a good one, and die a lucky one."

Yan Chengfeng was very calm, he didn't take the creatures of the Gorefiends and the Southern Immortal Dynasty in his eyes at all, even if these two races came out of the nest.

He has always believed in one thing, and that is the fear that the problem will never be solved.

Since he was afraid that he could not solve the problem, there was no need for him to be afraid at all.

No matter what the final outcome will be, he accepts his fate.

Baili Dongjun didn't know what to say, Yan Chengfeng's heart was really big, and it was already like this, and it was really surprising that he could handle it calmly.

However, as Yan Chengfeng said, now they can only do their best to obey the destiny.

"Two ignorant ants dare to offend the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty. It seems that you have never died."

The general of the Southern Immortal Dynasty stood up, his momentum was very strong, and the wisps of fierceness rushed out, the entire starry sky was collapsing, the mountains, rivers, sun and moon were about to collapse and fall.

This creature's combat power is very violent, the endless sun and moon are shaking, and the world is shaking.


There were dark clouds in the sky, lightning and thunder, and the thick lightning fell down and slammed into the lofty mountain peaks, which had already split the mountain peaks.

The scene here is very terrifying. When everyone saw such a scene, they did not dare to approach this place. They were so frightened in their hearts that they did not dare to be careless, and they all quickly retreated into the distance.

If they continue to stay in the center of the storm, they may be destroyed. The most important thing now is to leave as soon as possible, and one mistake will lead to eternal hatred.

"The general of the Southern Immortal Dynasty is really extraordinary! His strength is really terrifying. If ordinary people want to compete with him, it is simply wishful thinking."

"This time, the Southern Immortal Dynasty used such an invincible person, Yan Chengfeng is probably doomed, and it is not so easy to compete with this invincible existence!"

"Not only did the Southern Immortal Dynasty use invincible creatures, but there were also invincibles on the side of the Blood Demons. It seems that this time Yan Chengfeng is really going to suffer."

"Yeah! He is offended by not sleeping well, but he wants to provoke the invincible overlord of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends. It is obvious that he is seeking his own death..."

There are many monks watching, and they are all discussing on the ground.

As for Yan Chengfeng's life and death, they seem to have seen the end, this time, Yan Chengfeng must die.

Especially in the face of those invincible creatures, even if he has the means to penetrate the sky, I am afraid that he will not escape death!

"Little beast, if you kneel down and be slaughtered by your neck, you might be able to have a good time."

The general's expression was indifferent, and he said coldly: "If you are stubborn, then you will fall into the hands of this seat."

"Then, your end will be very miserable. I hope you have self-knowledge and stop doing unnecessary resistance."

The general's breath is very terrifying, and the tyrannical energy rhythm fluctuations can almost tear the entire star torn apart, and the sun and the moon are changing color.

The living beings watching the battle can clearly feel that an endless power, that coercion is very terrifying, they do not dare to stay close, for fear of being suppressed.

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