Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 563: The slaughter is complete, the strong go to war

Yan Chengfeng never thought about giving his way to a clown who jumped on the beam. He just believed in one thing, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.

This purpose will never change, no one can stop him, he will not let these people live, no one can.

"Straight is arrogant."

The young city lord's eyes were full of fierce killing light, he was completely angry, and he could not wait to smash Yan Chengfeng's corpse into ten thousand pieces, smashing his bones into ashes.

Of course he didn't want to let go of this ignorant clown.

Since the other party is begging for death, he will never show mercy.


The young city lord did not delay, he immediately took action, and quickly attacked Yan Chengfeng. The terrifying killings were rampant, and the burst of energy was extremely terrifying, and the entire stars were shaking.

This side of the sun and the moon seemed to have lost its color. His hands were clenched into fists, and he fiercely attacked Yan Chengfeng.


That punch swept out, and all the stars in the sky were collapsing and shifting.

Everyone is shrinking, and they don't dare to approach this place at all, especially in the current situation. If it is affected, the end will be very miserable.


In the face of the attack of the young city master, Yan Chengfeng did not flinch, he rushed out quickly, the tyrannical breaths rushed out, the infinite power was bursting, the sun and the moon were about to be destroyed.

The battle between the two in the sky has already attracted the attention of many people, and even the blood demons, the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty rushed here.

The combat power of those creatures is very terrifying, and they have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. If they rush to this place, there will definitely be an earth-shattering killing.

Everyone's hearts are a little surprised, especially in the current situation, if you are not careful, you will be destroyed.

Everyone is backing away, not daring to approach this place at all.

They could clearly feel that both Yan Chengfeng and Shaochengzhu were using their full strength.

"Yan Chengfeng's strength is too terrifying, even if he dies at this moment, it is estimated that many people will remember him!"

"He is really daring and dares to offend the young city lord. Is it not obvious that he is seeking his own death?"

"Today, Yan Chengfeng will definitely die. After I finish speaking, who is in favor and who is against?"

"I heard that the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends are already rushing towards this territory. Once those creatures come over, even if Yan Chengfeng has three heads and six arms, he will surely die."

"Yeah! At that time, absolutely no one will be able to save him..."

The monks watching the battle were talking about it, and they had already expected Yan Chengfeng's ending.

Even if Yan Chengfeng's methods are piercing through the sky, it will be difficult to turn the tide in the end.


Yan Chengfeng stood in the air, his attack was unparalleled in the world, even though the young city lord had already used all his strength.

However, in front of Yan Chengfeng, his methods still seemed a little weak.

This is his invincible means, no one can resist.


The young city lord was knocked out again, and a large mouthful of blood was sprayed out in the air. The whole person was as pale as paper, and his hair was disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

Everyone's hearts were full of fear, and no one knew exactly where Yan Chengfeng's bottom line was.

However, they all knew that if they offended Yan Chengfeng, their fate would be miserable.

This is the invincible means of living beings. If they offend such an existence, then they will have only one way to die.

"What other last words do you have, you can explain it now."

Yan Chengfeng didn't want to delay time, just wanted to kill this young city lord as soon as possible.

The young city lord's eyes were staring, staring at Yan Chengfeng, his heart was full of anger, and he just wanted to crush Yan Chengfeng.

A mere flea also delusionally screams in Qingtian City, which is simply ridiculous.

"Ignorant bedbug, you are too arrogant. Since you are desperate for death, this seat will give you this chance."

The young city lord looked indifferent and said: "Dare to shout in Qingtian City, it seems that you are really tired of living. This time, no one can save you, you will surely die."

"The powerhouses in Qingtian City are like crucian carp crossing the river. What other means can you use this time?"


The young city lord did not delay, he directly took out a rune, and instantly crushed it.

At the moment when the rune exploded, everyone already knew that Yan Chengfeng was probably doomed this time.

Even if he has invincible means, I am afraid he cannot stop this attack.

The powerhouses in Qingtian City are like crucian carp crossing the river, they will never let go of this group of ignorant bugs.

Yan Chengfeng dared to shout here, I am afraid that the final end will be very miserable!

This is the method of the invincible in the world, and ordinary creatures can't resist it at all.


In just an instant, the invincibles of Qingtian City had already surrounded this place.

The terrifying and unparalleled aura is rushing down frantically, the endless mountains and rivers are in ruins, and the sun and the moon are in rotation.

No one dared to approach this place, and the slightest carelessness would be completely destroyed.

"This time, the creatures of Qingtian City seem to be genuine, and Yan Chengfeng is still a little bit ignorant."

Everyone was full of helplessness, sighing and feeling the violent aura, everyone was backing away, and they didn't dare to be careless, especially in the current situation.

The creatures of Qingtian City almost came out of their nests.

Such a force targets Yan Chengfeng, and even if Yan Chengfeng has the means to be invincible in the world, he will eventually die.

These invincible creatures will never let Yan Chengfeng go.

"Ignorant ants, this time, I have to see how you can resist."

The young city lord's face was hideous, and he was roaring wildly, and he was very excited. This time, he would definitely be able to destroy all of this.

No one can be safe after offending him again, these people must die.

No matter who it is, there will be a heavy price to pay.

A group of ignorant bugs, he will not let one go, killing them all without mercy.

Yan Chengfeng was very calm, no one knew where his self-confidence came from.

Even though there are invincible creatures everywhere, he has never been afraid, nor does he know what fear is.

It's just a bunch of clowns jumping on the beam, and if it can make him scared, it's really a joke.

This time, he must slaughter all this group of ignorant bugs.

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