Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 558: East Jun Baili, enter the city of Qingtian

The scene in front of him was very tragic and terrifying. Those humble creatures in Cangnan Star were all destroyed. Looking around, the entire broken mountains and rivers were covered with bones.

The only ones still alive now are Yan Chengfeng, Li Youqing, and Mu Liangfeng.

Mu Liangfeng had already left first, and Li Youqing had also escaped, so of course Yan Chengfeng would not stay stupidly.

He didn't delay, and immediately used the Law of Time to quickly escape to the distance.

He was very fast and disappeared in an instant.

"The ignorant ants are still delusional about running away. This seat will let you know how miserable it will be if you offend me."

Nanfang Wunian didn't intend to let Yan Chengfeng go, he quickly chased out, no matter what, he would kill Yan Chengfeng.

Let it not survive, nor die.

This time, Cangnan Star's life has been destroyed, and this place has become dilapidated, completely turned into a dead zone.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was very helpless, but there was nothing they could do.

The Gorefiends and the creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty did not stop here. They were divided into three groups, one group went after Mu Liangfeng, one group went after Yan Chengfeng, and one group went after Li Youqing.

They wanted to capture Mu Liangfeng, Li Youqing, and Yan Chengfeng, and let these three people know how miserable it was when they offended them.

For a time, the entire immortal world was in chaos. Many creatures joined the strength of the Southern Immortal Dynasty and the Gorefiends, and began to search for Li Youqing, Mu Liangfeng, and Yan Chengfeng.

Time is like the wind that goes away, and it is also like a carriage and horses traveling from south to north. It will never stop for anyone or anything. This is probably life!

Yan Chengfeng was caught by the Southern Immortal Dynasty, the creatures of the Gorefiends, there was no way to catch up to the sky, and no way to enter the earth.

His portrait is posted everywhere, and every gate of the city has a sky mirror standing. In front of the sky mirror, any disguise will be invisible.

This also made Yan Chengfeng unable to leave the fairyland, and he needed to go to the entrance of the teleportation array to leave the fairyland.

Now, there are sky mirrors everywhere in the Immortal Realm, and he can't even enter the city gate, let alone finding the entrance to the teleportation array, which is even more foolish.

Yan Chengfeng stayed not far from the gate of Qingtian City. There were many creatures in this place, and most of them were people who entered the city.

He is looking for an opportunity and wants to take the opportunity to enter Qingtian City.

At this moment, a fierce gust of wind rushed over, and the city gate guard noticed something was wrong, and immediately ran over to investigate the situation. Yan Chengfeng also took this opportunity to quickly enter the city.

After he entered the city, the outside also returned to calm, and everyone began to enter the city one after another. It seemed that this little episode was optional and did not have any impact.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were indifferent, and he said calmly: "This time it's really a near miss, go back to the human world as soon as possible, it's too dangerous to stay in the fairyland."

Although he is not afraid of danger, he is too lazy to deal with these troublesome things, and it is better to leave as soon as possible, there is no need to delay time here.

"Yan Chengfeng."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded beside him, Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly, and immediately became vigilant.

He looked back and saw a woman in a brocade robe staring at him quietly, the woman disguised as a man, but this could not hide Yan Chengfeng.

"You helped me just now."

Yan Chengfeng is also a smart person, and guessed it in an instant. If this woman hadn't helped him, then this woman would not have known him.

"What do you want me to do, after all, you shouldn't help me for no reason."

Yan Chengfeng stared at this woman indifferently. He always felt that the other party had a purpose, and he would not care what the other party's purpose was.

No one can force him to do what he doesn't want to do.

Especially in the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to be careless.


The woman smiled lightly and stretched out her hand, but said, "Dongjun Xiabaili, I came to see you with something that I would like you to help me with."

"You shouldn't refuse, the request of a beautiful woman like me!"


Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and he couldn't understand the operation of this Baili Dongjun. I have absolutely no idea what this Baili Dongjun wants to do.

If there is really a means to penetrate the sky, it should not be used to ask him for help.

However, nothing is absolute.

Yan Chengfeng did not shake hands with Dongjun Baili, but said indifferently: "Since you know me, you should know that I have hatred with the Blood Demons and the Southern Immortal Dynasty."

"You're running over and approaching me now, aren't you afraid of getting caught on fire?"

Regarding this matter, Yan Chengfeng felt that he still had to make it clear.

If the other party thinks that he is a burden, he can just take this opportunity to leave.

He doesn't want to stay in the fairyland at all, especially in the current situation, staying in the fairyland for a long time is very unfavorable to him.

In order to get rid of the current danger as soon as possible, he must return to the world.

However, this Baili Dongjun will definitely not let him leave easily. After all, this woman has already started to use beauty just now.

Xin Kui didn't take it to heart, otherwise, he would definitely be fooled.

Baili Dongjun smiled indifferently and said calmly: "I am also very clear about the grievances between you and the Gorefiends and the Southern Immortal Dynasty. Otherwise, why do you think I came to look for you."

"Walking through the rivers and lakes, there are no three or two enemies, can it be said in the past?"

"To be honest, I am also being chased by the creatures of the Eastern Immortal Dynasty, but what can I do? Even if the whole world is an enemy, we still have to work hard to live."

"There are many things in this world, all of which are like this, and it is absolutely impossible for all things to be satisfactory."

"As the old saying goes, things in life are unsatisfactory in all likelihood."

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart was full of helplessness. He met a guy who could tell the truth. No matter how she looked at this woman, she didn't look like a fuel-efficient lamp.

He felt that life in the future would become more colorful.

No matter what happens in the future, those are no longer important. The most important thing now is to live well in the present.

As for the future, I will talk about it later, and I don't need to worry about it at all.

"You came to find me on purpose, what is there to find me?"

Yan Chengfeng asked, since he has already come this far, there is nothing to hide, he can only open the skylight and speak eloquently...

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