Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 542: The war begins, the elders are defeated

However, fate did not crush them all the time, and finally sent an invincible savior to rescue them.

The cultivators of the entire Cangnan Star came out, staring intently at the expedition in the sky. This time, they saw the hope of life, and their hearts were filled with boundless faith.

No matter what, try your best to survive.

Because there is an invincible savior who finally came to rescue them.

They are all very clear that this is a new vitality, and they must seize it desperately. Even if the vine of vitality is smashed to pieces, there will never be any regrets.

The Great Elder of the Gorefiends is unparalleled in combat power. This person is definitely not an ordinary person. Every move of his hands is full of violent and fierce rhythm.


High in the sky, the sound of drums was resonant, the surging breath surging in waves, and there were thick lightning bolts falling down, fierce and powerful.

The scene here is extremely terrifying. Feeling that terrifying force, everyone is retreating, and the fear in their hearts is hard to add. It is too dangerous here.

If a monk with weak Taoism sets foot here, it will definitely be unstoppable, and it will be completely destroyed easily.

The surging fierceness fell, and the entire mountains and rivers were collapsing, as if to shatter the entire starry sky.


The Great Elder of the Gorefiends had gone mad, his black hair danced wildly, his face was hideous, his eyes were bloodshot, and his heart was full of anger.

Right now, he only has one idea, that is to kill Yan Chengfeng, no matter what, it will not make Yan Chengfeng any better.

An ignorant clown jumping on the beam, he even dared to shout in front of him, he couldn't swallow this breath, no matter what, he would be ashamed.

The attack of the Gorefiend Great Elder was very terrifying. Every attack fell with a violent aura. The pressure was so terrifying that it was difficult for ordinary creatures to compete, and the breath swallowed the sky and the earth.

Everyone is backing away, not daring to approach this place.

They are all afraid of the Great Elder of the Gorefiends. After all, this is the great devil who kills without blinking an eye.

Offending such an invincible existence, they are likely to die miserably.


Yan Chengfeng's killing was very domineering. His cage of heaven and earth ran rampant, and there were endless rhythms of the law of time.

All the vitality has disappeared, no one can stop him, his combat power is unparalleled, and his means are penetrating.

Offending such an existence will only lead to death.


The sound of beating drums in the sky resounded in waves, and the towering mountain peaks were all razed to the ground by the tyrannical aftermath.

The volcano is erupting frantically, and the fierce magma is rushing out, and the earth instantly becomes red and red.

The scene here is a bit terrifying. The entire Cangnan Star's life did not stay here, and they quickly retreated into the distance.

None of them dared to stay in the center of the storm. This place is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and he did not expect that the Great Elder of the Gorefiends would be so difficult to deal with. This matter has exceeded his expectations.

However, he didn't care either, these were small issues that could definitely be handled completely.


The vast years are rhythmic, there are monstrous years, and time is passing.

Under this starry sky, there are terrifying conquests emerging, everyone is retreating, and they don't dare to approach this place at all, especially in the current situation, a little carelessness will be buried here.

"Ignorant ants, if you dare to be the enemy of the Gorefiends, then your fate will be very miserable."

The blood demon clan elder's eyes were full of anger, he was completely angry, no matter what, he would destroy Yan Chengfeng, but he was just an ignorant flea.

He even dared to yell at him, he couldn't swallow this breath, no matter what, he had to let Yan Chengfeng not survive or die.

"Old man, your nonsense is really not too much."

Yan Chengfeng will not give these people any good looks, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy. No one will be an exception.

For these ignorant bugs, he will only kill them, and no one can stop him.

"good very good."

The Gorefiend Great Elder's eyes were piercing, he was completely angry, his heart was full of anger, and he wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng into tens of thousands of pieces.

This was a shame to him, he just wanted to kill Yan Chengfeng thoroughly.

No matter what kind of trouble he regrets the most, he will never take a step back.


The Great Elder of the Gorefiends had gone mad, he did not show mercy, he rushed out fiercely, the killings were terrifying, the entire Star Dou was trembling, the sun and the moon were rotating.

All sentient beings felt the coercion of that tyrannical aura, everyone was retreating, and the fear in their hearts was difficult to add.

Whether it is Yan Chengfeng or the elders of the Gorefiends, they have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. Such an invincible existence is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Offending such creatures, their fate will definitely be very miserable.


Yan Chengfeng also showed no mercy. His attack was even more terrifying than before. The tyrannical coercion rushed out, and the entire starry sky was torn apart.

Everyone is retreating, and they don't dare to approach this place at all. They all know very well that this conquest will soon enter a white-hot state.

Perhaps, it won't take too long, and the conquest will be completely over.


Yan Chengfeng's combat power was piercing through the sky, and he rushed out frantically, and the terrifying killing and chaotic surges, the heavens, the sun and the moon were in rotation, and the heavens and the earth were torn apart.


Facing the thunderstorm-like terrorist attacks, the Great Elder of the Gorefiends could not resist at all. Those attacks were too terrifying, and the fierceness of the sky fell, and it seemed that they could crush this side of the Star Dou.

The first elder could not stop these terrifying attacks at all, and was directly knocked out. He was vomiting blood, and his face was as pale as paper.

He didn't expect that he would be unable to stop Yan Chengfeng. This was a shame for him. He couldn't swallow it?

Being suppressed by an ant was really abhorrent. His heart was full of anger, and he could not wait to tear Yan Chengfeng's corpse into ten thousand pieces, smashing his bones into ashes.

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