Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 540: To Cangnan Star, warm in winter and cool in summer

Yan Chengfeng had nothing to say about the uncertain and troublesome factor of the ancestor of the earth immortal, and could only find a way to deal with it as soon as possible.

Although this is not an overnight thing, but he still has to work hard.

As for other issues, since they have already met, there is nothing to say, and they will be settled when they come.

"You want to solve the uncertain and troublesome factor of the ancestor of the earth immortal in a short period of time. It is definitely not an easy task."

At this time, Li Youqing said, "I personally think so! You should go to Cangnan Star with me first, and then deal with the current problems of Cangnan Star."

"As for the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, after all, he is the invincible big man before Hongmeng was sentenced. It is not an easy task to destroy him completely."

The ancestor of the earth immortal has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. It is not an easy thing to destroy these invincible existences.

There are many problems and factors that need to be carefully considered, and there must be no half-point error.

Otherwise, those problems will only get worse.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, the fear in his heart was hard to add, and he didn't know what to say about the current situation.

Perhaps as Li Youqing said, it is not an easy task to dispose of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal in a short period of time.

If you want to solve the ancestor of the earth immortal, you must take a long-term plan.

Now, it seems that the only option is to leave with Li Youqing first and go to Cangnan Star to deal with the troubles in Cangnan Star.

For the current problem, he really has no clue at all, and he doesn't want to deal with many things.

It's a pity that people can't help themselves in the arena.

No matter what danger comes next, we must deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise, the situation will only become more and more complicated.


There was a sound of beating drums in the sky, and the surging pressure seemed to be more and more terrifying. In such a situation, he had no choice but to deal with it slowly.

The matter of the ancestor of the earth immortal can only come to an end.

"Let's go!"

Li Youqing did not delay, and immediately left this ghost place with Mu Liangfeng and Yan Chengfeng.

The Immortal Demon Purgatory has been open for a long time, and now it is only two or three days away from closing.

If you leave at this moment, there is not necessarily any loss.

Moreover, monks from all sects and sects are also leaving here one after another.

When everyone saw such a scene, it was quite a headache. No matter what happened next, it had nothing to do with them.

They are too lazy to care about this kind of problem now, what should come will come after all, there is no need to take it to heart at all.

What really need to worry about are those invincible bigwigs.

These little shrimps, no one will listen to what they say.

In many cases, it should be like this!

One after another, cultivators have left the Immortal Demon Purgatory, and this territory is also slowly closing. Many things that have happened recently are indeed quite frustrating.

However, this time, they also gained a lot.

No matter what kind of crisis will come in the end, it seems that it has nothing to do with them.

There is a saying that one day in the middle of the mountains is a thousand years in the world.

There is an old saying, one day in the sky, one year on the earth.

These are all real, because its time rules are different, so the gap between the two is more obvious.

Cangnan Star.

Located on the side of Immortal Realm, this is the most primitive planet. There are many natives here. They are all natives of Immortal Realm, and they are also the first creatures to survive in Immortal Realm.

This place is very dilapidated, just because most of the people have gone to the more vast world to survive, no one will stay in this place.

Moreover, this place is accompanied by various dangers all the year round.

In spring and summer, the volcanoes in this place will keep erupting, there is no regularity at all, and they will erupt at any time.

This is also one of the reasons why sentient beings leave. In autumn and winter, although there is no volcanic eruption, the vast snow lasts for six months at a time.

Who can stop this, staying in a place like this will die sooner or later.

There are many elderly people here. Although they face irresistible dangers every month, every day, every day, they never complain.

That's probably how life is! No matter how dangerous it is, we must face it.

If you are afraid of death, then you will never understand what it means to be brave without fear.

There is nothing to fear about death, it is nothing more than changing a different way of life.

Yan Chengfeng and Li Youqing came to Cangnan Star, and he had long been surprised by the sight in front of him.

It was as if there was nothing in this world that could make his heart utterly sad.

However, Mu Liangfeng next to him was twitching, which made Yan Chengfeng a little surprised.

To be honest, he didn't usually see that this little woman was also a hard-spoken and soft-hearted person.

"The danger that Cangnan Star is currently encountering seems to be a natural and man-made disaster. However, these are all minor problems and nothing serious."

Yan Chengfeng was very calm and didn't take such a problem to heart at all. No matter what big things happened next, he wouldn't care.

No matter what kind of danger you encounter, don't worry too much, everything is a small problem.

"Cang Nanxing's problem is more serious than you think, so don't be too careless."

Li Youqing's eyes were deep, and she said solemnly, "This time, I'm very grateful to you for helping me. I'll have to work with you for the troubles that follow."

To be honest, she also doesn't have any hope for Yan Chengfeng, but, judging from the current situation, she has no other choice.

If someone could help, that was already a good choice, and she didn't have time to think too much about it.

Anyway, no matter what the final outcome will be, she is very grateful to Yan Chengfeng.

It was the luck of her life to meet Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly. He didn't really care about the situation in front of him. Anyway, many problems were not considered too serious.

However, there are also some dangerous changes that may be encountered.

"Let's go eat something first!"

Yan Chengfeng opened his mouth. During this period of time, he hadn't even gotten a drop of water, and he was already too hungry to bear it.

The most important thing now is to go eat something first and put a pad on your stomach.

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