Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 538: Escape from danger and practice successfully

Mu Liangfeng didn't delay either, she immediately followed Yan Chengfeng, fled this dangerous area, fled into the mountains and seas, and disappeared without a trace.

"Two ignorant bugs, you also want to escape from the palm of this seat, it's really ridiculous!"

Seeing that Mu Liangfeng and Yan Chengfeng had escaped, the ancestors of the Earth Immortals did not meet, so he chased after them, seemingly very confident, that he could completely destroy Yan Chengfeng and Mu Liangfeng.

In this territory, calm has gradually recovered.

Those monks who stopped to watch the battle also left one after another to explore the supreme opportunity.

The mountains and rivers are of the same color, and Shenzhou praises thousands of years.

In this piece of heaven and earth, there is a tyrannical ferocity that is rhythmically rhythmic, and that coercion is too terrifying.

When all sentient beings saw such a scene, they were all terrified and expressed their helplessness. The immortal and demon purgatory were in danger.

Although there are supreme opportunities everywhere, they are not able to cope with many crises. They are also very troubled when they encounter such problems.

Yan Chengfeng and Mu Liangfeng left the dangerous area and came to a secluded starry sky. In this territory, there are flaming gods rhythmically, and surging spiritual energy gushing out everywhere.

Taking a deep breath, I immediately felt refreshed. It was a very comfortable feeling, and it made me laugh a little bit.

"Yan Chengfeng, thank you this time."

Mu Liangfeng is very clear that the biggest credit for escaping this time is still Yan Chengfeng?

If Yan Chengfeng hadn't rescued her, she would have probably died in the hands of the Earth Immortal Ancestor.

I have to say that the strength of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal is really terrifying. That person is worthy of being the invincible big man before Hongmeng was sentenced. Between his gestures, there are monstrous powers erupting, and his divine power is unparalleled in the world.

With such an invincible snort, there is only one dead end.

Offending this existence, there is only one dead end.

Even Yan Chengfeng could only choose to retreat when facing an invincible like the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, let alone her.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "If you really want to thank me, then you should do something. Verbal thanks will only show that you are very insincere."

"Okay, it doesn't make any sense to say this now, let's continue on our way! I don't know when the ancestor of the earth immortal will catch up."

He is also quite worried, this place is full of dangers and must not be careless, especially there is an invincible existence like the ancestor of the earth immortal.

In the face of such numerous traps, he did not dare to be careless and had to be extra cautious.

If you are not careful, you are likely to fall into a doomed situation.

"All right!"

Mu Liangfeng didn't know what to say either. Since Yan Chengfeng didn't care about anything, what else could she say.

This time, she was also very embarrassed to be rescued by Yan Chengfeng.

After all, her previous relationship with Yan Chengfeng was really bad.

She followed Yan Chengfeng and continued to move forward. Recently, the fierceness contained in this territory has become more and more terrifying.

The vast coercion rushed out, as if it was a pity to tear everything apart. No one dared to be careless. This kind of place is too dangerous, and it may be completely destroyed if you are not careful.

Yan Chengfeng followed the records on the treasure map and quickly arrived at the destination. There is a monstrous situation in this place that is recovering frantically, and the fierceness that spews out is unparalleled in the world.

The wisps of spiritual energy were so surging, I took a deep breath and suddenly felt refreshed.

That strange feeling gave everyone a headache, and they didn't even know what was hidden in this place.

"Yan Chengfeng, there seems to be a supreme opportunity here."

Mu Liangfeng was also a little frightened, the fierceness contained in this place was indeed quite terrifying, and the force of the impact came out, as if it was a pity to destroy everything.

Yan Chengfeng didn't speak either. He stepped forward and could clearly feel that the rhythmic power in this space seemed to be more and more domineering and terrifying.

Fortunately, there is a treasure map, otherwise, ordinary people here really dare not come in.

After all, this place is too dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation.

Everyone was quite frightened by such a scene, but even so, they couldn't stop them from exploring the supreme creation.


The sound of the drums in the sky was resounding, and the surging pressure surged out, and the entire Star Dou was about to be destroyed. There were thick lightning bolts falling down, and the scene was terrifying.

All sentient beings were shocked when they saw such a scene. A monk with weak Taoism set foot here, and the end would definitely be very miserable.

Especially in the current situation, it is even more difficult to be careless, and you must be cautious.

Yan Chengfeng passed through the layers of obstacles, and soon came to the depths of the earth. In this territory, there is a surging spiritual rhythm, and there are endless creations everywhere.

In the face of such a terrifying creation, he was not careless, and immediately began to meditate cross-legged, devouring the creation and cultivation.

The most important thing now is to work hard to improve the cultivation base, and there must be no mistakes in the slightest.

It is definitely not an easy task to compete with an invincible like the ancestor of the earth immortal.

Encountered such a problem, everyone knows very well that if the ancestor of the earth immortal is not beheaded, then he will not be able to live in peace in this life.

Feeling that tyrannical pressure, Yan Chengfeng was also very excited. By making good use of the spiritual energy here, he would definitely be able to improve his cultivation base.

Mu Liangfeng, who was next to her, didn't say much, and she stopped delaying and began to practice.


The fierceness contained in this territory is unparalleled in the world, and the wisps of energy rushed out, as if it was a pity to destroy everything, and no one dared to set foot here after feeling the tyrannical pressure.

A place with great luck and good fortune is also accompanied by danger. If you are not careful, you will become a corpse.

Those timid creatures can only wander outside for a while, but they don't dare to rush ahead.

Time passed minute by minute, like a white horse passing through a gap, and it was fleeting.

three months later.


Yan Chengfeng let out a long sigh, and he could clearly feel how terrifying the rhythm in his body was. At this moment, he was obviously more terrifying than before.

Especially the infinite power in the body, as if it was inexhaustible.

He moved his body at will, and the feeling was very comfortable. Now he is obviously more terrifying than before. It is difficult for ordinary creatures to compete with him.

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