Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 534: Ancestor of Earth Immortal, Liangfeng Crisis

Yang Dieyi was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yan Chengfeng, so he left here and stayed with Yan Chengfeng, which was really embarrassing.

Seeing Yang Dieyi leaving, Yan Chengfeng didn't care either. He held the treasure map and set off to explore fortunes.

He was still very interested in the fortune-telling recorded on the treasure map.

The rivers and mountains are winding up and down, and the misty mist between the mountains and fields is like a landscape painting, and the scenery is beautiful.

In this secluded world, there seems to be some kind of strangeness hidden in it, and it may erupt at any time. Once it erupts, the entire Star Dou will rise and fall in an instant.

Yan Chengfeng is in this strange place, searching for the supreme opportunity.

He has a treasure map in his hand. If he can't even find the chance to create it, it can only show that there are no so-called opportunities in this starry sky.

He is very open to this kind of thing. Whether there is a good fortune or not, it is actually the same. There is no need to care about it too much. Everything is like this.

For some problems, you don't need to think too much about them. What should come will come after all, and you can't escape.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at the distance, and he could clearly feel that at the end of the horizon, there was a terrifying aftermath turbulent.

The tyrannical aftermath surging constantly reminded him that there was another expedition in the distance, and there would be terrifying expeditions every day on this territory.

However, the creatures responsible for the expedition are different from each other. Some creatures are very powerful, while others are very weak, and each has its own merits.

But this time, the fluctuating energy was extremely domineering and ferocious, and the creature who attacked was definitely not an ordinary existence, it must be a peerless overlord with the means to penetrate the sky.

When encountering such an invincible creature, everyone can only choose to retreat, and if they are not careful, they will fall into a doomed situation.

When everyone saw such a scene, their hearts were filled with fear.

Because this time the expedition was very extraordinary, it was a big shot before Hongmeng was sentenced.

In the face of such an invincible existence, if you are not careful, you will fall into a doomed situation and will be directly obliterated.

Such an invincible creature, how could anyone be able to contend against it.

For such a scene of conquest, the hearts of all sentient beings are suffering.

After all, many things are like this. If you are not careful, you will become the dead soul in the hands of others, and the bones under your feet will be withered.

For such things, perhaps those old monsters have long been used to it.

"What a terrifying coercion."

Standing in the distance, Yan Chengfeng could also clearly feel the endless fierceness, the unparalleled power of the mountains and rivers, and the sun and the moon were about to collapse.

He is very clear that this time there is definitely an invincible character who has taken action. When encountering such an existence, all sentient beings are a little shocked. No matter what happens next, they must go all out to deal with it.

No one will linger in the distance, and the conquest that took place this time is absolutely terrifying and unparalleled in the world.

Everyone's hearts are full of surprise, because they all know that some scenes have gone far beyond the past.


The high-altitude drums were reverberating, and all kinds of domineering scenes evolved. The thick thunder and lightning shuttled, and the surging fierce pressure was unbearable.

This force is very powerful, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend against. Everyone is also very frightened by the current situation.

But there is nothing to say now, no matter what happens next, they are afraid to participate, and they must be extra careful.

Yan Chengfeng didn't stay in the distance either. After he put those things away, he rushed over immediately.

There are invincibles on the expedition, such a scene, he will definitely not miss, he also wants to go over to see if there is really a Wushuang existence.


A monstrous might burst out from the sky, and no one dared to approach this place.

This mountain and river contains a vast and fierce power, and ordinary creatures dare not set foot here.

In the high sky, a living being with golden light flowing through its body was sitting cross-legged and meditating. The coercion pouring out of its body was very domineering. That force was unparalleled in the world, and it was not something that ordinary people could contend against.

On the other side, there are supreme battle power surging, the mountains and rivers are in ruins, and the sun and the moon are in rotation.

This invincible powerhouse gives people a very terrifying feeling, as if he can destroy all the creatures in this world with his gestures.

When all sentient beings saw this scene in front of them, they were all terrified.

"I didn't expect it! This catastrophe has finally come. This time, Mu Liangfeng should be doomed!"

"Yeah! Even if she has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth, she still cannot escape death in the end. After all, she is facing the invincible existence before Hongmeng was sentenced, the ancestor of the earth immortal."

"The ancestor of the earth immortal was born. If this can't kill Mu Liangfeng, then there is really a ghost."

"The ancestor of the Earth Immortal made a move, and Mu Liangfeng has only one way to die. There is no suspense in this ending."

"Next, we should start the killing directly! I don't know what methods these people will use..."

The monks who were watching were talking a lot. What happened now is really weird. No one knows what will happen next.

However, judging from the current situation, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal should not make Mu Liangfeng feel better.

Just an ignorant ant, who dares to offend the ancestor of the earth immortal, isn't that asking for his own death?

Yan Chengfeng naturally saw the ancestor of the earth immortal, his sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was a little worried. To be honest, Mu Liangfeng is definitely not a match for this ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

Meeting such an invincible person is also Mu Liangfeng's sorrow.

But it's not that there is no way at all. If you run to find a place to hide now, there should be no accidents.

However, what he didn't expect was that this Mu Liangfeng would choose to openly and openly come out, which is a bit complicated.

In such a situation, he was very helpless.

No one knew if Mu Liangfeng really had such confidence in her heart, or if she had given up struggling and resisted.

No one is clear about such a problem. The only thing that can be done now is to quietly watch this expedition.

In the end, who will be killed, it should be known soon, there is no need to worry too much, what should come will come after all, and there is no escape.

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