Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 513: Eating bad fruit, a tragedy

These Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals possess invincible combat power, and their means are unparalleled in the world. If they want to compete with these invincible Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, it is simply wishful thinking and self-destruction.

Offend these invincible existences, the end will be very miserable, no one can stop him.

Feeling the coercion of this violent force, everyone was backing away and did not dare to approach this place. They all knew very well that this place was full of dangers. If they set foot rashly, the situation would definitely be very dangerous.

No one wants to compete with Yan Chengfeng against these invincible creatures of the Southern Immortal Dynasty. If they really choose to be with Yan Chengfeng, the end will be even more miserable.

In this case, the only thing they can do is to draw a line with Yan Chengfeng as soon as possible, and absolutely cannot stay with Yan Chengfeng, otherwise, the situation will become more and more complicated.

Feeling the tyrannical coercion, everyone retreated, and the fear in their hearts was difficult to add. They knew that this time, Yan Chengfeng was dead, and no one could save him.


The attacks of those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were very terrifying. One after another, the killing fell, and the entire mountains and rivers were about to collapse and collapse.

All sentient beings felt the terrifying pressure, and their hearts were full of fear. They originally thought that these heavenly soldiers and generals should not be too terrible.

Now it seems that they still underestimate these heavenly soldiers.

Such an invincible existence is definitely not something that just a cat or a dog can contend against. No one can stop these heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.


In the face of the conquest of these invincibles, Yan Chengfeng did not take a half step back. Even if there were dangers ahead, he would not care. Even if the road was difficult, as long as he encountered trouble, he would not back down.

In his heart, there has always been a belief that the strong are fearless.

No matter how difficult it is, he has to find ways to solve it. After all, there is a good sentence to say.

The method is always more difficult than the difficulty.

As long as you are willing to do things with your heart, I believe, there will be harvests.

Regarding the current situation, Yan Chengfeng has nothing to say, but in any case, these ignorant ants must be dealt with first.

If these creatures are not solved as soon as possible, the whole thing will only become more and more troublesome, so there must be no half-care.


Yan Chengfeng didn't flinch. He waved his fists and savagely killed them out. Those attacks were unparalleled in the world, and they fell madly. The entire star bucket and mountains and rivers were collapsing.

That coercion is really too terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with. Everyone is retreating, and the fear in their hearts is hard to add.

No one dared to approach this place, they all knew that this time, Yan Chengfeng was really moving.

Offending such an invincible, they are also quite a headache, but at this moment there is nothing to do.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if Yan Chengfeng can't stop these heavenly soldiers, then Yan Chengfeng will definitely die.

However, they felt that Yan Chengfeng was quite tyrannical. Even in the face of such an invincible existence, he dared to face setbacks and made everyone involuntarily feel awe.

Yan Chengfeng was definitely a strong man.


Yan Chengfeng's attack was very terrifying. Those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals could not be stopped at all, and were swept out directly. Everyone had a headache for a while, and no one could stop Yan Chengfeng.

Everyone's hearts are full of fear. To be honest, Yan Chengfeng's methods are still relatively domineering. If you fight against such an existence, you will definitely pay a painful price.

However, fortunately, Yan Chengfeng is not the kind of person who likes to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Otherwise, their situation will be very miserable.

Encountered the conquest of these invincibles, they are also more headaches,


The Heavenly Soldiers couldn't stop Yan Chengfeng's attack, and were swept out directly, spewing a mouthful of blood in the air, scattered in all directions, looking very embarrassed.

These creatures could not stop Yan Chengfeng at all, everyone was retreating, and the fear in their hearts became more and more intense.

Offend these invincibles, they will probably die miserably, and no one can compete with them. If they want to survive, there is only one way, and they must not be enemies with Yan Chengfeng.

As long as you don't fight against Yan Chengfeng, all those are small problems, and there shouldn't be any mistakes.


Yan Chengfeng's attack was very domineering. Even after he swept out those heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, he had no mercy. Since these people were not good, he would definitely not be a virgin.

Those heavenly soldiers and generals were vomiting blood, and they couldn't stop Yan Chengfeng.

A large number of creatures have died, and no one can compete with Yan Chengfeng. Even if these people have invincible combat power, it is difficult to do so.

This is the powerhouse, an invincible existence shot, who can compete with him.

Killing is unparalleled in the world, and the means are penetrating.

"I didn't expect that this Yan Chengfeng's method was quite terrifying."

Li Youqing's eyes darkened slightly and she said, "Do you think this Yan Chengfeng is a little scary."

"He is like a bottomless pit. He has invincible means. I think he is invincible. Even if he goes to the fairyland, no one can stop him."

"Who is this guy! He has such invincible means, why not slaughter these people directly."

"Where has been suppressing strength, is it really necessary?"

To be honest, Li Youqing couldn't understand Yan Chengfeng this time. Yan Chengfeng's operations were really confusing. She had absolutely no idea what Yan Chengfeng wanted to do.

Especially in the current situation, it is even more of a mystery to her.

Yang Dieyi next to her was as indifferent as always, as if there was nothing in this world that could shock her.

It seems that everything is just like that.

"You don't know much about him, he just likes playing the world."

Yang Dieyi looked calm and said calmly: "If he directly destroyed all these creatures, wouldn't it be very boring?"

"If it were me, I would also like to play slowly like this. It feels quite interesting."

Yan Chengfeng's methods are piercing through the sky, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with. It should be the sorrow of the young master of the south to meet such an invincible person.

At the same time, it will also be the sorrow of the Southern Immortal Dynasty, and they will suffer the consequences.

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