Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 507: Don't delay, you must die

That violent energy rhythm surged, everyone was retreating, and the fear in their hearts was difficult to add. No one dared to be careless.

Especially in the current scene, they didn't dare to be careless at all, they were all afraid of encountering danger and difficulties.

The cultivators of the major sects were terrified, and there was an air pressure in their hearts, and the feeling was very uncomfortable.

I have to say that the battle strength of Yan Chengfeng and Kaitian ancestors is indeed quite terrifying. It is not an easy task to suppress these two people.


The attacks of Yan Chengfeng and Kaitian Ancestor were too terrifying. The terrifying attacks collided together, causing waves of aftermath.

The aftermath surged, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were collapsing.

They are all afraid of being affected. If they are affected, they may not even know how they died in the end.

This is not a joke, after all, no one dares to joke about their own life.

Especially in the current situation, one slip can turn into eternal hatred.

So, no one dared to be careless.

"I didn't expect that this Yan Chengfeng's potential is really scary, and it really is not a person's appearance!"

Li Youqing witnessed the conquest of Yan Chengfeng and Kaitian Patriarch with her own eyes, and she also had some lingering fears.

Whether it is Yan Chengfeng or Kaitian Patriarch, the combat power of the two is terrifying, and such existence is definitely not an ordinary person.

She has begun to re-examine Yan Chengfeng. She is very interested in Yan Chengfeng, and all aspects of this person seem to be hesitant.

Yang Dieyi looked calm and said calmly: "Te is indeed very good. After all, if he can compete with this invincible, he is considered a leader among the younger generation!"

"However, he still needs more training, and this guy has many shortcomings. But these are small problems, don't worry too much."

Yang Dieyi thought that she knew Yan Chengfeng fairly well, so she was not very surprised about such Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng was able to compete with the ancestors of Kaitian, which was something she had already determined from the beginning.

So, no matter what happens next, she doesn't care.

Especially in the current situation, no matter what happens in the end, we must go all out to deal with it, what should come will come eventually, and no one can escape.

In the current situation, everyone is very surprised. After all, at the beginning, no one thought that Yan Chengfeng would have such combat power.

It is definitely not an easy thing to be able to compete with the long-established invincibles. Seeing the conquests of these invincibles, the monks who watched the battle felt very uncomfortable.

However, given the current situation, they have no choice.

The strength of others has nothing to do with them.


Yan Chengfeng and Kaitian Patriarch's expedition continued. The terrifying attacks fell through the air, and the majestic mountains were razed to the ground. Those sturdy ancient trees were not spared, and they turned into Butterfly.

The entire mountains and rivers are collapsing, and there are hideous cracks everywhere. In the thick cracks, there are surging life essences surging, and the fierceness is so terrifying, the breath is unparalleled in the world.

Feeling the domineering pressure, everyone is retreating, and they don't dare to delay here. If they continue to stay in the center of the storm, they will definitely suffer.


The expedition in the sky continues, the entire boundless mountains and rivers are crumbling and crumbling, and the scene is unparalleled in the world.

The attacks of Yan Chengfeng and Kaitian Ancestor were both very terrifying, and the viciousness was too tyrannical, and it was really difficult for a book to compete with them.

The aftermath of the surging waves was very domineering, the entire boundless mountains and rivers collapsed, the heaven and the earth cracked open, and no one could compete with it.

The aura came out, and Yan Chengfeng and Kaitian Patriarch both stepped back several dozen feet.

Both of them spurted out a big mouthful of blood, and the breath in their bodies was a little disordered, and they looked very embarrassed.

The confrontation between the two is indeed quite terrifying. The infinite divine power rushed out, and the entire mountain and river was about to collapse and collapse.

No one dared to approach this place at all, everyone was retreating, and the fear in their hearts was hard to add.

"It turned out to be evenly divided. Are the combat power of these two people really equal?"

There are many monks watching, and their hearts are full of doubts. They still care about this matter in front of them.

Whether it is Yan Chengfeng or the fall of the Kaitian ancestor, it is something they want to know.

The confrontation between these two invincibles should not end for a while.

Especially in the current situation, it is definitely not that simple.

Encountered such a problem, they did not dare to mess around.

The current situation is indeed quite troublesome, but they have no other way.

"End this expedition as soon as possible! I'm running out of time."

At this time, the young master of the Southern Immortal Dynasty spoke up, and his voice was very indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

This shocked everyone, and some didn't know what to do with it.

Seeing such a scene, everyone had a headache for a while, but there was nothing to say.

They all knew very well that since the invincible existence spoke up, this time, Yan Chengfeng would definitely have a hard time surviving.

The current situation has reached a white-hot state, and they all know very well that this time, Yan Chengfeng will definitely die.

Since those invincible Tianjiao have already spoken, then even if Yan Chengfeng has the means to penetrate the sky, I am afraid that he will not escape death.

"This time, Yan Chengfeng is really going to suffer. I can't stand his self-righteous appearance for a long time. He's just a jumping clown. What is he pretending to be with me?"

"Indeed, you are not the only one who dislikes Yan Chengfeng. This ant is finally dying."

"An ant who doesn't know whether to live or die, even dares to offend the ancestor of Kaitian, he is really tired of living."

"If Yan Chengfeng were to die, then the monks in the world would have their time..."

The monks of all sects and sects were talking in low voices, and they all felt that as long as Yan Chengfeng fell, then they would definitely have a bright future.

With this Yan Chengfeng suppressing them, they always feel that something is not right.

However, everything is going in a good direction now, this time, Yan Chengfeng will definitely die.

No one can save him Yan Chengfeng, this is the end of offending the strong in the immortal world.

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