Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 488: Weird black fog, everyone's heart trembles

Even though there were many difficulties and dangers ahead, Yan Chengfeng never took a step back. A monk should fight and fight without fear in his entire life.

Even if he will die in the end, he will never take a step back. No matter what danger comes in the end, he must work hard to deal with the whole thing.

If the troubles in front of him can't be solved, then there will definitely be a steady stream of dangers coming later, which is not what he wants to see.

As for the current situation, there is nothing to say, no matter what happens next, we must work hard to deal with it.

Otherwise, one slip will turn into eternal hatred.


Yan Chengfeng stood in the air, his body was full of fiery, ferocious light of thunder, and the coercion that burst out was really terrifying.

No one dares to approach this place at all. He is like a thunder and lightning king, and his attack is unparalleled in the world. If ordinary creatures want to compete with him, they will undoubtedly find their own way.

This is an invincible existence, and it is definitely not something that any cat or dog can compete with.

In the chaos of the gods, the endless mountains and rivers are collapsing, and the heaven and the earth are going to be ruined. Ferocious cracks can be seen everywhere, and the fierceness that spews out is somewhat terrifying.

It is definitely not something that ordinary people can match, and once it competes with it, there is only a dead end.


Yan Chengfeng didn't show mercy. At this moment, every attack he made was extremely terrifying, and in the chaos of the infinite divine power, all the stars were going to be destroyed.

The divine power surging in the mountains and rivers on this side is very terrifying. If a monk with weak Taoism sets foot here, I am afraid that they will be destroyed directly before they can react!

Feeling the endless divine might, the creatures of the barbarians were a little frightened. That fierce might was too terrifying. Feeling that tyrannical force, everyone could only choose to retreat.

They knew very well how far apart they were from Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng is also a leader among the younger generation. If he wants to challenge such an invincible existence, he is undoubtedly digging his own grave.


Yan Chengfeng's thunderous attack was very terrifying. The violent attack fell and smashed fiercely on the black fog.

There is thunder and lightning lingering above the black fog, and the fierceness emanating is very terrifying. Even if there is a long distance, you can clearly feel that kind of endless power, that kind of power is really terrible, absolutely It is not something that ordinary people can contend with.

The monks who retreated to the distance were a little shocked, especially the creatures of the barbarians, they were very worried and afraid.

Competing with these invincibles is really not an easy task. Offending these creatures, they are afraid that they don't even know how to die.

In such a situation, they are also quite a headache.

Especially in the current situation, if it is not dealt with as soon as possible, the problem will only become more and more troublesome.

They are also very helpless about the current state. However, there is no other way.


Just when everyone was terrified, suddenly, a violent explosion suddenly came out, which was deafening.

The black fog suddenly exploded, and the black fog that exploded was also the black fog that Yan Chengfeng attacked.

That mass of black mist exploded, and then split into thousands of black mists. The split black mist was also growing, and the ferocity that burst out was extremely terrifying.

When the barbarian creatures saw such a scene, the panic in their hearts was hard to add. They all widened their eyes and were a little surprised for a while.

This kind of scene is really scary, and they don't understand what the reason is.

However, judging from the current situation, no matter what kind of danger may occur, they can't take a half step back, and can only go all out to deal with it and contend.

Feeling the terrifying vicious rhythm, everyone was very frightened. They were quite helpless in the current situation.

But now there is no other choice, and we can only deal with it slowly. Since ancient times, no one has died, and in the end, it is inevitable that they will die. It is nothing more than a matter of earlier and later.

Yan Chengfeng stood in the air. He saw the scene in front of him, and his heart was full of worry. In the current situation, it is definitely not an easy task to completely destroy the black fog. matter.

In such a situation, he is also quite a headache, but no matter how difficult it is, no matter how difficult it is, he will not take a half step back.

In such a situation, it is not easy to solve these problems.

But no matter what happens next, he must go all out to contend, and he must deal with these strange creatures.

"The cage of heaven and earth."

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay, he shot again, one after another terrifying laws came out, the power of those laws seemed terrifying, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were crumbling and crumbling.

For a time, there were all kinds of terrifying forces surging in this side of the world, and countless creatures were coughing up blood, turning into powder in an instant, and being shaken by the overbearing fierce power into a blood mist.

The sentient beings were still very surprised at the scene in front of them for a while, and what followed was full of fear.

Even if Yan Chengfeng was trying to stop it, it would be of no avail. The black mist was as ferocious as a wild horse that broke loose, and the ferocity that burst out was very terrifying.

The power of the domineering five horses broke out, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were collapsing and shattering, and there were ferocious cracks everywhere. All beings saw such a scene and were a little frightened for a while.

At this time, they wanted to escape, but it was too late.

The black mist was very ferocious, it rushed out quickly, and entered the body of the barbarian creatures in an instant, swallowing their internal organs.

It's just a snap of the fingers, and those creatures have become bones after another.

The scene here looks very scary, and all beings still have some headaches about the scene in front of them.

However, in the current situation, there is nothing they can do, and they don't want to lie in the muddy water.

The monks from all sects and sects have no intention of intervening. Now that they are intervening, aren't they seeking their own death? It doesn't make any sense at all. Anyway, no matter what happens next, it has nothing to do with them, and they don't bother to go. care.

The life and death of the barbarian creatures, they should be watching the fun.

This place is full of dangers, and they don't dare to be careless or delay in this place. They can only quickly retreat to the distance and leave this strange and dangerous place.

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