Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 475: The mountains and rivers are a few springs, and the world returns to its origin

The mountains and rivers are of the same color, and Shenzhou praises thousands of years.

Cultivators of all sects stayed outside the immortal and demon purgatory, waiting for the opening of the immortal and demon purgatory. No one knew who would ultimately end up in this supreme conquest.

Time passed like flowing water, and soon it was three days later.


three days later.

There has been an extreme change in this piece of heaven and earth. There is surging life essence surging, and a lot of gushing out. That energy rhyme is really terrifying. The boundless mountains and rivers are trembling, and the sun and the moon are reversed.

The supreme star fighting on this side has evolved with a shocking scene of weeping ghosts and gods. When the monks of all sects saw this scene, their hearts were filled with fear.

This place is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will get into trouble.

It is also possible that they will fall into a situation of doom. In such a situation, they are also quite a headache.

However, as soon as it comes, it is safe.

Even if there will be a knife in the sky, in this case, there is no need for them to retreat.

No matter what difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, you must bravely make your way. Perhaps, you can really find some invincible inheritance, and then they will really make it.

Some ignorant creatures even dared to yell at him, which he couldn't bear.

No matter what changes will happen next, you can only rush up bravely and have no regrets in life and death.


Black clouds surged high in the sky, and all kinds of amazing scenes emerged. Seeing such a scene, everyone felt helpless.

However, they could only stay quiet, they all knew very well that the Immortal Demon Purgatory was about to open.

No matter what troubles will happen next, you must deal with it as much as possible, and you must not be careless, and one slip will lead to eternal hatred.

Lightning flashes and thunders in the sky, and the fierceness that surges out is terrifying, and that breath is becoming more and more domineering, and ordinary creatures cannot be stopped at all.

If the rhythmic storm in this territory is more terrifying, those monks with weak Taoism are likely to be destroyed, suppressed, and turned into powder in an instant.

This is definitely not a joke. The divine power contained in this space is definitely not something that ordinary people can match.

In such a situation, those who can stay here and not run away can only say that they are all gods.

A group of bugs that don't know how to live or die, if they want to survive here, they can only do their best to obey the destiny.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and there was some inexplicable feeling in his heart. He always felt that there was something strange in the immortal and demon purgatory.

However, he couldn't tell where the strange feeling came from.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he can only take one step at a time.

This is the case with many things, and it is not easy to understand in a few words.

Now that he has come this far, he has no chance to retreat.

Anyway, what should come will come after all, and those trivial matters must be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the innocence really collapses, the whole thing may become a little troublesome.

He can only deal with it slowly first, no matter what troubles will happen next, he will not take a half step back, and he will be at ease with it.


The fierceness surging between the heavens and the earth has become more and more terrifying. Everyone feels the terrifying aura, and their hearts are full of panic. This is definitely not something that ordinary people can match.

Some monks with weak Taoism are a little scared at this time, and they are frightened.

In such a situation, they are also a little helpless, but since they have come this far, there is nothing to say.

"Yan Chengfeng, why do I think that this immortal and demon purgatory is a bit more terrifying than I imagined!"

Lou Qianxun got close to Yan Chengfeng, and she could clearly feel an endless pressure.

In the immortal purgatory, there must be an indelible danger.

It is full of all kinds of terrifying sights, and if you are not careful, you may fall into a doomed situation.

In such a situation, they did not dare to be careless, and could only take a step forward.

No matter what danger will come next, they can only deal with it slowly. If you are too quick for quick success, it is very likely that something big will happen.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and his heart was full of helplessness. In the current situation, he really didn't know what was wrong.

However, since they have come this far, there is nothing to say.

It is indeed quite dangerous here, but it is also accompanied by great opportunities.

If there is an opportunity to spy on the supreme good fortune opportunity, then this time, it is not in vain.

"Just be safe then."

Yan Chengfeng said a word, but said nothing.

The current situation is indeed quite complicated. But they have no other choice, they can only go step by step.

No matter what difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, since you have already come here, you don't need to say anything more, what should come will come eventually, you just need to deal with it carefully.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at the distance, and the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He knew something was going to happen this time, but he didn't have any choice.

Now that he has come here, no matter what troubles come next, he will go all out to deal with it.

Even if he died, he had no regrets.

Lou Qianxun didn't say anything. Since Yan Chengfeng wasn't worried, she didn't need to worry.

"By the way, who is that little girl over there?"

Afterwards, Yan Chengfeng asked again.

He saw that Yan Beijiao and the other party seemed to be fine, but he didn't know the other party's identity.

Lou Qianxun took a look and said, "That's the little city lord of Fengdu City, and it may be your future daughter-in-law."

"Fengdu City."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank and said, "It turns out that it has something to do with Fengdu Ghost Emperor, so the beautiful woman in front of her should be a ghost of joy and sorrow."

"This woman is really energetic."

After asking, Lou Qianxun kicked Yan Chengfeng fiercely. She was really speechless towards this philandering guy.

This guy thinks about those men and women all day long, and it's not serious at all.

Yan Chengfeng smiled and said nothing.

Lou Qianxun didn't bother to teach Yan Chengfeng a lesson, he wouldn't listen to anyone.

Saying those words to him is equivalent to playing the piano to a cow, which means nothing at all.

Instead of talking about these meaningless things, it is better to think about whether there are other things that need to be dealt with.

No matter what troubles will come next, they can only rely on Yan Chengfeng. If their mother and son are not next to Yan Chengfeng, they might be bullied by others.

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