Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 470: Extraordinarily domineering, unparalleled in the world

The conquest of Yan Chengfeng and the True Demon Saint King has entered a white-hot stage, and the monks of all sects are very clear that the next step is the life and death of the two.

They didn't dare to stay close, and they retreated to the farthest place to watch this supreme battle.


The moon is as bright as the sea.

There is a powerful rhythm of coercion in this territory, and the wisps of fierceness are too terrifying, like a python turning over and swallowing mountains and rivers.

The monks who stayed here were a little shocked, and their hearts were filled with indelible fear.

Whether it is Yan Chengfeng or the Holy Demon King, their combat power is too terrifying, and this is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Especially in the current situation, there is the possibility of being destroyed if you are not careful.

No one dares to be careless about the current state, and they can only retreat to a distance as soon as possible, for fear that something bad will happen.

The true demon holy king stood in the air, his breath was too strong, and even though he was hit hard, his combat power still did not weaken.

Moreover, standing behind him is the ancestor of the earth immortal, who has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. Even if he is defeated by Yan Chengfeng today, he still has a chance to survive.

No one can offend the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, that is the invincible existence before Hongmeng was sentenced, the character of longevity, and the invincible boss who covers the sky with one hand.

The means he has are definitely not weak, a group of ignorant bugs is difficult to compete with.

The eyes of the true demon saint king were piercing, his heart was full of anger, and he wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng into ten thousand pieces.

It's just a clown jumping on the beam, and he even dared to yell at him. This is simply a great shame. He couldn't swallow this breath, and he would kill Yan Chengfeng no matter what.

No one could shout in front of him, not even Yan Chengfeng.

"The Seal of Heaven and Earth!"

The body of the True Demon Saint King grew in an instant, reaching a height of thousands of meters, and the whole body had a dazzling rhythm of brilliance.

He was so terrifying, the wisps of aura were surging, just like a peerless demon king, even though he was separated by thousands of miles, he could still feel an infinite ferocity.

That coercion is a bit terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary creatures can contend with.

When everyone felt the tyrannical pressure, they could only choose to retreat, and the fear in their hearts was difficult to add.

"The Holy Demon King is still using such terrifying methods. What did he eat in the first place? If he uses these invincible methods earlier, then Yan Chengfeng will most likely cease to exist."

"These old things are really a headache! What's the point of always leaving the ultimate move at the end, isn't it delicious?"

"So, this true demon king can't do it! Just wait and see! Even if he uses this invincible ultimate move, he will eventually die, and no one can save him."

"What a pity! If I can see the rumored ancestor of the Earth Immortal before the Holy Demon King is dying, then this life will not be in vain..."

Everyone whispered for a while, and they all felt that this expedition seemed to become more and more interesting.

No matter what happens next, they don't think much will change.

In this expedition, the Holy Demon King will surely die.

Even if the words of the Holy Demon King are true, there is definitely no way to survive.

They all knew very well what kind of person Yan Chengfeng was, and he never cared about other people's backgrounds.

Anyone he wanted to kill had to die. It doesn't matter what the other person's background is.

"Little beast, this time you are dead."

The eyes of the true demon holy king are piercing, and the anger in his heart is getting more and more intense. He is completely angry, and he will be killed no matter what.

Only by beheading Yan Chengfeng can his mood recover. If Yan Chengfeng is not killed, he will not be able to vent his hatred.


The real demon saint king was aggressive and madly killed Yan Chengfeng. He wanted to destroy Yan Chengfeng.

Those terrifying attacks fell overwhelmingly, countless domineering killings were rampant, and the entire mountains and rivers were going to be ruined, and the scene was very terrifying.

All sentient beings are retreating, and they dare not approach this place at all.

The conquest here is very strong, and ordinary creatures can't resist it at all.

They didn't dare to stay in the center of the storm, they just wanted to retreat to a safe area as soon as possible.

For the current situation, they dare not be careless.

The attacks of the Holy Demon King and Yan Chengfeng were both very terrifying. Once they were affected by this aftermath, their fate would definitely be miserable.


That terrifying slaughter surged, and the entire mountain and river was about to collapse. Evil cracks can be seen everywhere, and in those cracks, there are surging life auras surging, and the monstrous trend is recovering.

Feeling this boundless ominous power, everyone was backing away, not daring to approach this place at all.

The Holy Demon King is very terrifying. He fiercely kills Yan Chengfeng. In any case, he will kill Yan Chengfeng.

It's just a humble reptile, and it's just delusional to want to live in his hands.


This space was filled with terrifying auras, and the viciousness was so terrifying that countless creatures were screaming.

This is the real invincible, turning the world upside down at the click of a finger.

No one dared to approach this place, and the fear in their hearts was hard to add. They all dared to stand in the distance and watch the battle.

There are many monks like this, they don't dare to stay in the center of the storm, they are worried that they will be destroyed.


The screams of killing shook the sky and the earth, and the rhythm of the rhythm in this space became more and more domineering. Ordinary creatures set foot here, and they would be wiped out in an instant, and no one could resist.

That domineering force rushed out, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers trembled.

The smoke of gunpowder was everywhere, the scene was shocking, and the ghosts and gods wept.

In the face of the attack of the true demon king, Yan Chengfeng's expression was very calm, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

It's just a clown jumping on the beam. If you want to compete with him, you will find yourself dead.

For these ignorant bugs, he will never show mercy, and kill those who stand in the way.

No one will be an exception.


The whole body of Yan Chengfeng has the rhythm of the chapter of creation, the wisps of fierceness are too terrifying, and the boundless mountains and rivers are in ruins and collapse.

The whole world is shaking, and it seems that it may collapse at any time. Such a scene is quite scary.

The fierce force rushed out, the sky lost its color in an instant, Yan Chengfeng's palms were pushed out horizontally, the stars in the heavens were shifting, and the outburst was very fierce and domineering.

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