Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 463: How much patience, but so

Feeling that terrifying fierceness, Yan Chengfeng was also a little frightened. I have to say that this ancestor of Qingyun really had two brushes.

Otherwise, his combat power would not be so terrifying.

Yan Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless when he met such a terrifying creature. After all, the other party was the ancestor of Qingyun Sect, and his strength was not weak.

Confronting such an invincible person, if you are careless, you may not even know how to die.


Yan Chengfeng didn't flinch either, even if Qingyun Patriarch's methods were sky-high, he wouldn't take half a step back. The path of the strong is fearless.

His palms are pushed out horizontally, and there is a terrifying rhythm of the law of the years.

There is a monstrous general situation that is recovering frantically. Above this broken mountain and river, such a scene is amazing.

Faced with such a bizarre scene, no one dared to be careless, and could only retreat quickly into the distance, none of them dared to stay in the center of the storm.

The rhythmic ferocity in the center of this storm is terrifying, and it will be destroyed if it is not careful. For such a situation, they dare not be careless.

If it's damaged here, it's really worth the loss.

For the current situation, they are also very helpless, and they all hope that this expedition can end sooner, in this case, they can go to the Immortal Demon Purgatory as soon as possible.


Yan Chengfeng's methods penetrated the sky and the earth, and the killings fell, the entire boundless mountains and rivers were collapsing, and the stars were constantly moving.

The breath of driving is very strong, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can match.


The ancestor of Qingyun was coughing up blood, and facing the terrifying Yan Chengfeng, he had no room to resist.

In front of Yan Chengfeng, he was like an ignorant bug, and his whole person became the target of being beaten. He wanted to compete head-on with Yan Chengfeng, but he no longer had the ability.

At this moment, Yan Chengfeng can be called an invincible god. It is estimated that there are very few people in the world who can match Yan Chengfeng!


Old Ancestor Qingyun couldn't resist Yan Chengfeng's attack at all, and the whole person was shocked and flew out.

Feeling that terrifying energy rhyme, everyone was very frightened, and they all gave Qingyun ancestor a sweat.

This Qingyun Patriarch is definitely not a simple character. After all, who can control a great religion, who is an ordinary person.

However, even if the ancestor of Qingyun was so terrifying, he was still just a prisoner. He couldn't stop Yan Chengfeng at all, and in Yan Chengfeng's hands, he was like a humble bug that could be destroyed at any time.


Old Ancestor Qingyun spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, his hair was disheveled, and he looked very embarrassed.

Everyone is retreating, and the fear in their hearts is hard to add.

Even an existence like Qingyun Patriarch couldn't resist Yan Chengfeng. It was really hard for them to imagine what kind of existence they needed to compete with Yan Chengfeng.

Among the powerhouses of the younger generation, Yan Chengfeng was absolutely invincible, and his combat power should not be underestimated.

It is not easy to compete with such an invincible creature.

Having come to this point, they have no choice, no matter what big event will happen next, they can only bear it by themselves.

They are still quite helpless about this kind of thing.


Old Ancestor Qingyun was coughing up blood, his face was as pale as paper, and his heart was full of anger. At this moment, he just wanted to break Yan Chengfeng into ten thousand pieces.

However, he is also very clear that now he has absolutely no means to resist.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is too terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

However, this matter is also to blame him. If he hadn't been too careless, then Yan Chengfeng might have already died.

With what happened today, he is very unwilling!

However, all of this now is due to you.

Although he was defeated, he did not intend to give up.

Even if there are many difficulties and dangers, he has to work hard to live.

He always believed that as long as he was alive, there would be hope, and one day, he would be able to kill Yan Chengfeng.

No one can compete with him, he can destroy everything.

The ancestors of Qingyun have high fighting spirit, no matter what kind of injustice and treatment they have suffered, they must rise to the top. One day, they will surely reach the top.

If you want to compete with him, you must pay a heavy price.

"Yan Xiaoer, although the old man lost today, he will never compromise. One day, the old man will kill you with his own hands."

Old Ancestor Qingyun said with a stern gaze, "The old man advises you that if you kneel down and be slaughtered by your neck, you may be able to die a little more happily in the future."

"Otherwise, once you fall into the hands of this old man, then there must be only death waiting for you."

His heart was full of anger, and at this moment, he just wanted to destroy the ancestor of Qingyun. No one can compete with him. If you want to show off your power in front of him, you must pay a painful price.

It's just a bunch of ignorant fleas. If you want to shout in front of him, you must die.

For these ignorant bugs, Qingyun ancestors will never show mercy.

No matter who it is, don't even try to compete with him.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were indifferent, and he said indifferently: "You are already at the end of the battle, what other means can you use to use it?"

"It's not that I didn't give you a chance. I also really want to see that one day in the future, you can really suppress me."

"However, such a chance is very slim. Because, you may not survive today."

For these ignorant ants, Yan Chengfeng doesn't care too much, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.

No one could compete with him, and those self-righteous ants eventually became a corpse.

For these reptiles, they don't care at all.

Old Ancestor Qingyun's gaze was piercing, and he was completely angry. In any case, he had to let Yan Chengfeng know that some people were not something he could offend.

Old Ancestor Qingyun is very confident. Even if it is suppressed at this moment, he is also confident that he will be ashamed. Looking at the world, who can compete with him.

It's just a bunch of bugs that don't know how to live or die. If you want to clamor with him, you will have to pay a painful price.


Old Ancestor Qingyun snorted and said indifferently: "Ignorant flea, if you have any means, just use it! It depends on how capable you are."

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