Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 449: Time flies like an arrow, giving birth

Yan Chengfeng was suppressed, which made countless cultivators stunned, but there was nothing to say, only that Qingyun Patriarch's methods were too defiant.

After going through this expedition, everyone also understood one thing, that is, Qingyun Patriarch's methods are sky-high, and they must not provoke Qingyun Sect.

"Everyone, I called you here just to unravel the original secret."

The Holy Demon King stood in the air and said solemnly, "However, the deity never thought that such a thing would happen."

"If any of you can find the trace of Lou Qianxun, or bring her down to me, I will definitely give the original secret as a reward."

"I also hope that you will look at the original secret and go all out to explore the traces of Lou Qianxun."

The Holy Demon King's heart was full of anger, he would never let Lou Qianxun go, a woman who gave him a cuckold must die.

He must let Lou Qianxun not be able to survive or die.

Everyone was very excited, that was the original secret! Who doesn't care.

"Relax, the Holy Demon King, we will definitely go all out to capture Lou Qianxun as soon as possible."

The cultivators of all sects and sects spoke up one after another, and this was a very good deal, and they definitely wanted to do it.

"Then there is work for everyone."

The real demon saint king said a word, and left the place immediately. He also went to investigate Lou Qianxun's trace, and he must make Lou Qianxun pay a painful price.

After the True Demon Saint King left, the monks from all sects and sects did not delay, and left the Heavenly King's Mansion one after another, and began to search for Lou Qianxun's traces.

As for Yan Chengfeng, no one cares about him.

He fell into the hands of Qingyun ancestors, and he would surely die.

Yan Chengfeng's death was already doomed, no one would care about a dead person.

They are all exploring Lou Qianxun's trail wholeheartedly, wanting to find Lou Qianxun as soon as possible and exchange it for the original secret.

Mutian City.

Twenty miles away from Mutian City, there is a small town, which is very dilapidated and inaccessible.

According to rumors, the town was originally crowded with people, but after a plague broke out here, it gradually became a dead town with no one.

In this little-traveled town, there was even a time when the smoke was dazzling, it was an old man wearing a torn rag, and her complexion did not look very good.

She had a big belly, and people who didn't know it thought she was overweight.

This person is Lou Qianxun, and now there are people catching her everywhere. She has no choice but to take the risk and enter this ghost place.

There has been a plague in this small town, no one knows whether it will be contagious. However, she didn't have time to think so much now.

No matter what danger will be in the end, she has to bear it alone.

Because, she had already heard that Yan Chengfeng was taken away by the ancestors of Qingyun Sect.

She doesn't know whether Yan Chengfeng can escape or not, but the most important thing now is to protect the child in her belly. After the child is born safely, she will be fine.

The third day of the twelfth lunar month.

The sky actually started to snow lightly, and when I looked around, there were silver clothes everywhere.

In a dilapidated house, Lou Qianxun was sitting around a bunch of people. She was cold and hungry, and she couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to leave this place and try her luck outside.

However, it was at this time that two people entered the town.

Taking a closer look, those two were none other than Guan Aoxue and Tang Haoyue.

Guan Aoxue and Tang Haoyue walked into the town on foot, and they also saw Lou Qianxun in the dilapidated house.

Lou Qianxun has been changing her face all the time, and no one really recognizes her.

The arrival of Guan Aoxue and Tang Haoyue made Lou Qianxun instinctively vigilant. It wasn't because she was cautious, but now that people were catching her everywhere, she really didn't want to encounter some unimaginable things at this critical juncture. danger.


Guan Aoxue and Tang Haoyue walked in, Guan Aoxue said in a deep voice, "I'm Guan Aoxue, this is Tang Haoyue, we were going to the backing sect, and happened to pass by here."

Lou Qianxun glanced at the two of them and felt that the two of them were not malicious. She said solemnly, "You can just call me Lou Posuo. I'm very hungry now. Do you have anything to eat?"

Tang Haoyue didn't care too much, she took out some food for Lou Qianxun from the space ring.

Lou Qianxun stretched out his hand, took those things, and devoured them.

Tang Haoyue was stunned when she saw Lou Qianxun's white and flawless jade hand, but she didn't care too much.

Everyone has their own inconveniences when they go out and walk around the rivers and lakes.

After eating, Lou Qianxun was ready to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Tang Haoyue and Guan Aoxue invited Lou Qianxun to go to the backer sect together.

Lou Qianxun did not refuse, she just needed a place to hide now.

The backing sect is not a small sect. In this sect, there are many invincible creatures, and the younger generation of powerhouses are countless.

This time, Tang Haoyue and Guan Aoxue came to the backer sect to study.

It is very convenient for them to enter the backing sect. Anyway, the backing sect is now recruiting disciples everywhere.

They must be very happy to have young talents like Tang Haoyue and Guan Aoxue join in.

However, Tang Haoyue and Guan Aoxue were just ordinary disciples, because the most important thing in the backing sect was the invincible genius.

The arrogance of the backing sect is inexhaustible, like a crucian carp crossing the river. It is not an easy task to stand out in the backing sect.

As for Lou Qianxun, she is very low-key, but she entered the backing sect as an ordinary handyman disciple and stayed in the most remote place of the backing sect. She didn't care about these things at all.

At this moment, as long as food and clothing can be solved, everything else is a small problem.

Time passed by minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, winter went to spring.

During this period of time, the relationship between Lou Qianxun, Guan Aoxue and Tang Haoyue had eased a lot, but they were just ordinary friends.

When Guan Aoxue and Tang Haoyue were free, they would still visit Lou Qianxun.

Until now, they still don't know Lou Qianxun's true identity. However, they did not ask questions.

Spring is just over and summer is coming.

The sound of cicadas outside was one after another, and people's mood was inexplicably calmed down.

On this day, Lou Qianxun also ushered in a very important day, that is, she is going to give birth.

When Lou Qianxun gave birth, Guan Aoxue and Tang Haoyue were naturally guarding him. In this situation, it would be very dangerous if no one guarded him.

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