Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 443: Never back down, the conquest starts again

Yan Chengfeng was very confident, and did not take the true demon holy king in his eyes at all. No one can be his enemy, and no one can stand in his way.

Those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.

"Then you pay attention to safety."

Lou Qianxun didn't say anything. After exhorting him, he immediately retreated into the distance.

She handed over the battlefield to Yan Chengfeng, and she also believed that Yan Chengfeng could turn auspiciousness into good luck, and death would be auspicious.

Yan Chengfeng can stand up and protect her and the child in her stomach. She is really happy.

Yan Chengfeng's actions have completely angered the Holy Demon King, but he is just a jumping clown, and he even dares to shout in front of him, he can't swallow it.


The terrifying breath gushed out, and the entire Star Dou was shaking. That energy rhyme was too domineering, and it was definitely not something that ordinary people could compete with.

Feeling that terrifying aura, everyone is backing away, and they don't dare to set foot here. This domineering coercion cannot be resisted by anyone.

"Yan Chengfeng is still a little too arrogant. Offending the Holy Demon King doesn't do him any good."

"I guess the Holy Demon King will definitely not let Yan Chengfeng go. After all, if someone's wife gets a big belly, she won't be able to sit still."

"It may be unavoidable that the Holy Demon King took action to suppress Yan Chengfeng. This time, Yan Chengfeng is really having a little fun."

"Although Yan Chengfeng has the means to penetrate the sky, it is still a bit difficult to compete with the true demon king."

"This time, the Holy Demon King will definitely destroy Yan Chengfeng..."

Everyone was talking in a low voice, and they directly gave Yan Chengfeng a verdict. Even if Yan Chengfeng had the means to reach the sky, he would definitely die.

No one can save Yan Chengfeng, this time, Yan Chengfeng will surely die.

"Ignorant fleas, dare to cause trouble in Tianwangfu, it seems that you are tired of living."

The Holy Demon King stood in the air and said indifferently, "If you kneel down and be slaughtered by your neck, maybe you can die a little more happily."

"If you are suppressed by the deity, then your end will be miserable. No one can keep you. As long as the deity wants to kill you, you must die."

The Holy Demon King's heart was full of anger. Now he just wanted to kill Yan Chengfeng, but he was just a clown jumping on the beam. If he dared to shout in front of her, he would have to pay a painful price.

He will never show mercy to these ignorant bugs.

No matter what happens next, he will go all out to destroy Yan Chengfeng directly.

He came to see how much skill Yan Chengfeng had, and dared to shout in front of him.

Yan Chengfeng didn't take the threat of the Holy Demon King seriously at all. He was just an ignorant clown who wanted to behead him. Isn't this a joke?

There are countless people who want to kill him, but none of them can succeed.

Just a real demon king, he really didn't take it to heart.

For this kind of worm that doesn't know how to live or die, he has only one way, and that is to destroy it, and no one can stop him.

"What ability do you have, just show it off! I won't really take you to heart, I haven't seen any means, do you think I'll be afraid?"

Yan Chengfeng was very calm, he didn't take the real devil holy king seriously at all, he was just an ant, and if he wanted to clamor with him, he was digging his own grave.

Yan Chengfeng was really calm, but also very arrogant, which made everyone present very angry, and wished to smash Yan Chengfeng's body into ten thousand pieces, smashing his bones into ashes.


The Holy Demon King snorted angrily, his eyes were full of fierce killing light, he was completely angry, no matter what the price was, Yan Chengfeng would not be able to survive or die.

"Insects who don't know whether to live or die, since you are begging for death, don't blame the deity for being ruthless."

The Holy Demon King's heart was full of anger, he was completely angry, at this moment, he didn't think about anything, just wanted to destroy Yan Chengfeng completely.

No matter what happens next, he doesn't care, as long as he can kill Yan Chengfeng, that's the best ending.

"True magic spell!"

The breath of the Holy Demon King is very terrifying, the wisps of fierceness poured out, the entire boundless mountains and rivers were shaking, and terrifying sights could be seen everywhere.

There are cracks appearing, and in those cracks, a terrifying general trend is recovering, and the terrifying breath swallows the sky and the earth.

No one dared to approach this place. The monks of all sects and sects were quickly retreating to the distance and staying in the center of the storm would definitely be touched.

They don't want to be affected. The fierceness contained in this space is very domineering. With their little deeds, they can't resist it at all.

They don't want the egg to touch the stone and overreach.

"I don't know if you live or die, this time you are dead."

The Holy Demon King is roaring in anger, and his heart is full of anger. He is completely angry, and even if he pays a painful price, he will kill Yan Chengfeng.

It is just an ignorant eye, and it is impossible to survive in his hands.

No one can compete with him. If you want to be an enemy of him, you have to be prepared to fall.

Regarding the killing of the True Demon Saint King, Yan Chengfeng was very calm and did not take it seriously at all.

His breath is skyrocketing wildly, and that coercion is too domineering, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with.

His palms were pushed out horizontally, and the entire heavens and stars were moving. The energy that burst out was very terrifying. The burst of aura seemed to destroy everything, and the entire mountains and rivers would be ruined.

No one dared to stay in the center of the storm. If they continued to stay in the center of the storm, they would definitely be affected.

Everyone was very afraid of Yan Chengfeng's methods, this was definitely not an ordinary person.

Even if the Holy Demon King can really kill Yan Chengfeng, it might not be that easy.

Everyone felt that this matter must not be so simple.


The ferocity of the rhythm in the sky is very terrifying, the entire star bucket is shaking, there are hideous cracks everywhere, and there is a monstrous trend that is recovering.

Everyone felt the domineering pressure, and they all retreated very quickly, and their hearts were full of fear.

The two terrifying attacks collided together, and the fierceness that burst out was so terrifying that the mountains and rivers lost their color.

Everyone was frightened and dared not approach this place at all, for fear that they would die in this invincible expedition.

Such domineering coercion is definitely not something they can contend against. The only thing they can do is to step back as much as possible.

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