Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 420: The Invincibility, the New Saint Controversy

What Xue Mei decided, even eight horses couldn't pull it back. She could only wait for her enthusiasm to fade, and then slowly persuade her, so that there might be some opportunities.

As for now, even if the ceiling speaks for itself, it won't help, Xue Mei can't listen to a word, and won't listen.

"Comparing Yan Chengfeng with Taibai is an insult to Taibai, so your eyes are like that!"

The snow demon looked calm and said calmly, "The creatures in this world that make me look good are only Taibai and Qingxian."

"You haven't seen Jiang Taibai. You can never imagine what kind of person he is. He is like a clear spring in the mountains, and like the wind from the south."

"He is as clear as the moon, as vast as the stars, as thick as the earth, and as hot as the sun..."

"He is the most perfect person in the world. If you have met Jiang Taibai, you will not think that Yan Chengfeng is very good."

"Comparing him with Jiang Taibai, that's the difference between Mingzhu and Haoyue, and the difference between a tree and heaven and earth. He is too small and unbearable."

"After seeing Yan Chengfeng, I am even more convinced of this. Yan Chengfeng is no match for Jiang Taibai."

"Yan Chengfeng is not a pure person. He has too many thoughts. Unlike Jiang Taibai, Jiang Taibai is really a person that people will never forget once they meet them."

I have to say, the snow demon is really scary, she admires Jiang Taibai too much. Let everyone feel that Jiang Taibai is really a perfect person.


Not everyone thinks, because Jiang Taibai is really a perfect person.

Xue Mei had never met Jiang Taibai, because Jiang Taibai was too mysterious. Although this person was not in Jianghu, Jianghu had his legend.

Xue Yao had seen Jiang Taibai, and only Xue Yao knew what kind of person Jiang Taibai was.

However, Xue Mei did not have much affection for Jiang Taibai who had never met before.

"I heard that Qingxian is also pursuing Jiang Taibai, and I don't know if this is true or false."

Xue Mei said curiously, love is always the purest.

If there are too many things mixed in this love, then it cannot be regarded as pure love.

Love is beautiful, it is the collision of the souls of two people, it is different from life.

The life of wealth, rice, oil and salt, is helpless and bitter.

There are thousands of people in this world, and there are thousands of people who are helpless. Those unspeakable bitterness is the most painful.

"You really should pay more attention to some people and things."

Xue Yao spoke again, and said indifferently: "Do you think Ye Qingxian, who is sitting cross-legged in Jiuqu Mountain and asks, will care about the love in the world?"

"No, she won't care, because she has already entered the Tao, she is a saint, a new saint after the gods withdrew from the world and the saints disappeared."

"I'm rude to say, if the passage to the fairy world has not been closed, then she will be the first fairy in the world."

"She will become an epoch-making god, she is a new saint, not an ordinary person in this world."

"I think there should be few people present who have been to Jiuqu Mountain, and few people have seen Ye Qingxian."

"Everyone has heard rumors about her, and no one has ever seen Ye Qingxian."

"That's why I said, you really want to go out and have a look and take a walk."

"On Jiuqu Mountain, there is Ye Qingxian sitting cross-legged and asking, and above the sky tower, there is also Jiang Taibai, the myth of kendo."

"They are the gods in the hearts of everyone, the epoch-making saints, and the new saints between heaven and earth."

"After seeing them, I will feel that there are such pure immortals in this world."

Hearing Xue Yao keep bragging about Jiang Taibai and Ye Qingxian, in fact, some people can't stand it anymore.

"Who is Ye Qingxian? It is rumored that she was transformed from the stone that fills the sky. She can be holy, there is no doubt about it."

"As for Jiang Taibai, I don't need to mention it. He is a wisp of the will of Fengshenbang, and he is ruthless and loveless. They are so pure and deserved."

A woman wearing an ice sculpture mask and sitting in the distance drinking tea spoke indifferently. She was very ordinary, with a sense of simplicity.

The woman looked calm and said calmly: "You are all famous teachers, but only Jiang Taibai and Ye Qingxian are in your eyes. This is wrong."

"If you've been to the Huangquan Ridge that is 800 miles away, you should be able to see that there is a person there who is saving the ancient sages. You have been to the land of Shenyue, and you should be able to see that there is someone holding a sword to establish the sky and guard the gods. Living across mountains and rivers.”

"Similarly, in the ancient border, there are people who run out of medicine bags and save the people of the world."

"The merciful Buddha, the sword **** who guards the common people, and the Bodhisattva whose medicine bag is exhausted, aren't these people worthy of being remembered by everyone?"

Some people have already reacted to this woman's words.

"I know that there is a fairy in Zhulu, who is able to participate in good fortune and heal the bones of the world. That person is a fairy who chases deer, and his followers are all over the world."

"And the Buddha in Huangquanling, eight hundred miles away. I know this person. It is said that he is the most unwise and stupid person in Buddhism."

"But such a person has become a Buddha on the spot. When he became a Buddha, many people must still remember that time, three days were regarded as six days by people, and there was no dark night."

"It wasn't until he became a Buddha that the vision slowly disappeared."

"As for the sword **** who wielded a sword to establish the sky, many people probably don't remember him now."

"However, as long as he mentions his peak battle, no one knows it, no one knows it."

"I think back then, when the little princess of the Shenyue Dynasty was taken away, the old sword **** held his sword and walked out of the land of Shenyue for the first time."

"At that time, I don't know how many experts from the great sect felt the pressure, and they all hid and didn't dare to come out."

"After that, the old sword **** swept the ancient land of Tianchi with one sword, forcing Yao Ji to come forward in person, and this calmed down the storm."

"I am so suspicious that this little princess is the illegitimate daughter of the old sword god."

The old sword **** in the land of Shenyue, the medicine fairy who is chasing the deer, and the little Buddha in Huangquanling.

These three people can be called the gods of the world.

The most important point is that they are all humans.

There are countless sages of the human race, there are great gods who open the sky, and there are great gods who lay the foundation of all things in the world, and there are countless myths that are invincible.

Once everyone mentioned these things, they were a little shocked and heartbroken.

"who are you?"

The snow demon's eyes fell on the woman, and she was very curious about this person. She had heard of the people this woman said.

However, she is not a human race, there is no need to praise the invincibles of the human race...

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