Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 416: Ignorance, Emperor Qingyun

Emperor Qingyun's combat power is piercing through the sky, and if he offends Emperor Qingyun, then there is only one way to go.

This is something that everyone has acquiesced in. No one will unknowingly offend the Emperor Qingyun and become the enemy of Emperor Qingyun. No one can really be so bold.

As for the man sitting next to Emperor Qingyun, it was a man in white. The origin of this man was also very complicated.

His name is Yuwen Jiu, this man is addicted to alcohol like his life, and his swordsmanship is also superb. He is affectionately called Jiujianxian by everyone.

His swordsmanship is very superb, even if he is the old owner of Tibetan Sword Villa, in front of him, he has to bow down and kneel.

After all, there is precedence in hearing Taoism, and there are specializations in the arts.

Yuwenjiu was also the crown prince of the Dashun Dynasty, with an unrivaled background, and ordinary sects would not dare to offend him.

Moreover, I heard that Yuwen Wine and Yuwen Xiuzhu have some relationship, and no one knows what the relationship is.

Yuwenjiu's swordsmanship strength is something that all living beings have verified, this person has absolute combat power. Swordsmanship is superb, and most people don't even want to compete with him.

His strength is very terrifying, even in the face of those invincible older generation powerhouses, he can behead the opponent without fear.

This one is definitely not an ordinary person.

As for the three women, they really have their own merits, and they are all peerless beauties.

However, under their beautiful skin, hidden is a dark heart.

It is also very correct to describe the three of them as femme fatales.

There is nothing special about these three people, but they are all exactly the same, and their words and deeds, dressing tastes, and cultivation techniques are all the same. No one can tell them clearly. who is who.

The origins of these three people are also quite complicated.

They come from the Misty Immortal Sect, and they are an invincible saint with extraordinary means. Moreover, what makes them famous is not their beauty, but their vicious methods and the hearts of snakes and scorpions.

Some people say that if you offend anyone, don't offend women, especially beautiful women.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she will be, and the darker her heart will be.

These three people really showed their ruthlessness to the fullest. Although the Qingyun Emperor's methods were vicious, compared with these three women, it was really insignificant.

If Emperor Qingyun and the three of them are compared together, then Emperor Qingyun is a proper good person!

It is said that things gather like like and people are divided into groups.

It is normal for such a group of people to gather together.

Although these three were identical, they also had their own names. The eldest sister was Xue Yao, the second sister was Xue Mei, and the third sister was Xueluo.

"Seeing that man, his breath is calm, giving people a terrifying feeling. If you say I'll take him as a slave, will he agree?"

At this time, Emperor Qingyun spoke up.

Emperor Qingyun's eyes were full of fierce light, and he was still very interested in Yan Chengfeng.

Such a person is definitely qualified to be his slave.

"You'll know when you try it."

Everyone did not attack Emperor Qingyun, but they all had a hunch that Emperor Qingyun might capsize.

At first glance, this man is not a master who is easy to provoke, and to be an enemy of such a person is simply asking for his own death.

Especially in the current situation, it was the most unwise choice to offend Yan Chengfeng.

"Then let's go and try it!"

Emperor Qingyun did not delay, he immediately left the inn and came to the street.

The faces of the people who were wandering on the street changed instantly after seeing Emperor Qingyun. They didn't dare to stay nearby, and immediately stayed far away.

The appearance of Emperor Qingyun caused a lot of commotion, and everyone was a little frightened, for fear of offending Emperor Qingyun. Is this a ruthless person?

Offending Emperor Qingyun, then their fate will be very miserable. Especially in the current situation, Emperor Qingyun made it clear that he was full and had nothing to do.

In this case, if they offend Emperor Qingyun, their fate may be miserable.

"I didn't expect Emperor Qingyun to come here. How could he appear here? Why didn't we hear the wind in the first place?"

"Who knows, if we had known earlier that Emperor Qingyun would come here, then we wouldn't have come."

"Yeah! This is a fierce god! If you offend Emperor Qingyun, the end will be very miserable."

"Did you see, Emperor Qingyun walked towards the man, it seems that someone else is going to suffer..."

The surrounding creatures were talking in low voices, and they all felt that Yan Chengfeng might suffer.

After all, being targeted by Emperor Qingyun is not a good thing.

Because everyone knows that once he is targeted by Emperor Qingyun, there is only one fate for him, and that is death.

There is absolutely no one who can stop Emperor Qingyun. Offending such an invincible person will definitely die. No one can be an exception.

Especially in the current situation, if you want to survive, unless it is God's blessing, otherwise, it is a fool's dream.

Yan Chengfeng also saw Emperor Qingyun, but he didn't care too much and seemed very calm.

However, his calm appearance made Emperor Qingyun inexplicably unhappy, and he had a feeling of being ignored.

He didn't even know that feeling of being ignored, how many years he hadn't encountered.

Unexpectedly, such a jumping clown dared to shout in front of him, really tired of living.

"This man is too arrogant! He even ignored Emperor Qingyun, doesn't he know that this will only increase the anger of Emperor Qingyun?"

"It seems that this time it is really going to die. Offending Emperor Qingyun, no one can save him."

"It's just an ignorant flea who dares to be so arrogant. You look at his smug look, it's really not pleasing to the eye..."

Everyone has a headache, Yan Chengfeng is really too mad, such a person offends Emperor Qingyun, then he will definitely die.

They all seemed to have seen Yan Chengfeng's end, and they would definitely be trampled under the feet of Emperor Qingyun and severely humiliated.

These ignorant reptiles also want to compete with Emperor Qingyun, which is simply a dream.

"An ant, you dare to ignore this seat."

Emperor Qingyun's expression was indifferent, staring at Yan Chengfeng coldly, his sharp eyes seemed to break Yan Chengfeng's corpse into ten thousand pieces and smash his bones into ashes.

It's just an ignorant flea who even dares to pretend to be a critic in front of him.

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