Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 394: Travel mood, Lin Jiuyu clan

Yan Chengfeng had to worry about Bai Jianshuang's affairs, and they didn't need to worry about it at all. If they had time to worry about other people's affairs, it would be better to practice more and try to improve their cultivation as soon as possible.

After Yan Chengfeng wandered around the Jiuli Yan Clan for a while, he didn't find any fun, and he didn't stay in this place, but set off for the Jiuyu Clan.

In a side hall of the Nine Feather Clan, Yu Qingmeng was still staying here.

The arrival of Yan Chengfeng gave her a headache. The person she least wanted to see now was Yan Chengfeng.

What kind of person is this guy, she has already figured it out and understood.

This guy is an **** and won't miss her at all.

He will temporarily go back on things that have already been agreed.

Recently, she didn't want to see Yan Chengfeng.


Yu Qingmeng snorted coldly and said indifferently, "I thought you were all dead outside, but I didn't know you were back."

Yu Qingmeng was very emotional towards Yan Chengfeng, this guy is not a good thing at first glance.

She was speechless when she met this nasty guy, she could only blame her bad luck.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "If I really die outside, then you will be a widow."

"By the way, aren't you going to the Desolate Clan? It just so happens that I have time recently. If you want to go, then leave as soon as possible."

"Desolate people."

Yu Qingmeng frowned slightly and said, "You still have time to go to the barren clan! Didn't I hear that your woman was taken away?"

"You don't look for her traces, but you are here to soak up other women. Your heart is too cold-blooded!"

For Yan Chengfeng, this annoying guy, she will not have a good face.

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "These are all small issues, and everything is under my control."

"Besides, this time I went to the Desolate Clan, and I also have important things to deal with. Otherwise, do you think I have nothing to do when I am idle?"

"If you want to go, then quickly pack up and set off with me to the Desolate Clan."

"If you don't want to go, then I won't delay here. I still have a lot of trivial matters to deal with, and I have no time to waste with you."

He has very important things to do when he goes to the barren clan, and naturally he will not delay here for too long.

Especially in the current situation, we must get over it as soon as possible, otherwise, the problem may become more and more serious.


Yu Qingmeng had a headache and stared at Yan Chengfeng angrily. I wish I could tear Yan Chengfeng's body into tens of thousands of pieces, smashing his bones into ashes.

For a guy like Yan Chengfeng, she was quite helpless.

After thinking about it in the end, I decided to follow Yan Chengfeng and go to the Desolate Clan together.

Anyway, she has nothing to do recently, and staying at home is quite boring. It is also a good choice to go out for a walk.

As for other things, there is no need to worry too much, what should come will come after all, and it is useless to escape.

"Then when are you going to leave?"

Yu Qingmeng asked, that the entire Dongjiang is not very peaceful now, and it must be the same in other places.

Along the way, I don't know what kind of troubles will be encountered.

Especially in this current situation, the mountains and the rain are about to come and the wind is blowing!

"Leave early tomorrow."

Yan Chengfeng said casually, it's already a little late today, and it doesn't make any sense to leave now.

It's better to take a night's rest before moving.

He didn't say much, just quietly meditated cross-legged and meditated.

Yu Qingmeng, who was on the bed, had a headache, but she didn't expect Yan Chengfeng to be such a person. I haven't come to touch her recently. I'm under the same roof as her, and I'm just sitting cross-legged in the distance to meditate.

She was also a little awkward about that kind of thing. After all, she was quite embarrassed.

But right now there is nothing to do but wait quietly.

Yu Qingmeng didn't have anything to say about such a thing, laying quietly on the bed, and slowly fell asleep.

It was a good night's sleep until the next morning.

The next morning.

The morning sun shines through the layers of clouds and mist, and the spring returns to the earth, and all things recover.

"By the way, do you want to use the starship to travel, or use the teleportation array directly."

While washing, Yu Qingmeng asked.

If you use a starship to drive, it will be more convenient, and you don't have to worry about too many things.

However, if you use the teleportation array, you still need to turn around everywhere, which will be more troublesome.

Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly and asked, "Using a starship to travel is really convenient. However, using a teleportation array is also quite good."

"Let's do it! Let's use the teleportation array first! When we reach the next destination, we will switch to the starship, just as I have some things to do."

Hearing this, Yu Qingmeng's willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and she said in surprise, "What else do you have to do? Why are you like this? You have unfinished business all day long."

She is really speechless, how good it is to use the starship to travel, and you don't have to worry about other things in between.

However, Yan Chengfeng obviously did not want to use the starship to travel.

She was also very helpless, and could only complain silently in her heart.

Yan Chengfeng didn't hide it either, and told him, "Last time, when I was in Qishan, I met people from the Yang family in Guanjiangkou."

"The other party invited me over to be a guest. Anyway, I have plenty of time recently, so I will go there. It just happened to be on the way, and it won't take too long."

Anyway, they all had to pass by the Yang family in Guanjiangkou, and Yan Chengfeng also took advantage of this opportunity to turn around without delaying too long.


Yu Qingmeng had a headache, Yan Chengfeng always had a lot of trivial matters, and it seemed that he could not finish it in a lifetime.

However, she didn't have anything to say. This time, she was going to pass by the Yang family in Guanjiangkou anyway, so there was no need to care about her attitude.

Moreover, the teleportation array is indeed the best for this journey. If it is replaced by a starship, there will be a lot of troubles.

Because there are many Jiang Yang robbers near this journey, it is still a little troublesome to meet those Jiang Yang robbers who kill without blinking an eye.

If you use the teleportation array to hurry, this can also save more trouble.

"Then I'll pack up and leave at noon."

Yu Qingmeng didn't delay here either. After she washed up, she walked out of the side hall.

It was just this time that she went to the Desolate Clan, and she also had some things to bring.

It's not too late to leave until everything has been dealt with, and it's not in a hurry anyway.

Yan Chengfeng didn't care too much. After washing up, he stayed on the road and began to meditate cross-legged to meditate.

There have been a lot of troubles recently, and he also wanted to take advantage of this trip to change a good mood and relax.

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