Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 383: Behind the Weird, the Matter of Eternal Life

Yan Chengfeng was too lazy to explain, Huo Shuixian had too much misunderstanding about him, and this misunderstanding could not be eliminated in a few words.

In such a situation, he had no other choice but to do his best to obey the destiny.

"That's it."

Yan Chengfeng said helplessly: "Since you misunderstood me so deeply, then I don't bother to talk nonsense with you."

"The incident of the dead at the festival in China is definitely not as simple as you see it on the surface."

"If you need it in the future, you can come to me at any time. I'm not like some people, who have a small stomach."

After Yan Chengfeng finished this sentence, he left immediately, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense with Huo Shuixian. It was useless to talk about some things.

This incident of the dead will definitely continue to ferment. He has time, and Huo Shuixian will definitely come to him for help.

Seeing Yan Chengfeng's retreating back, Huo Shuixian scoffed, even if she was in great trouble, she wouldn't be able to ask Yan Chengfeng for help.

Not in this lifetime.

Huo Shuixian put this matter aside, and continued to wander around and play with the disciples of the Longevity Valley.

She changed her mind again and didn't want to leave so soon. Even if she really wanted to leave, she would have to wait until the end of the Shenzhou Festival before leaving.

Anyway, it's been a few days since the end of the Shenzhou Festival.

In the past few days, she still has it, she can still afford it, she doesn't need to worry at all, let alone worry about what will happen on the festival in China that she can't control.

As long as she encounters dangerous things, she will handle it cautiously, never dare to be careless, and will not make jokes about her life, nor will Yan Chengfeng have the opportunity to pretend to criticize.

That guy has been waiting for her to make a fool of himself, waiting for her to ask for help.

She would never bow her head to Yan Chengfeng, and she would never let Yan Chengfeng get what she wanted.

During the festival in China, although there were strange murder incidents, everything was going on in an orderly manner.

Everyone is just a momentary fear of what is in front of them. Really wait for time to pass quietly, and after that event is completely over, everything will return to normal again.

There is nothing that can never be overcome, and everyone has never paid attention to these trivial matters.

The fact that Yan Chengfeng was weird has something to do with the eternal demon. There must be a constant connection behind it. As for what the relationship is, he is not very clear now.

Although there are not many things that have happened recently, there are strange hidden things in everything, especially this incident also involves the demon of eternal life.

Even though the heavens and the world have become memories forever, there are many ancient inheritances and races that are definitely not so easy to be destroyed.

Those invisible creatures have more secrets than they imagined.

The current situation is also quite complicated. No matter what, it must be handled with caution.

As time passed by, the Chinese festival was in full swing.

In a few hours, the sacrifice can begin.

However, no one knows what will happen in the middle.

Faced with such a problem, they were also a little helpless, and their hearts were full of distress.

This kind of situation is so powerless, no matter what, we must find the murderer behind it as soon as possible.

The murderer behind this does not surface for a day, and everyone is not at ease.

For such a situation, no one dares to be careless, and can only wait slowly, although there will be no danger behind this incident, and no one dares to act rashly.

However, this whole thing is definitely not really without danger.

There are a lot of things, maybe that's it!

The more you want to know the truth behind the whole thing, the more you want to know the truth behind the whole thing, the more you will end up with a basket of water, and nothing will happen.

Yan Chengfeng has been staying in a secluded place, observing every move around him.

Everyone's trajectory was seen by him.

Finally, the accident finally came again.


The disciple of Longevity Valley died.

The disciples of Longevity Valley died suddenly without any warning. Before that, she was no different from normal people, and she never showed any strange behavior.

Yan Chengfeng had a panoramic view of this scene, and his heart was full of doubts, he had no clue at all.

It's really weird that a good person suddenly died suddenly, and he couldn't find any clues.

For such a situation, he was also a little helpless, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

This kind of situation is really a bit of a headache, but he has already bumped into it, so no matter what danger comes next, it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

A disciple in the Valley of Longevity died.

This has already offended Huo Shuixian. Huo Shuixian's face is gloomy, and there is a fierce light flashing in her eyes. She is definitely not a kind person.

Someone broke ground on Tai Sui's head, which is a blatant challenge to her majesty.

No matter how dangerous some things are, once they touch her bottom line, she will touch them no matter what.

The big deal is death, no matter how dangerous it is, she is not afraid of death, is there still something to be afraid of?

After Huo Shuixian calmed down, she immediately came to look for Yan Chengfeng.

In any case, she has to repay this hatred, especially in the current situation. When encountering such a thing, no matter how troublesome it is, she must go all out to do it.

Only by handling these troublesome trivial matters well, can we avenge the dead disciple of Changsheng Valley.

The arrival of Huo Shuixian was all expected by Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng was not surprised. He had already figured out this kind of small problem.

However, he is still not quite sure why the disciples of the Longevity Valley suddenly died suddenly.

Those creatures who died before are estimated to have died suddenly.

If a murderer really kills here, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to escape the scene so quickly.

Now, Yan Chengfeng is even more convinced that the people behind this must be those eternal demons.

When encountering these dirty things, you still have to be careful.

Once a danger is encountered, the situation must be very complicated, and it cannot be solved by dividing three and five by two. These things take a long time to arrange.

If the immortal magic energy was so easy to deal with, it would not have been delayed for such a long time.

These monsters living in the dark are not something that ordinary people can handle. For such a situation, everyone is a little helpless. After all, what should come will come. If you want to escape, it is obviously impossible.

Anyway, we have already come this far, so there is nothing to say, we can only do our best to obey the destiny.

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