Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 367: quite a headache, very uncomfortable

The woman hated the feeling of being molested, Yan Chengfeng was so unscrupulous, she was already angry, and now she just wanted to give Yan Chengfeng a little pain.

This guy is not a good thing at all, and at a glance, he knows that he is a veteran of love.

It is estimated that it has passed through thousands of flowers, and the leaves are all attached to the body.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and calmly said: "If you can kill me, that's your ability, but unfortunately! It's very difficult for you to do it."

"After you do your best, you will suddenly find that you can't do anything in front of me."


The woman walked out step by step, her breath was extremely violent, the fierce pressure surged, the boundless earth was cracking, and the hideous cracks spread out, and there was a monstrous recovery.

The fierceness here is surging, and no one dares to approach this place, for fear of being destroyed.

This woman of the Nine Feather Clan possesses supreme means, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Everyone is flinching, not daring to approach this place, the energy is surging, and the mountains and rivers are about to collapse.

"I'm going to tear your mouth first and pull your tongue out so you can't speak again."

The woman's expression was cold and still, her heart was full of anger, and now she just wanted to destroy Yan Chengfeng.

This guy is so disgusting, she has never met such a disgusting guy, it makes her heartache.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent, smiled and said, "Then I prefer it, you use your mouth."


The woman's face is a little ugly, this guy is really hateful.

When she met such an ant, she was really speechless, and now she just wanted to destroy Yan Chengfeng and make Yan Chengfeng pay a painful price.

Feeling the terrifying energy accumulation, everyone was backing away, not daring to approach this place at all. The women of the Nine Feather Clan were already angry, and it would not do any good to offend him.

"The strength of this woman is indeed terrifying. This time, Yan Chengfeng will probably suffer."

"Yeah! Her strength is really good, but Yan Chengfeng's strength is also quite terrifying. Ordinary people don't even want to compete with Yan Chengfeng."

"I don't know if this woman can stop him. I think it's impossible to stop him."

"If Yan Chengfeng were to die, then the Jiuli Yan Clan would probably be destroyed as well! After all, the entire Dongjiang life is looking at this piece of fat..."

There are more and more monks staying here, and they all come to watch the fun.

The woman's jade hand quickly protruded out, and there was a mass of slaughter.

Her attack was very domineering, and she killed Xiang Yan Chengfeng in an instant. Those attacks were too terrifying, and the entire starry sky was collapsing and crumbling.

No one dared to approach this place, the aftermath of that wave could tear the entire sky apart.

However, in the face of the woman's attack, Yan Chengfeng acted calmly, as if he didn't take this woman's attack seriously at all.

This woman has an immortal body and can ignore all the rules. If you want to use the rules to suppress her, it is simply delusional.

No one dares to approach this place, this place is too dangerous, and it will be destroyed if you are not careful.

The woman's attack was extremely domineering. She had no intention of letting Yan Chengfeng go. In any case, she would suppress Yan Chengfeng.

Just a clown jumping beams, if you want to compete with her, you must pay a painful price.

"Barrier Fist!"

Yan Chengfeng did not step back, his hands clenched into fists, and he smashed out fiercely.

This side of the world is collapsing, the sun and the moon are turning upside down, and it seems that it is about to fall.

In this void, there are terrifying fist shadows scurrying around, the boundless mountains and rivers are in ruins, and those sturdy plants and trees are instantly turned into dust.


"This is Tyrant Boxing."

"It is said that Baquan is the most killing attack. Even those who are invincible would not dare to fight Baquan, nor would they dare to practice Baquan."

"If you want to cultivate Baquan to the point of perfection, you must pay a painful price."

"Yeah! If one's qi and blood are not strong enough, it will definitely fall short."

"Yan Chengfeng is quite smart. He knows that this girl from the Nine Feather Clan has a phantom body and can attack regardless of all the rules, so he simply switched to another method."

"Using Tyrant Fist to attack this woman is indeed a good choice. It seems that this woman will suffer..."

The cultivators onlookers knew very well how terrifying the profound meaning of Ba Fist was, which was definitely not something that ordinary people could contend against.

If you want to block Yan Chengfeng, unless it is those invincibles who practice the physical body.

I am afraid that those invincibles who practice the physical body may not be able to contend.

This energy accumulation terror is really too tyrannical, even if it is far away, you can feel the monstrous energy accumulation, the mountains and rivers are in ruins, the sun and the moon are in rotation.


One after another sounded, those killings were very terrifying, and the entire space was going to be destroyed.

Moreover, Yan Chengfeng's methods were not too glamorous.

Attacking the woman's chest for a while, and her **** for a while, it was simply brazen, nasty and despicable.

The woman's face was gloomy and very ugly. The anger in her heart was raging, and she could not wait to smash Yan Chengfeng's corpse into ten thousand pieces and smash her bones into ashes.

She had never seen such a shameless person as Yan Chengfeng.


"You despicable two-legged sheep, you're a piece of trash."

The woman's face was ashen with anger, and she scolded Yan Chengfeng angrily.

She couldn't wait to tear Yan Chengfeng apart, this guy is so abhorrent, she just felt heartache unbearable.

She was speechless when she met such a guy.

"The cage of heaven and earth."

Yan Chengfeng didn't talk nonsense, he only had one purpose, and that was to suppress the woman.

The Nine Feather Clan must be destroyed, no matter who comes forward, it is useless, these people must die.

If you dare to be an enemy of him, then you will all be buried in the sea of ​​​​fire!


In this world, a chain of rules appeared. Those rule chains are very terrifying, and the whole body is covered with bright lines.

Those lines are extremely terrifying, the mountains and rivers are shaking, the sky is falling and the earth is cracking.

This space is controlled by the regular iron chain, forming a cage that surrounds the woman.

Those killings were extremely overbearing, with endless energy rushing around, the heavens and the earth were collapsing, and the rivers and mountains were in ruins.

The cage of heaven and earth is constantly tightening, as if it wants to suppress the woman.

The woman was trapped in the cage of heaven and earth. She felt paralyzed and weak, and felt like she was about to suffocate. That feeling was so uncomfortable that it gave her a headache.

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