Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 299: What is longevity, an old bull's head

Yan Chengfeng fainted.

This is normal.

Even though he used to have a good relationship with the goddess, Tang Haoyue and others, he would not leak too much essence.

It will not leak the pure essence of life, the essence of the beginning.

Essence is the root of a person, not to mention a cultivator, even a mortal who leaves too much essence will hurt the root.

After all, it is not a joke to die when the essence is exhausted.

Liu Bingyu's mysterious zone tightened for a while, and she frantically sucked Yan Chengfeng's essence, trying to drain Yan Chengfeng.

Her teeth were biting her cherry lips lightly, and her appearance was charming.


After a stick of incense.

She spit out a turbid breath, her holy yin immortal body has been completed, her cultivation has also improved, and she has successfully advanced to an immortal king.

All thanks to Yan Chengfeng.

"Almost tossed him to death."

Liu Bingyu checked Yan Chengfeng's breath and was a little surprised.

Relying on Yan Chengfeng's essence, he forcibly raised a few realms, which was already crazy.

If it were someone else, she would probably be sucked into a dead bone by her.

She stayed beside Yan Chengfeng and fell asleep quietly.

The next day, at noon.

Yan Chengfeng woke up leisurely, his face was pale and weak, his body was paralyzed, his head was dizzy, and his headache was splitting.

He is very clear that this is because too much essence has been lost, which has hurt his roots.

It hasn't been a year and a half, and it can't be raised at all.

Liu Bingyu also woke up, and said charmingly: "I'm sorry last night, I didn't control it well, and I will definitely not in the future."

"Try first, can you separate from me, it's a little tight."

Yan Chengfeng only felt that he was being tightly bound below, and there was no way to leave.

Yan Chengfeng said indifferently, "Relax."

His expression was a little ugly, Liu Bingyu could also feel it, and he seemed unhappy.

Liu Bingyu spread her legs and relaxed properly.

Yan Chengfeng exerted a little force and separated from Liu Bingyu.

He changed his clothes and prepared to leave.

"Yan Chengfeng, I was really wrong."

Liu Bingyu hurriedly got out of bed, took Yan Chengfeng's hand, and said, "I'll look for supplements immediately, and make medicine to replenish your body."

"You are waiting for me here, don't run away."

After all, she hurriedly changed into her clothes and went to search for supplements.

Yan Chengfeng didn't stay here, and left Liu's house step by step.

His essence was almost exhausted, and Liu Bingyu took half his life.

Ordinary tonics are of no use at all.

Liu Bingyu went to search for the tonic, and immediately returned to the attic, but she searched everywhere and found no trace of Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng left, something Liu Bingyu never thought of.

"He's so stingy."

Liu Bingyu frowned slightly, put the tonic into the accept ring, and then left the Liu family.

In the Yan family hall.

Liu Bingyu saw Yanshan Snow.

The moment Yan Shanxue saw Liu Bingyu, she was also a little surprised: "You have a red face, what supplements are you taking?"

Liu Bingyu walked to the side and sat down, and said, "I've drained all Yan Chengfeng's essence, can you look bad?"

"However, he seemed to be angry. I asked him to wait for me. I went to find supplements and boiled medicine to replenish his body."

"As a result, he sneaked away while I was looking for supplements."

"Xuemei, do you think he will die outside! He is so weak."

Yan Shanxue's eyes sank slightly and said, "You are emotional."


Liu Bingyu hurriedly shook his head and said in a deep voice, "What nonsense are you talking about, how could I possibly be emotional, sleep with him one night, and fall in love with him with all my heart, so am I not cheap?"

"I'm just a little guilty, I don't want him to have an accident outside."

Yan Shanxue raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, "He'll be fine, maybe he's just leaving temporarily."

Liu Bingyu was not very relieved. She said solemnly, "Can you copy me a copy of your longevity formula? He also wants to take a look. The longevity formula is wonderful."

"He came from Daqian World to pursue the secrets of longevity."


Yan Shanxue took out a scripture from Najie and said, "What is written on it is the longevity formula. However, I still say that, it's okay to play, but don't get emotional."

"Don't worry, I won't."

Liu Bingyu was very happy, took the scripture and left the hall immediately.

After she left here, she rushed back to the Liu family's attic.

After she returned to the attic, she went to take a shower.


She was immersed in the barrel, and under the misty mist, she seemed even more alluring.

At this moment, the door opened.


Liu Bingyu's eyes were bright, and he immediately shouted angrily.

Yan Chengfeng said calmly, "It's me."

"Yan Chengfeng."

Liu Bingyu's eyes were full of smiles, and he said, "I thought you were gone, where did you **** go?"

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "Go out and buy some clothes and shoes."

Liu Bingyu's pretty face was full of smiles, and she said, "Come here and squeeze my shoulders."

She wanted to hook up with Yan Chengfeng again, and she had never forgotten the ecstasy of last night.

Yan Chengfeng said calmly, "I went back to sleep."

He walked out of the attic, went to the adjacent guest room, and meditated cross-legged, running the chapter of creation, and recuperating the body's lost essence.

Seeing this, Liu Bingyu hurried out of the wooden barrel, without even drying her body or wearing any clothes, she hurried to find Yan Chengfeng.

"Yan Chengfeng, I want it."

Liu Bingyu hugged Yan Chengfeng, and the fragrance on her body was very charming.

Yan Chengfeng slowly opened his eyes and said, "Give me the longevity formula, and you said before that you want to take me to meet someone."


Liu Bingyu hurriedly took out the scripture and said, "This is the longevity formula."

Yan Chengfeng took the longevity formula and put it in the portable space.

"I'll change clothes and take you to find someone."

Liu Bingyu changed clothes in front of Yan Chengfeng, without any shyness, and even deliberately seduced Yan Chengfeng.

However, Yan Chengfeng was unmoved.

After Liu Bingyu was done, he took Yan Chengfeng and left Fengtian City.

A hundred miles away from Fengtian City, there is a thatched cottage.

This place is very desolate. In the thatched hut, there is an old man with gray hair sitting cross-legged.

"Old Niutou, I will bring a man to see you, he is my man, he looks very handsome!"

Liu Bingyu made an introduction, his eyes were full of smiles, and he seemed very happy.

Lao Niu Tou opened his eyes, glanced at Yan Chengfeng, then closed his eyes and calmly said, "What are you bringing him for?"

Liu Bingyu did not hide it, and told him: "He wants to pursue the mystery of longevity, can you tell him what longevity is?"


Old Niutou looked indifferent and said: "I have lived since the last night of Dao creation, do you think this is longevity?"

"The night of creation."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank slightly and said, "The great catastrophe of the sky, the ultimate forbidden mystery, the night of the creation of the Tao, then you really lived a long time."

"Is there anyone in this world who has lived longer than you?"

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