Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 294: The change of the firmament, the black-haired creature

"Don't mind her."

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent, and said, "She has been a little bit floating recently. I sent her a voice transmission yesterday, and she blocked me directly."

"What kind of temper does she have with me? It's all my credit for her achievements today."

"I'm too lazy to get used to her, if she doesn't want to go, forget it."


Guan Aoxue frowned slightly and said, "She has the most special relationship with you, but you have been ignoring her recently. It's normal for her to be petty."

"Besides, there will always be days when a woman is very short-tempered, and you don't even know how to let her go."

"I often see that she is sad by herself. In the future, you are probably finished."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and did not take Guan Aoxue's words to heart.

He has no reason to take care of Ganmei's mind. Anyway, everything about Ganmei is under his control, and he can tell Ganmei's state at any time.

Guan Aoxue didn't say anything, she didn't bother to care about Yan Chengfeng's troubles.

The starship traveled far and disappeared into the boundless galaxy.

Gan Mei stood on the lofty mountain, and there was sadness in her eyes.

She clenched the token in her hand and finally chose to leave the Great Thousand World.

There are too many people who set off and leave, and there are only a few people who stick to the world...

Firmament Star.

It is a planet floating above Yinhan, and there are hundreds of thousands of creatures living on this planet.

Most of these creatures have special talents. The residents here are hospitable and hospitable.

To the north of the firmament star is the boundless boundless galaxy, which are all undeveloped areas. The dangers hidden in those areas are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, the creatures living in the sky are very hard, and they go out to hunt every day for food for the winter.

And the hunting place is that ancient land, that undeveloped area.

Yan Chengfeng and others came to Qiong Cangxing. On this day, Qiong Cangxing was beating gongs and drums everywhere, which was very lively.

This day is the hunting day of the firmament, and this festival is very solemn and sacred.

This time of year also has the most prey caught.

"Brother Chengfeng, there are so few people in Qiongxing! Why don't they speed up their reproduction, so that they can also strengthen Qiongxing!"

Yuluo was puzzled. Qiongcangxing’s territory was vast, but there were very few living people, only less than a few hundred thousand people.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Even if they can thrive, there must be enough food supply."

"If you don't have food, you end up dying."

"Qingcangxing is already quite good. If you go to other places, it will probably be more uncomfortable!"

"Under the heavens and the world, in this vast galaxy, I don't know how many planets live, and the living people have not even been born with wisdom."

"The changes in heaven and earth are far more than what you have seen. Even if I have been pursuing, eternity, longevity, reincarnation, and ultimate, it actually doesn't make any sense."

"It's just that I've been fighting for one thing for too long. Sometimes, it's hard to let go."

"Although there are dangers in the unknown area of ​​​​Qiangxing, these creatures are very smart, and they will not rashly break into the too dangerous areas."

"Let's wait outside! We can ask for a bite later."

The crowd did not speak, and quietly followed Yan Chengfeng outside.

The people of Qiong Cangxing, after the ceremony, began to enter the unknown area to explore the supreme creation.

Time flies by like a white horse.

When night fell, the residents of Qiongxing finally came out of that unknown area.

This time, they have harvested a lot, everyone's face. All with happy smiles.

A group of people also came out carrying a dark, dirty, and muddy coffin.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at the coffin and didn't care too much.

At night, the entire sky and stars lit a bonfire, and a group of people surrounded the bonfire and sang songs of blessing, which was very lively.

A group of people drank and ate meat, and in the end they all got drunk and went back to their houses.

A bright moon crossed the sky, illuminating the stars in the sky, and the entire sky and stars were hazy in the moonlight, and the scene was extremely beautiful.


In a hall, the dark coffin was crunching, and soon, the lid of the coffin was lifted.

Inside was a dark, hideous creature with black hair all over his body that jumped out. His face was hideous, and his pupils were extremely blood red.

He didn't delay in the hall, and started to come out to make waves. In just one night, the entire sky has become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Those creatures had no resistance at all, and all died in their sleep.

The next morning.

When Yan Chengfeng woke up from his sleep, he clearly smelled a **** smell.

The smell of blood was very strong and unusually pungent.

He immediately turned over and got up, walked out of the starship and saw the bones everywhere.

"Yan Chengfeng, what's the situation?"

Guan Aoxue and others also ran out in a hurry, they were not dressed properly, they were running and dressing at the same time.

Seeing the corpses all over the place, they were a little frightened and didn't understand what happened.

In just one night, all the creatures in the sky and the stars were dead, which was too terrifying.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely, "Maybe it's a strange existence."

He stepped up to the firmament star, searched everywhere, and finally fixed his eyes on an empty coffin.

He vaguely remembered that the coffin was closed last night.

Now, the coffin has been opened.

No matter how stupid he was, he could guess that something inside must have escaped and killed all the creatures in the sky.

Fortunately, they live in the starship, otherwise, they will face another disaster.

"Brother Chengfeng, what shall we do next?"

Yuluo is still quite afraid. After all, this place is full of various crises, and if you are not careful, it will be destroyed.

They must get out of here as soon as possible and go to the next planet.

Yan Chengfeng was not in a hurry. He walked to the coffin and watched for a while, and found that some strange runes were engraved on the inside of the coffin.

These runes are very special, as if they have life.

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay, and immediately recorded those strange runes. After all this was done, he should leave.

"Let's go!"

Yan Chengfeng boarded the starship, ready to leave this place.

Guan Aoxue and the others did not delay, and followed on the starship.

"Yan Chengfeng, should we go to Cui Mian? She and Tantai Xiao have been gone for a long time."

Guan Aoxue was a little worried about Cui Mian's safety, after all, that was her best friend and partner.

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