Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 292: Sweeping the couch to greet you, travel through the heavens

After Xuanji resigned and set the layout, she also left here, changed to a new identity, and continued her life.

As for Yan Chengfeng, in the layout of Xuanji Ci, he will become a chess piece.

Everything is going according to Xuanji's plan.

At night, the stars are shining.

Yan Chengfeng returned to the sub-rudder of the ancient immortal court. He had a skin-to-skin relationship with Xuanjici before, and he would definitely come over to find Xuanjici.

It's just that the sight of this disposing of the rudder made him completely stunned.

The sub-rudder hall of Ancient Immortal Court was full of bloodstains, and the surrounding attics collapsed and fell into ruins.

Before stepping into the hall, Yan Chengfeng smelled an aura, an aura that was so familiar that one would remember it in a dream, it was the demon of immortality.

The breath of the devil appeared and appeared in this great hall.

He walked into the hall unhurriedly, and in the hall, he saw a dead bone.

That withered bone appeared in Yan Chengfeng's eyes, and his sword brows were slightly wrinkled.

Although he has not been in contact with Xuanji for a long time, he is very familiar with Xuanji, but he is just a dead bone, and he also knows very well that something may have happened to Xuanji.

Such a familiar method was definitely done by those demons.

However, Yan Chengfeng did not collapse and cry as he imagined, he was very calm and concealed his anger in his heart.

He left this place and went to Jiuxiao Pagoda, walking very peacefully.

Even Xuanji Ci in the dark was a little surprised, because Yan Chengfeng was very calm.

However, she didn't care because her plan had been completed.

Yan Chengfeng's emotions were not important at all, all of this was within her expectations.

She also left here, took on a new identity, and continued to live.

As for Yan Chengfeng, she will eventually become a passer-by in her life.

Jiuxiao Pagoda.

Recently, Jiuxiao Pagoda has been busy in and out, and it seems that there are a lot of things to deal with, and only Yan Chengfeng is alone in the hall, and he doesn't know what he is thinking about.

Second day of September.

Wind and sunshine.

Yan Chengfeng was taken by Guan Aoxue and others on a huge starship. The starship was magnificent and decorated brilliantly.

Seeing this huge starship, Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were full of doubts, and he didn't know what they were going to do.

"Did you spend so much time building a flashy starship?"

Yan Chengfeng was full of doubts, the star ship was a means of transportation, but the star ship they built seemed to be very huge and luxurious.

He couldn't understand the minds of the people.

Guan Aoxue looked indifferent and said, "This starship is not a means of transportation. There is a happy forest over there, and this is a living area."

"If you can't stand it anymore, you can take the woman to Happy Forest, where everything is there, you know."

"and then?"

Yan Chengfeng spread out his hands and said he was speechless.

These women, who are not doing their jobs all day, are just thinking about doing these fancy things.

Guan Aoxue glanced at Yan Chengfeng and complained, "Isn't it because you pretended to be deep all day that we thought about giving you something? You still look reluctant."

"Don't be cheap and good, why don't you go and experience it."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep and he said, "If I experience it with you, it may be a little more interesting."

"In your dreams."

Guan Aoxue directly rejected Yan Chengfeng, so she would not mess with Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng calmed his mind and said, "You have tried your best to build this starship, there should be other goals!"

"Of course."

Guan Aoxue did not hide it, and said solemnly, "We are ready to wander the heavens."

"Wandering the heavens."

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and he asked in doubt, "How do you think that those who want to wander the heavens should have some pursuits?"

Guan Aoxue's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely, "The mystery of immortality may not be in the Great Thousand World. Don't you really want to find immortality?"

"Or a lot of walking through some places, it's also very helpful to you."

"Also, we don't have anything to do either. Why don't we walk around and take a look. The scenery of the heavens and the world should be pretty good too!"


Yan Chengfeng was also a little helpless, but he could only let a few people mess around.

"Then when are you going to leave?"

When Yan Chengfeng saw this starship, it seemed that the construction had been completed.


Guan Aoxue didn't say much, the starship slowly lifted off and began to drive towards Xinghe.

The galaxy is vast, and there should be countless people who want to go on a trip like Guan Aoxue and others!

The demeanor of the heavens and the world, if you don't see it, then this life is really not worth it!

Yan Chengfeng watched the star ship slowly drive towards Xinghe, his eyes fell on Daqian World, and his heart was full of nostalgia for this place.

This time, Guan Aoxue, Tang Haoyue, Yuluo, Moying, and the goddess left.

As for the others, they are on their own.

Although they and Yan Chengfeng had a skin-to-skin relationship, they were not the same people after all.

"I want to bring the flaming red carp, you guys..."

Yan Chengfeng glanced at a few people and said what was in his heart.

"Flaming red carp."

Guan Aoxue and the others looked at each other, finally nodded, and said, "Hurry up and go! We'll be waiting for you here."

They could see that Yan Chengfeng seemed to like Yanhong carp.

Otherwise, he wouldn't miss Yanhong Carp so much.

Yan Chengfeng left the starship, shrank the ground into an inch, and came to the Cave of Ten Thousand Fires.

The Ten Thousand Fire Grotto was very quiet, and the flaming red carp stayed in the hall alone.

"I heard that you are going to travel to the heavens, why haven't you left yet!"

Seeing Yan Chengfeng appear, Yanhong Carp was a little surprised.

She already knew that Yan Chengfeng wanted to travel to the heavens.

However, she had nothing to say.

She had never hoped that Yan Chengfeng really liked her.

Perhaps, some people turn around for a lifetime!

Perhaps, some people are just passing by each other, and they will be separated after all.

She never believed that the brief encounter was just for a better reunion.

She had a hunch that when Yan Chengfeng left, they would never see each other again.

"I'm going to travel the heavens, do you have anything to say to me?"

Yan Chengfeng stared at Yanhong Carp. His bond with this woman was already very deep.

The flaming red carp is also the smartest person he has ever met, the most self-aware person.

"What did I tell you."

The flame red carp looked indifferent and said, "I'm just a passerby in your life. If you have free time in the future, you can come and play with me."

"I will also sweep the bed and greet you, waiting for your blessing."

"If you don't have time, I won't care. This life will be over."

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