Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 272: Chang'an village, girl new lotus

Mo Ying had touched the hideous guy more than once, and she was still quite scared.

Yan Chengfeng smiled and said, "Forget it, I'm afraid of making your stomach bigger, so just sleep!"

Mo Ying did not speak, and followed Yan Chengfeng to bed to rest.

That night, Yan Chengfeng slept very early, and he didn't even know that Guan Aoxue and Yu Luo went to bed to rest.

The next morning, Moying and Yuluo left early, and did not wake up Yan Chengfeng.


After Yan Chengfeng woke up, he didn't see Moying and Yuluo, and he didn't care, knowing that the two had left.

Guan Aoxue was meditating cross-legged, and Yan Chengfeng felt his head dizzy, and continued to fall back to sleep.

Showers and early clear, hit Xinhe.

The scenery of Chang'an is the most abundant, but it is also the dead bones.


The name is really beautiful and imaginative.

In the hearts of all living beings, perhaps the kingdom of heaven is really like an eternal kingdom, with no death, no oppression, no war, no discrimination, and nothing.

All the birthdays are born, the sunset is dead, and the life is comfortable and natural.

However, the kingdom of heaven is different from many places. In the capital of the kingdom of heaven, it is still a bustling scene.

But in some remote and frontier places, the people are already struggling to live, and there are piles of dead bones.

Whether it was a natural or man-made disaster, or something else, no one can know the reason.

It really answers that sentence, prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer.

The system of the kingdom of heaven is different from other kingdoms.

Many spar, ores, and resource mining in the kingdom of heaven depend on ordinary people who have no cultivation.

Some people may ask, if the monks go to mine, the efficiency will definitely be greatly improved.

It is true that the monks take the initiative to mine, which can greatly improve the efficiency.

It's just that the monks in the kingdom of heaven set pictures for enjoyment. These people advocate that they are happy in time. They are not like the creatures in other places. They are willing to give a word and work hard to pursue, eternity, longevity, and reincarnation.

Life is a lifetime, grass and trees are autumn.

In this life, everyone wants to live happily and live a luxurious life, with real clothes to stretch out their hands and meals to open their mouths.

Yuluo and Moying are such people. Although they do not advocate the idea of ​​having fun in a timely manner, they have never endured hardship since they were young.

Therefore, when they stayed with Yan Chengfeng and drifted at sea, they would get sick and have a high fever.

They can't eat a bit of bitterness, and have been pampered since childhood.

There is another word to describe the people's livelihood in the kingdom of heaven, that is, the wine and meat of Zhumen stink, and the road has frozen bones.

This sentence is really well reflected in the kingdom of heaven.


It used to be a prosperous town, and it has been happy for a long time, but recently it has become unhappy.

Chang'an City, in a small remote village.


There are dozens of families living here, large and small, with two or three hundred people.

However, recently, a strange disease has appeared in this village.

That is, no matter people or animals, they all die inexplicably.

The crops were not harvested either, and the villagers were dying of starvation.

These villagers are not cultivated, and they usually mine ores, go to Chang'an City to exchange for spirit stones, and then buy clothes and supplies.

"Burn her to death."

"Burn her to death."

"Burn her to death..."

At noon, the villagers gathered in an open area. There was a pile of firewood, and a girl was hidden on the firewood.

The girl is only five or six years old, and she looks beautiful and cute.

The girl's name is Xinhe.

Xin He didn't know when he came to this village. In this village, the eldest is the village chief. He is now one hundred and fifty years old.

From the time he remembered the incident, he had seen Xinhe. At that time, Xinhe had already come to live in this village.

However, more than a hundred years later, Xinhe still looks like a little girl.

She is still five or six years old, this is simply a monster-like existence.

In fact, Xinhe has not changed except for her appearance, she is really no different from a little girl.

Innocent, kind, and active.

However, the villagers did not like her very much.

In the eyes of the villagers, Xinhe is an outlier.

Discrimination is the commonality of all living beings and all races.

Everyone is the same, they discriminate against those who are different from them, and those who will be different from them are regarded as aliens and scourges.

This village, in broad daylight, is full of fire, making outsiders very puzzled.

"Burn her to death."

The villagers were outraged and began to throw torches on the firewood. The firewood was burning brightly, but soon, light rain fell from the sky.

This rain was very strange, only the place where the fire was raining was raining, and the rest of the place was still a thunderbolt.

The flames were extinguished, and Xinhe did not suffer any damage.


"She's a monster."

"Burn her to death."

"Never let her live..."

The villagers were very excited, and their hearts were full of anger. They tried various methods, but failed to kill Xinhe.

This was unbearable for them, and their anger was unquenchable.

At this time, Yan Chengfeng came.

Yan Chengfeng was dressed in a black shirt and had a black robe outside. He had been here for a long time.

Looking at all this indifferently, at this moment, he finally decided to stand up.

"Why do you want to kill her, I don't quite understand."

Although Yan Chengfeng observed in the dark for a long time, he felt that Xinhe was just an ordinary little girl.

However, this little girl was really different.

At least, God did not abandon her.

Maybe everyone wants her to die.

But God saved her time and time again.

"This girl is a monster, do you know? She has lived for a long time, and her appearance has not changed. Isn't this a monster?"

The village chief roared angrily, and his body, which was on crutches, trembled non-stop.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent, and said: "You don't want to confuse the crowd, a group of ignorant mortals."

"How can there be so many monsters in this world, all of this is just a matter of people's minds."

"She's not a monster, but her growth period is much longer than your group of mortals."

"I took her away, do you have anything to say?"

"You can't take her away."

The villagers were furious and roared in anger.

They would never let Yan Chengfeng take Xinhe away.

Xinhe is related to their safety, and they must not let Yan Chengfeng get his wish.

"If you take her away, we will all die..."

The villagers were furious and quickly surrounded the place, their eyes splitting.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "A group of selfish people, what does your life and death have to do with me?"

He released Xinhe from the firewood and wanted to take Xinhe directly.

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