Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 261: Taking care of two people, terminally ill

Yan Chengfeng got up and walked to the two of them, reaching out and touching their foreheads.

"It's so hot, it's a high fever."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, even cultivators get sick, and cultivators practice desperately, nothing more than to get rid of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Moying and Yuluo have been hungry for a long time, their physical resistance has weakened, and it is normal for them to get sick when they encounter the hot and cold weather at sea.

Yan Chengfeng carried the two of them into the cabin, found a few quilts, and put them over the two of them.

The bodies of Moying and Yuluo were shaking, and their situation was very bad.

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid something will really happen."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, he began to search everywhere in the cabin, and finally found an iron basin, which he placed on the deck outside.

The sky had already started to drizzle lightly, and thunder roared from time to time.

Taking advantage of this time, Yan Chengfeng took out some unnecessary cabinets from the cabin and turned them into firewood.

It is very dangerous to start a fire in the cabin.

He searched around and finally found another iron pot. He put the firewood in the iron pot and set it on fire.

After setting up the fire, Yan Chengfeng brought in the iron basin outside, which was already filled with two-thirds of the rainwater.

After making a stand on the iron pot, he immediately placed the iron basin on it. He looked at a relatively sharp knife next to him, and finally gritted his teeth...

An hour later, the water had already boiled, and a refreshing fragrance hit, Yan Chengfeng couldn't help swallowing saliva.

He was a little hungry.

However, he didn't think much of it.

Several hours later, Yan Chengfeng took down the iron basin and fed the broth to Moying and Yuluo little by little.

After feeding the two, Yan Chengfeng stayed beside the bed and continued to meditate cross-legged, meditating.

After Moying and Yuluo drank the broth, the situation began to improve, and they no longer had a high fever.

Early the next morning, Yan Chengfeng woke up leisurely.

He did the same, got the broth out, and fed it to Moying and Yuluo to drink.

"Yan Chengfeng, why does this soup feel a little strange?"

Mo Ying's willow eyebrows frowned slightly, and she asked suspiciously, "Where did you get the meat from?"

She labored to open her eyes and saw the meat slices in the iron pot. Her heart was full of doubts, and she didn't know where Yan Chengfeng got the meat.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "I'm lucky. When it rained last night, lightning struck an eagle to death. After I get it done, I'll make the soup for you to drink."

"Hurry up and eat! You two ladies can't eat at all. If you don't have me, you will starve to death."

"I want you to take care of it."

Moying and Yuluo said a word, and they didn't bother to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng, and continued to drink the broth.

"Don't just feed it to us! You also eat more."

Yu Luo said worriedly: "Look at your face, it's not as white as a normal person, there is no blood at all."

Yan Chengfeng said calmly, "I've already eaten it, my face is pale, maybe it's because of my deficiency!"

Moying and Yuluo didn't doubt either, they drank the broth quietly, and after they drank the broth, they went back to sleep.

Yan Chengfeng continued to meditate cross-legged, and minutes passed by.

Time really flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

This ship has been floating on the sea for a long time.

Moying and Yuluo are still very weak, and their illness has not yet healed, even with Yan Chengfeng's careful care, it will not help.

"Yan Chengfeng, tell me honestly, where did you get that meat?"

Mo Ying and Yu Luo were lying weakly on the bed, their hearts were full of curiosity.

In addition to curiosity, is full of doubt.

Yan Chengfeng's body seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and he was panting heavily when he walked a few steps.

"I found it outside."

Yan Chengfeng was calm and said with a smile: "You all lie down for a while, I will go outside to see if there is anything to eat."

Yuluo and Moying didn't say any more and fell asleep quietly.

Yan Chengfeng walked out of the cabin and came to the deck. As usual, he started to boil the meat after he made the sliced ​​meat.

It's just that he couldn't hold on before he prepared the firewood, and said softly, "Am I going to be buried here?"

He tried his best to pursue the supreme secret, but in the end he got a mournful ending.

He was not reconciled.

But there is nothing to be done.

He felt his eyelids were heavy, he wanted to sleep, but he couldn't wake up.


Yan Chengfeng fell on the deck, he fell asleep, and his body was very weak.

Time flies by like a white horse.

three days later.

A starship is approaching from the sea.

There were two women standing on the starship.

One person is wearing a pink long dress, and the robe is fluttering, like an exiled fairy in the sky.

Her face is extremely beautiful, her figure is exquisite and exquisite, and her eyes are as dazzling as a galaxy.

This woman's name is Beitang Yin, and the woman beside her is her maid, Liuli.

Liuli is also very beautiful, a beautiful woman.

"Miss, there's a broken ship over there."

Liu Li's eyes fell on the broken boat, and she said solemnly: "There seems to be another person on the boat."

Beitang Yin frowned slightly and said, "Go and take a look."

The two did not delay, and came to the deck in an instant.

Yan Chengfeng on the deck didn't look like a person at all.

Liuli walked closer, tested Yan Chengfeng's pulse, and said, "Miss, his pulse is very weak, and he may die at any time."

Beitangyin didn't hear Liuli's words, he just said suspiciously: "What is in that iron basin, it smells so bad!"

It's been a while, and the pieces of meat have started to rot.

Liuli stepped forward and looked at it, and said, "This is human flesh, and the taste can't be wrong, it's this thing."

Although she has never eaten it, she has seen many people eat those human flesh.

Especially in Wanzu Dojo, such a scene can be seen everywhere.

"Human flesh."

Beitangyin's pupils shrank slightly, and she was a little unhappy.

Because what she hates most is this kind of person.

Liuli walked to Yan Chengfeng's side, took off Yan Chengfeng's clothes, and caught sight of a **** scene.


Liu Li's cherry lips parted slightly, she couldn't believe it, this was obviously her own death!

Injuring the enemy one thousand and oneself injuring eight hundred.

She sniffed at Yan Chengfeng's lips, but did not smell the breath of human flesh.


At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the cabin.

The expressions of Liuli and Beitangyin changed, and Liuli said solemnly, "There are other people in this cabin, I'll go in and take a look."

Liuli did not delay, and immediately entered the cabin. In the cabin, only Moying and Yuluo were seen.

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