Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 259: Embrace and flirt with beautiful women

Moying walked to the edge of the island, the sea breeze was blowing, and her heart was full of sorrow.

Yan Chengfeng was next to Yuluo, groping with her palm, Yuluo did not resist, and enjoyed Yan Chengfeng's caress.

However, she would not let Yan Chengfeng touch the bottom.

The night passed, and the dawn passed through the clouds and fell on the sea.

After Yan Chengfeng packed up, he looked at the boundless coast, ready to get a bamboo raft and leave this ghost place.

"Yu Luo, why don't you resist!"

Mo Ying's expression was indifferent and said, "Don't you still understand this guy's mind?"

"He is just greedy for your body. If you leave here, everyone will be in different places, and he will not remember who you are."

Yu Luo looked calm and said calmly: "He doesn't look like that kind of person, at least he has a backbone."

"If he has no backbone, he will not lose his godhead."

"What about Emperor Yun?"

Moying's eyes were deep, and she said leisurely: "Although Emperor Yun is not a good thing, at least he is many times stronger than Yan Chengfeng."

"Yan Chengfeng is very nasty. He took advantage of you last night, and then came to take advantage of me."

Yu Luo didn't say anything, just looked into the distance quietly.

After a while, she muttered to herself: "Perhaps, he can revive the Tidal Nation. If my clansmen can wake up, I am willing to give everything."


Mo Ying's eyebrows frowned, she really couldn't agree with Yu Luo's idea.

Yuluo glanced at Moying and said, "You can also use his power! Anyway, you don't need to use it for nothing."

"Emperor Yun is just a **** in someone else's hands, and he is not very useful."

"But Yan Chengfeng is different. He can do many things that Emperor Yun cannot do."

Mo Ying didn't speak, and some things couldn't be explained clearly in a few words.

She looked at Yan Chengfeng, who was making a bamboo raft. The guy was wearing a black shirt and long hair and a jade crown. He looked like a beast.

"It's handsome when you're serious, but it's also pretty nasty."

Mo Ying scolded angrily, if Yan Chengfeng was sincere, then his little fans must be many.

"Are you making a bamboo raft to leave this place?"

Mo Ying stepped forward and asked. She looked at the boundless sea and said, "Where is the end of this boundless sea?"

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said, "In this world, except that I love you without end, everything has an end."



Moying glared at Yan Chengfeng, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she didn't want to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

This guy Yan Chengfeng is not a serious person at first glance.

Yan Chengfeng made the bamboo raft and said, "It's time for us to leave."

Moying and Yuluo also had no choice. At this moment, they could only leave with Yan Chengfeng.

On the bamboo raft, the three of them stood tall.

The sea breeze was blowing, but Yan Chengfeng's thoughts were only on the two beauties.

"My hands are itchy."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were burning, staring at Yuluo and Moying.

After what happened last night, Yuluo and Moying naturally knew exactly what Yan Chengfeng was referring to.

Mo Ying looked indifferent and said, "If you want to be a cripple, you can touch it anytime."

"However, you should think about it in the end. After all, I'm not serious or serious. If I hurt you, it will be difficult."

Mo Ying is not a fool. After Yan Chengfeng gets it, she will definitely not cherish it.

Yu Luo also shook her head and said, "I have the same attitude as Mo Ying, you are too frivolous."

Yan Chengfeng didn't say much, just sat cross-legged on the bamboo raft, looking at the boundless sea in contemplation.

"Yan Chengfeng, it seems that there are quite a few people targeting you this time."

Yu Luo stayed by Yan Chengfeng's side and asked suspiciously, "Why are those people targeting you?"

Yan Chengfeng hooked his lips into a smile, stretched out his hand to wrap Yuluo's slender waist, and took it into his arms.

Yuluo wanted to struggle, but Yan Chengfeng immediately said, "If you want to know the answer, you must know how to give."


Yuluo glared at Yan Chengfeng and said coquettishly, "Yan Chengfeng, do you have no feelings and don't like people."

Yan Chengfeng said calmly, "Everyone has feelings, but everyone cares about it differently."

"I also care about you and Mo Ying. Maybe you think I'm telling lies, but after you get to know me, you'll understand."

"I have a quirk, and that's what I like, and I want to possess whatever it is."

"Of course, sometimes they will indulge at will, such as Mu Wanqing, Yanhong Carp and the like, don't play for nothing, don't you think?"

"To you asshole."

Yuluo stretched out her index finger, touched Yan Chengfeng's forehead, and complained, "You are a pervert, otherwise, why would you be messing around everywhere."

"Yan Chengfeng, can you promise me and Mo Ying not to worry so much in the future."


Yan Chengfeng's eyes fell on Mo Ying, and she said with a smile, "Does Mo Ying think the same way?"

Mo Ying's willow eyebrows frowned slightly and said, "It doesn't matter what I think."

"But can you keep your promise? I'm just afraid that after you lied to my body and mind, you abandoned me again."

"The words of your men are the most unbelievable, especially before the negative distance contact, you all say good things."

"When you get it, throw it away."

"Back then, before my father got my mother, he made all kinds of oaths. What happened? It's not that he abandoned my mother."

"It caused my mother to be unhappy, and she died of depression. I hate you guys like you the most."

"Especially you. Your eyes are too explicit. If you tell me clearly, you will be greedy for my body."

Yan Chengfeng did not expect that Mo Ying's life experience was quite miserable.

"Although men are very diligent, I am different."

Yan Chengfeng stretched out his arms to embrace Moying and Yuluo's slender waists, hugged the two of them in his arms, and said, "I'm just passionate, but not promiscuous."

"I just want to keep a city and love a person, but whoever made you born excellent, I want them all!"


Yu Luo and Mo Ying were speechless for a while, and they didn't want to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

"So many excuses."

The two complained in unison, not believing Yan Chengfeng's nonsense at all.

"If it's wrong to meet you, then I don't want to be right. If I'm with you, I'll have nothing, so let me have nothing!"

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he said sincerely: "As long as I can be with you, I am willing to carry all the sins of the world and move forward, even if I will die in the next second."


Mo Ying and Yu Luo's faces were slightly gloomy, and they said indifferently: "I swear, I swear, don't mention death, we don't believe you anyway."

Although they said they didn't believe it, their hearts were very sweet. From Yan Chengfeng's eyes, they saw sincerity and a different look.

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